Friday, April 30, 2004

Christopher says...

Ok Camping is upon us and just a few last things.

Someone needs to bring a whack load of cash to pay for stuff.
Also we are going to the laudromat half way through so you dont need that much gear.

We need a used pot. My family threw out the old ones but they bought a new set but with metallic handles so they cant be used over the fire. If anyone has any old pots they are willing to use/throw away please bring them. We are looking for a big pot with a wooden handle and a cover.

If not I'll try to get Li Kai to stop by a used place to pick up some stuff.

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Christopher says...

Gordon! You should go! We hardly get the chance to see you~! And he does look rather smashing in that black suit ensemble with a white tie.

Its not too big a problem that you don't have a ticket, as Michelle said, the UCS has 6 extra tickets and I'll be sure to get one reserved.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Gordon says...

just want to say...!!!!!!!!! it took TEN days for me to finally feel like it's summer....I'm well rested, well fed with wine gums, well exercised....this is the life...!!! and camping....YEAH!!!!

Oh yeah...THANKS alot joanne for planning and organizing alll this camping stuff even though you're sick....GET WELL SOON!!! and do NOT buy me any food!!!!!!!!!

And since I don't have a ticket for the BPP thing....i don't know if I can if I don't..have an AWESOME TIME and see ya'll Friday mornin

Christopher says...

As you may well know, the Year End Fiesta~! is happening tomorrow. I'm just wondering if everyone has their ticket already. (Vivienne I have your ticket) Anyhow I'll see you all tomorrow.

Boo both the Leafs and Avalanche staved off death/near death today. Ah well there is always next time.

Peter says...


Peter says...

VERY VERY SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joanne says...

EVERYBODY READ MY LATEST MASS EMAIL. I know it's long, but DON'T DELETE IT - IT'S IMPORTANT. If you don't bother to skim over it, I can assure you that you'll be VERY VERY SORRY.

Peter says...


IT'S SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAW


Tim says...

Haha awesome!! Shopping for supplies today was sooooo much fun!! Got a new sleeping bag and bag.....($$$$ 0.o) but as I put it, the bag fits like a new ass of nobody better take advantage of it otherwise I'll kill them. Mwahaha.....

vivienne says...

Packing....:( I hate packing.....

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Leaky Wang!!!! says...

Damn! Cindy's got her mentality set in the right direction! Bravo!

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

just for the sake of arguing...

whats wrong with making babies in broad daylight?
when u gotta do it u gotta do it!
who's got time for candles music dimming light?


Tim says...

WOW...Poker night....sounds like so much fun!!! Unfortunately, don't have time to do it 'one night' before the trip because we have our bpp grad that day remember? One night after the trip maybe....we'll see we'll see. 1:30 more hours to go!!! All of a sudden I'm getting the if I feel like I haven't prepped enough. Hmmm....oh well...hopefully I remember everything going in! Crap, still have to figure out how much everyone owes me for Vivienne's gift...looks like Pat gets off easy hehe...argh, so much on my little time to do everything!!!

Peter: I have only one thing to say to you...."WAAAAH!!!!"

Gordon says...

Joanne, Li kai and Peter: Dido Pete, candles...and a touch of music... nothing beats that!

Tim: only 2.5 hours to go!!! GOOD LUCK DUDE!

All guys: Hey, how does having a poker night sound at my place one night before or after the camping trip?

Peter says...

TIM: Good Luck man, your gonna do just fine... the pain will end soon :)

Peter says...

Joanne and Li Kai: personally, i prefer candles

Joanne: No, i still haven't watched it yet. Do you think we'll have time this week? Lemme know, cuz i HAVE to see that movie :p before it goes outta theaters.

Tim says...

Awesome! I just woke up and I can't think properly.....let's see....6 hrs. to my exam...and only 9 hrs. till the end. It's staring me in the eye!....but my eyes are shut....damn...hmm...oh will work :)

Joanne says...

Kylie: Well, flourescent lighting is just too austere, which is why the dark is good. Dim lighting is good too, but it can't hide any potentially repulsive deformities, such as strange birth marks or a third nipple which discovery will prematurely terminate the baby-making process anyway.

Joanne says...

Peter: When did u want to watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? ...or did you watch it already?

Joanne says...

Aaaaaagggghhhhh Pat! I forgot to give you the money yesterday!!!!!!!!

Gary says...

Good luck in Calgary Pat.

Gordon says...

Later Pat. Bring presents :)

Monday, April 26, 2004

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

go Tim go!

Gordon says...

NO worries tim, we're all here cheering you on!! All the fun will star when you no worries :)

Tim says...

Hmm, I think by now, Joanne is done her exam and is now frolicking happily in the mall. Which leaves me as the last person within the group to have an exam while everyone else does whatever they damn well please. Which means that Peter is out by the Beach, Karen has a dentist appointment, Vivienne is worrying about axe murderers/rapists getting us during camping, and Gordon and Leo are getting it on. I'm sure the rest of you that I didn't mention are enjoying their summer as much as the aforementioned ppl. Gwah, statistics is soooo boring! I want to go shopping...:(

Leaky Wang!!!! says... response to your last comment Joanne..lets see...well, sex in the dark could be interesting...the darkness can cover up crazy blushing from both sides and or potential "awkward" discoveries made (ie. hey, what's this? a piece of flab! hey, WHAT'S THIS? A piece of flab that's not supposed to be flabby! !^@#$@&$!!!!)- thereby saving both parties from embarassment. But hey, sometimes making babies (guess some people'll be doin that plenty a times this coming camping trip if it ever tarts raining...just make sure you clean up! Ahaha...inside joke from last trip) is more of a mutual turn on when people can see each other in the act of "doing it" (in Christpoher Walken's voice ala "The Continental")...haha...But seriously, this just really comes down to individual/couple which case, I'd say that turning down the lighting to a dimmer setting is much more romantic than complete and utter darkness. There's a coupla more points that sprang to mind...BUT I can't seem to recall them at this point...and am way too lazy to sit around contemplating the myriad possibilites relating to the aesthetics of human sexuality.

Karen says...

Cindy: thanks and kudos for organizing pat's thing tomorrow. =P

Chris: do you have my ticket for the bpp thing? the exam season is all a big blur now and i'm hoping i didn't lose it...=[ cuz i really don't recall ever seeing it...

Peter: don't we all wish we had a beach and trails in our backyard? =( so jealous...too bad ubc's soooo far but i have a date with my dentist tomorrow afternoon...wish i had a more exciting excuse for ya...

Everybody else: did you know...that a shrimp's heart is in its head?! (just because it's late and i'm a fan of trivial information. =P)


Sunday, April 25, 2004

Gordon says...

who's kylie??

Joanne says...

Gordon: Be prepared to hear a phone call from me in Burnaby tomorrow 8).

Joanne says...

Kylie: Why wouldn't you have sex in the dark? It's like more mysterious! Isn't that part of the fun? It's like, "what's this? oh, a piece of flab. WHAT'S THIS? Oh, another piece of flab."

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

sorry pammy gal, u're all attractive and all...but i'm already booked :(

haf fun at the beach :) let me know if u find any hot guys...

Peter says...

Just saw the weather report... it's gonna be 23 degrees out there. you ppl better have really really really good excuses if ur not coming to the beach tomorrow...

play some ultimate, munch on some snacks, lay back in the sun (or shade) and enjoy the beauty of it all... anyone? huh? huh?

Gordon says...

Hey, I'll be heading from Burnaby to the restaurant, so if you need a ride there, give me a call on my cell (604-833-2791). Then I'll help peter out in driving the people in the UBC direction home since the buses stop at 12.

Leaky Wang!!!! says...

whoa whoa whoa, hold on a sec here. Joanne, people usually have sex in the dark? Man, how fun and intimate is that?!?!?! You can't even see your partner!

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...


I will be phoning everyone in a few minutes to let you know exactly what is happening, so if you've received my call you can ignore this messege.

Bottom Line:

We will be meeting up at Congee Noodles House, at the cross section between Broadway and Main. The reservation is for 15 people, under the name Cindy Lee, at 11:40pm.

Rides and Buses:

People from UBC: Patrick, Peter, Gordon (?), Gary, Ben, Jason, Becca
You guys will have to either get a hold of Peter and arrange a ride from him to the restaurant OR
Take #99 bus and get off at Broadway and Main. The buses come 11:16, 11:28, 11:40, 11:52 (etc; go to if you want to see other bus schedules).

People from elsewhere: Joyce, Karen, Li kai, Leo, Joanne, Chris, and Cindy
Chris will be the only person available to drive so if you are nearby and could use a ride, please get a hold of Chris OR
Take buses that will take you to Main and Broadway. Broadway expressline #99, Broadway bus #9, or Main bus #3. Go to for bus schedules OR
Arrange your rides some other way.

Going Home:

Buses stop running to UBC at 12am so we will have to figure out how to get the UBC people back.
Other buses run as late as 1:30am so we'll see how late we get. The restaurant closes at 1am so don't worry about staying out too late--we won't be.

My apologies to everyone. I wasn't able to come up with a better plan than this so please just make it out to the event via bus or whatever and we'll see how to to get everyone back home safe and sound once we have assembled everyone. Thanks for your understanding.

Joanne says...

ischial tuberosity...crushing...sciatic nerve...

Bah, human anatomy sucks. Why can't we just be amorphous blobs? We might look less pretty, but people usually have sex in the dark anyway.

Peter says...


Looks like this gonna be a sweet day tomorrow. Anyone wanna spend it enjoying the sunshine at spanish banks? Just a thought.... please post comments ASAP.


Tim says...

Hmmm, now that everyone is off from school (well..almost everyone), I would've expected everyone to have a lot more free time to post useless comments and stuff like that. Since noone is posting I'm gonna have to assume that everyone has a life and actually HAS something to do today? It's good to know :)

Joanne says...

Muahahaha. I went home and ACTUALLY studied! I finished ALL of the assigned textbook readings last night! SHOWED YOU GUYS WRONG!

Actually, this is more directed towards Stephen, but he's not even on this

Ah, there's also this Congee Noodle place near Cambie and King Edward...really popular with clubbers late night... Anywhere we can go for bubble tea????

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

i'll be harrassing people about rides again
that is actually the main reason i couldn't really start arranging...

i need people to drive!
i'll be calling people tonight (the potential drivers that is) and see if anyone has changed their mind
please try to help me out...i especially need rides FROM UBC (1 more car)

thanks ^__________________^ (is this smile big and bright enough to melt your heart and help me out?)

Christopher says...

Yeah that place. I think its called Wing Wah in chinese if my garbled chinese understanding is anywhere near correct. I never pay too much attention to the names of chinese restaurants. As long as they don't have the word dragon or lucky in them, I'm ok.

Gary says...

Main and Broadway?

Chris, do you mean the place with the green thing on top of it? I think in English its called Congee Noodle House?

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

wait a minute chris, some people are not done

so to those who are still writing exams (joanne, tim...anyone else?)....HANG IN THERE!

Christopher says...


Just a reminder that Patrick's Siu Yeh will be on the 26th, late at night. We will be eating at a chinese place near Main and Broadway (so people can easily get back home and such). I'm not sure how many of you guys want to meet up earlier but from all the calling that Cindy has done, it appears noone is terribly interested in dinner.

Also does everyone have Grad Dinner Dance tickets yet? Also I was thinking about buying some wine to bring there so we don't have to pay outrageous bar prices for some sweet goodness. Anyone else interested? Plus we need to try out some of the Sumac Ridge wines before we go camping!

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Gordon says...

Whoa Chris, a little UNrested from all those exams eh? Pranks there shall be....but don't forget who will be more rested by then....!!

Gary says...

And so the countdown begins.

Joanne says...

Frick. This is the first game where Joe Sakic didn't get a point. The world is coming to an end!!! AAaaaaaAAAaaaaggghhhh. My BIOL 335 mark is coming to an end!!!! AAAaaaaAAAAaaaaggggHHHH.

GREAT...Kiprusoff picks NOW to start tanking.

Christopher says...

Muahahha go Detroit! Their powerplay is starting to click! 9 points today!

NOOOOO stupid nhl took away another point. Bah ah well 8 ain't half bad.

Joanne says...

Welcome to the University of Stalking, Cindy! First lesson: maximizing our resources. Now, I heard that the med students actually don't spend that much time on campus, and they tend to assemble in this place near VGH for learning and socializing purposes. Actually, it's best if we confirm this piece of information with Gordon and Chris since they attended that med school orientation. Let me remind you guys that Karen's Co-op job is within the vicinity of Vancouver General Hospital...anybody catching my drift?

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

I just want to thank everybody, god/buddha/nobody-depending on your personal opinion, my boyfriend Christopher Ng, my family-mom, dad, Jack, and Tony, my friends Karen, Joyce, Joanne, Vivienne, Pamela, and all the others I did not mention-you know who you are! and my dream crush, Mr. Philip Miller, who inspired me into taking up stalking as a career, and most importantly, my FANS! *screams* I love you too! for this wonderful University of Stalking Entrance Scholarship. This is just the beginning, and I will strive to outperform all the other stalkers in the world and so once again, thank you! MUAH! *voice breaking down* *runs off the stage*

author's note:
the speech was inspired by ms. pamela li

Leaky Wang!!!! says...

Whoa, Chris, what vengeance? If there's a blood feud, let me in! I'm always a man for hire! ANd seriously, what the hell is going on with people rubbing what in? Come camping trip, you can just buy me with trail mixes.

Tim says...

Hmmm, I have no grudges against Joyce, Gordon or Vivienne and since I finish last that must mean I have to play pranks on all of you guys. However, if there's ONE PERSON I'm gonna get's Leo....hehehe...just like last year ;-)

Christopher says...

You guys do know that while you guys can rub it in now, come the camping trip, you guys should watch your backs. We will gain vengeance! (Thru blood feuds or pranks, either or, pending laziness.)

Joanne says...

Ditto on Joyce. GOOD JOB, CINDY!!! WOW, now Cindy has joined our stalking club! We're getting quite good at this stalking business, eh? We should like, become secret agents...with killer outfits and to-die-for Jimmy Choo's.... And we can charge our clients ridiculous amounts of money so we can afford to purchase those Jimmy Choo's...

Joyce says...

summer ultimate guys!!!
this is the yahoo! group Hiu Wah set up for the team. join the group and post ur messages ~~
Also, if you have registered and sign the waiver, you can log in to the page.
Once you sign in, go to Team, scroll down to Wednesday PM, our team's in Wednesday V. Click on the link can get you to our team page; THEN, click on "set my team page" to set it as ur team page and some links will appeak on the right pannel under ur log-in information. With the team page, you can check the game schedule, location and status. There's also a team message board for communication.

mwahaha.. viv, i'm done like... 3 days ago....
Good luck with you biol 335 people!!!

Cindy: GOOD JOB!!!!!

We should go clubbing some time. I have this v. cute skirt from Tommy Hilfiger kids (only 1 tax!!!) needed to be taken out to the real words. (aiya.. Joyce's ditzyness index is rising...and rising...)

Friday, April 23, 2004

vivienne says...

hahah...I'm done! I'm done!!!! No more exams....mwhahahahahaahah!!!!!!!!!!!
Gotta rub it in before you guys are all done tomorrow.. LOL
Good luck for those of you with Biol 335 tomorrow! No worries! Breathe, breathe!

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

saw a ultimate team name
"how do you throw this thing"

med team Discogenic guy wearing #9 is named Philip Y. Miller
his email address pymiller@interchange (from the site...i'm NOT stalking!)

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

Hiu-Wah Li []

Joanne says...

Anybody: What's Hiu's email address? And Joyce, if you haven't called him already, please tell him to add me to the team - I already signed the waiver.

Joyce says...

Peter: you need to sign the online waiver for hiu wah to add you to the team!!!
I think hui wah has ur e-mail... cuz i saw ur address in the recepients... hmmm...
sign the online waiver and i'll phone hiu waht to add you to the team

Gordon says...

Hey Joanne, I sent you two emails regarding the ultimate thing. Um...apparently, you aren't on that email list...maybe you should email Hiu and tell him to add you =) good luck tomorrow!!

Joanne says...

Gordon: if you can send that email to me earlier, that'd be great 8) Because I can't seem to find it in my inbox anywhere, and I don't delete emails...

Joanne says...

Ah, so sorry, my mistake for getting ahead of myself on both matters. I'll shut up now and get back to studying 8P.

Gordon says...

Joanne/Peter, the reason why you may not be on the list for ultimate or you may not be receiving any information from Hiu is because you did NOT fill out the waiver that Hiu sent you guys earlier. I think I still have that email if you need it.

As for the InStyle magazine...I was in Save Ons the other day...and SHAPE... you see....that word says it all. Screw fashion...then again...I haven't looked in InStyle I don't know the details. Haha..actually, I just saw the cover of SHAPE... but what a cover that was ;) Does anyone know what I'm talking about??

Christopher says...

Vivienne's Bday is most likely going to be moved to Friday the 7th. Its just more convenient for most people and it allows us to stay out a bit later because the next day isn't a work day.

It was my understanding that we were going out for chinese Siu Yeh, not going out for tapas or anything. Plus its much too large a group to be doing that.

In regards to Roberts' point, it was taken away by the NHL after review. I lost an assist from Lidstrom in that manner. is the final source for assigning points as they are the official site. doesn't correct their scores or anything.

Joanne says... and and all have conflicting info...

Joanne says...

Hey hey, don't mean to sound like I'm complaining a lot...

But how come Gary Roberts doesn't get a point for making a goal last night?

Joanne says...

Do I get emails regarding these games? Because I haven't heard a single thing from Hiu. Does it involve the Yahoo! Groups thing somehow? Because I don't know how to use it...waaah (yah, all other aspects of my brain shut down to save electric potentials during exam season). Like, the only thing I know about this team is that it's named Summer Neutrinos? Plus, does this interfere with Vivienne's birthday plans????

Another thing, I can't believe Peter actually knows the contents of an InStyle magazine! But I do agree, that magazine rocks 8).

Back to Pat's thing: Cindy: Sorry, I didn't mean to offer you more stress! I was just afraid that we might go out for Tapas..and that always ends up being $20+ for a semi-decent full feeling...but $15 is fine. I DO like Memphis Blues though..but I don't think they're available for late night dining? As an aside, I thought it would be nice if Pat can get his last bbtea with us that night 8P.

Peter says...

and by the way,


be warned that we have a game upcoming on May 5... at 6:00PM and 7:30 PM... as that will likely be our schedule EVERY wednesday on

Peter says...

hey joyce... how come i'm not on the list for the summer ultimate team? should i talk to hiu?

Tim says...

Haha Cindy your so sweet

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

i am sure what chris means is:
he is aware of the fact that price is a concern for many people so he will be suggesting a cheap (compared to other restaurants) place for us to sih-yeh
but please be understanding that it is really hard to find a descent place that is the same price as food-court price
plus with pat's departure we need a better place to wish him well and stuff than a food court
so don't stress my honey-bunny out. or make his task hard...please?

Christopher says...

Seriously people, name a decent place where you can get a good dinner for under 10 dollars. Its simply reality that with inflation and all, a dinner is going to cost around 15 at a low end. Sure you can always eat at a food court or heavens forbid just at UBC, but whats the Point?! The whole point of eating out is to enjoy the company you are with, and surely a restaurant is more conducive to that, then having a grumpy cleaning lady shove your tray off your table in the food court. Also if you think about it, a filling meal at a food court is also very pricy, ending up to be 6-9 bucks if you want to be full. You guys must come to realize that while you may think you are saving 5-10 bucks off your dinner, you are actually just wasting your money. Sustenance without pleasure is like eatting dog sh$t, and I certainly hope your tastes don't deviate so much from mine that this sounds appetizing. You guys fail to realize there are many good high quality restaurants where you can easily get dinners for about 15 dollars. Different ethnicities provide cheaper repasts, good Indian food at great places like Vij's or Ahkbar's Own cost under 15 dollars for a dinner. If you are with a friend, you can go to Memphis Blues, where you can eat at the best meat based (beat out Gothams and Mortons) restaurant in the Lower Mainland for about 10 bucks. And if quantity is the order of the day, you can go for all you can eat sushi (dinner) and all you can eat hot pot for 16 dollars plus tax. There are also always specials on every week, so even great places offer reduced pricing on meals. The entertainment book provides a fantastic source for cheap meals. I've eaten at high class restaurants and only paid prices that would only begin to crack the cost of going to White Spot. So as you choke down that last meal in the sub cafeteria, just think. Can you really afford NOT to eat at a decent restaurant?

PS. Fiction isn't bad. Its a standard Americanized Tapas place with decent food and a good martini selection. A couple really good dishes like the Yam Fries and the Pizza with Duck and Star Anise. It's moderately expensive and when we went there it cost us 15 bucks. It depends on how hungry you are, as with all Tapas restaurants. The atmosphere is ok, somewhat jazzy but the cozy seating is always nice.

Karen says...

wahaha...tim you were right...i remembered dan cloutier's birthday wrong...*gasp* i am going insane...

*lol* and what have we done to peter?! ah well...the girl to guy ratio was always a bit low in this group anyway...

pam: you go girl! =P

Peter says...

For ur information, Cosmopolitan (or as i call it, "Cosmo") happens to be my favorite magazine... my second being InStyle... gotta love that one too... it's always so thick with ads... but ads aren't that bad and actually provide some good ideas for my wardrobe.

Love always,


Joyce says...

haven't blogged for a day!!!!

Fiction on Broadway... the yam fries with their special mayo ... yammy-yum

haha... As the BPP/UCS dinner thing is approaching, i'd like to save a few bucks (for a nice dress) and lose some pounds (to fit in and look good in the dress) by having salads from food court.

Oh, and i read Cosmopolitan for the very first time today.... that's one hilarious magazine... hahaha...I think the prettiest girl of our group, Pam, will enjoy reading it though.

lalala, gotta go to bed...

Joanne says...

Hmmm, was Chris referring to Fiction on West Broadway? Because that place looks semi-expensive...the exam period has made me cheap, I'm not used to spending money anymore, lol.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Gary says...

I decided to take a break from genetics to read the news just now...

Thats right, PETA is at it (again). I don't have anything against animal rights or vegetarians, but seriously, I don't endorse the actions of PETA one bit. These guys are insensitive, psychotic, coroprate terrorists. Before it was the "Unhappy Meals" they were giving out to little kids eating at McDonalds, calling shark attack victims as "deserving sinners" who had it coming anyways, and who could forget that they spend more money torching laboratories, rather than saving animals?

I feel like eating an entire cow after reading this article. (Actually, I AM kinda hungry.) :P

PETA should be ashamed of themselves.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

i've phoned everyone and besides Patrick (cuz he changed his number), i think I was on time if not early with my schedule :)

i'll be looking into details regarding to where to eat and how the rides are gonna be done, soon...but first i gotta talk on the phone w/ the Eat Expert (EE)...Mr. Christopher Ng!...and see if he has good places to suggest.

i'll keep y'all posted.

Karen says...

for your information, dan cloutier's birthday is actually on the 27th of april and he's turning 28 this year. =P

also, i'm screwed for genetics.

Tim says...

Hmm, apparently it's Dan Cloutier's birthday today.....
and Sakic CANNOT get a point before Forsberg!! It's just not right...WTH

Joanne says...

Frick. What the hell is Aebischer doing???

Tim says...

Btw that last post by Peter was mine...yet again

Peter says...

Hey Cindy, my cell is dead so chances are I'll either be at my house or Peter's (the latter most likely). Doing genetics is so much fun! Two days straight...nice...I think I'm starting to stink, so better go home tonight and come back tomorrow morning lol.

Gordon says...

Yo Cin, I'll be at the you can just ask peter and me at the same time... and it looks like tim and peter will be at it again....sooo maybe you'll save yourself two phone calls ;)

Joanne says...

Awesome! Thanks Gary 8). I'll try to convince them to sell me the entire bottle, lol.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

LOL and awwww Gary thanks for looking out for Chris and my time on the phone...

but don't you worry...I'll be calling him after i'm done calling you so you can rest assured he'll get more than 2 min from me....LOL

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

LOL no viv you're not in trouble

im just calling to see your schedule and what you prefer and get a general consensus what people want to do and are able to do


Gary says...

Gary says...

Oh and Joanne, I don't know where you can get a bottle of coffee brandy, but theres a place I went to with my friend, its called "Sweet Revenge Patisserie" and they have Venetian Coffee Brandy for $6.00. I personally didn't order it myself but my friend ordered it and she loved it.

This place is on approximately Main and 26th Street, across from Hawker's Delight......let me dig up a website for ya.

Gary says...

Hey Cindy,

You can prolly call me and I can ask Jason at the same yourself a call :)

Lol, shouldn't you put Chris at the last time slot? Chances are, you're NOT going to take only two minutes with him......;)

Joanne says...

Back to my favourite study break pasttime: online shopping! So I found my dream alcohol, the Louis XIII de Remy Martin Edition Spectaculaire. It seems a BIT pricey, so I'll settle for trying out a girlier (and I'm sure more affordable) RemyRed Red Berry Infusion.

I'm also trying to find a coffee brandy (Only 88 calories/1oz. serving! Imagine a Coffee Brandy Creme Brulee! *drool*) but according to the BC Liquore Store website, they don't carry any coffee brandy. Does anybody know where I can get some in Vancouver????

vivienne says...

Huh...what's the list of times about? Why is Cindy calling me? Am I in trouble...?....O.o;;;;

Christopher says...

Hrm Peter, how many computers were you thinking of supporting. Also many of us don't have wireless NIC cards, but I have a hub you can borrow. Also wouldn't it be very tight at your apartment? Ah wait that was Tim who said that. Boooo all the way out in Twassen (I can't even spell it, let alone drive there).

Peter says...

The one question that you WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO ASK...and you asked it Joanne...damn, I'm figured out...*shifty eyes*
Haha, yeah Peter likes to go to bed early...I found out last night so better call him first. Btw, 10:10...that's 10 min. after my just won't do.
Btw, noone said anything about going 3 days straight for a friggin LAN PARTy. I'm not that hardcore. I've never even held a LAN party before so it's just gonna be a day thing. We have an extra computer if you want to come. Should be fine, plus we need a backup for Peter 'cause he gets tired easily.

Joanne says...

I'll be out with my mom until 6ish or so (getting my dress! eeeeeeeee) so I can bus down to campus on my own. But if there isn't enough room over there, I can easily make my way down your house or chris's place. So no need to worry about me.

Thanks for taking on the arduous task of organizing this, Cindy 8).

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

okay forget it...i am not going to make the blog long and boring to read

so here is what i am going to do: i'll be calling everyone and take 2 minutes of your
1. check your name and time below (MEEHAHA)...
2. if you prefer, you could call me at 778-388-0936 at your own time like when you're taking a break from studying or something...I prefer this way too so I am not disrupting your studying (and i promise i will have pens and paper ready at ALL times to take down your valuable information)

Peter 10:00
Gordon 10:05
Tim 10:10
Li Kai 10:15
Leo 10:20
Chris 10:25
Joanne 10:30
Patrick 10:35
Karen 10:40
Joyce 10:45
Ben 10:50
Becca 10:55
Gary 11:00
Jason 11:05
Vivienne 9:55 (this has been changed cuz viv's got a little brother at home...probably can't call too late)

Joanne says...

Should I venture into asking why Tim was at Peter's place last night, and still is at Peter's place THIS MORNING? o.O

OOooooOOOoooh, thanks Cindy! I get out of my exam at 11:30pm, but I have an appointment with my Mommy. Pat gets off work at 11pm (he said something about having to cram all his shifts that day because of the exam period) so we're thinking of going down to Richmond and having a midnight snack at one of those crazy 24h Chinese Restaurants, or those crazy places that open until 2am. Bubble tea might be in the order that night.

So just make sure there's a car coming from campus to drive Pat and the rez people there. Everybody else can meet up at someone's house, i suppose?

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

okay i have another subject in mind

what is happening on the 26th?
Joanne gets off anatomy final exams (woohoo!) at 9:30 or 10pm ish, right?
And Pat gets off work at...?

what are we doing and who can drive?

don't worry about organizing something...i'll organize something! all of you go study hard! just let me know what everyone's schedule is like...

Joanne says...

Ehhhh, it's a pain in the ass to disconnect my computer because of the design of my desk, so I'm gonna have to pass. Plus, my friend told me about what his LANs are like, and it involves eight guys not showering for three days. Now, it's different when it's camping, because everybody is outdoors so the smell is dissipated, so to speak. However, this is INDOORS and I refuse to go on any longer lest I throw up. Also, he told me the guys usually resort to just eating instant noodles, or going out for Vietnamese noodles. There are so many things wrong with that last sentence that I don't even know where to begin.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says... come you didn't send yours to me? LOL and that is why my mailbox has been so empty...i'm not getting the pharmacology people's i never sent it to them though

Peter says...

Tim here again (yes I stayed the night lol)

After we come back from our camping trip, I'm thinking of holding a LAN PARTY for anybody interested at my house :). I'm on a wireless network and so far, Peter and Gordon are coming (they are bringing their own laptop). I also have two 'other' computers at home which we may be able to use for the LAN party but I'm not quite certain about the availability since they belong to my sister and my parents. SO! Bring your own laptops/computers! ANYONE INTERESTED?!!! We'll be playing first person-shooters, maybe RTS (Real Time Strategy). Any ideas as to what we can play? So far we have Medal of Honour lined up, possibly Red Alert, if we have any other first person shooters that would be awesome. SO MAKE SUGGESTIONS...haha, sweet this gives everyone an opportunity to come visit my house ;-)

Gordon says...

Hey guys, I'm sooo sorry about all the people mass emailing you guys about the "getting to know you" thing. i didn't know everyone just keep pressing reply all!...SORRY SORRY SORRY! (just to let you guys know, they are pharmacology people!..) And dun worry, I'm sure not everyone is going to reply to it.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Joanne says...

Whoa, Maggie the Monkey was only 25% right this round. So maybe she ISN'T the hockey god. No wonder the Canucks lost! I've been worshipping the wrong idol! Waaahhhh.

Yes, I really am trying to avoid genetics...

Joanne says...

Ah, tis alright. At least I didn't lose to say...Chris, hehe.

So Peter, now that you're the girliest chick in this group, you HAVE to try out my hand cream! I'm sure Tim will agree ;).

Gordon says...

Since no one wants to do anything on the 25th, I guess it's off... good luck on genetics 335 people!!

Peter says...

Ok, too lazy to sign out and sign in on my account (This is Tim btw)
Considering that Peter is my lover <--hence all that reference to me...btw, I haven't talked to Peter on the phone for the longest time so it must've been either a.) his imagination or b.)I'm the only one he ever wants to talk to/does talk to
I must say that Peter would make a better girl...(he just threatened me by saying that if I didn't choose him we'd have to break up so...sorry Joanne)

Joanne says...

Ooohhh, I love red polish! When I put it on, I got SOOO many compliments from random women in the mall. The lady who sold me my suede mules at Stephan de Raucourt even started a conversation about it with me! I suppose it was worth it - I had to put an order through Holt Renfrew to get that colour... Hmm, I wonder, who would make a better girl: Pamela or me?

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

i painted my nail...toe and fingers

and of all colors...i painted them red. the color of blood.
now i feel like a pharmacologist...bloody fingers!

i had better go wash them off before my mom sees them. she'll faint...

Karen says...

i know i know, a bit late...but it's so cute!!!

Quote of the Day:
Patrick Tam on Pamela Li: scary what a good chick he'd make!!

Gordon says...

Yeah, um....don't "reply all" to my email about that thing...sorry.

Joanne says...

Does anybody have the answers to Beatty's Problem Set #3? I'm terribly disorganized, and I seem to have lost the notes I took down in the tutorial. If one of you could scan it and send it to me, it would be very very very very much appreciated!

Pat says...

considering the length of the emails ill just condense my life story for you all:

I like long walks on the beach, my favourite poet in Robert Frost, my breath smells like cheese when I eat Havarti, and sometimes i get confused where i am when i wake up (is it rupert or vancouver?)

oh yeah and.. It's VERY big. (it's not my ego we're talking about)

... my closet of course. (perverts -_-')

hey joanne: if you could do that that would be great. thanks.

Joanne says...

Muahahaha. When in doubt, be lazy and screw Tim over 8P.

Tim says...

You FOOLS!!! Some of those emails were originally from MY CONTACT LIST.....your NOT supposed to copy and paste my "To:" bar...great, now they're gonna get mad at me for starting all this :p....haha....oh and originally I left Leo out because for some reason it said his email didn't exist. Anyone wanna send to him as well? :p

Oh btw Joanne, they ALL FINALLY arrived in my email box. Guess you were right afterall...stupid hotmail service!

Christopher says...

Hey guys, who are all these people that you are sending that Getting to Know you Chain mail around to? I certainly hope that you guys know em...

Joanne says...

Pat, do you need help in getting your money from Cindy Chen and Victor Law?

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Peter says...

i absolutely HAVE to post this other coldplay song i found... i swear, their melodies always sound SOOO familiar... like u've heard them a million times before... it's like the soundtrack of ur life or sumthin... (maybe i'm just crazy)

anyways, more reminiscence:

Coldplay - Trouble

vivienne says...

You wanna get another eye infection again, Gordon? :p

Better call your optometrist in advance before you go.

Gordon says...

Good picks pete...even if I am a hip hop junkie...

Atlantis huh? Lemme buy a gas mask first =P

Is the 25th still on? Like, does anyone know what they want to do? doesn't look like the beach will be a very hot idea...

Joanne says...

Let's go CLUBBING at Atlantis sometime soon after camping! I have a Bebe miniskirt hanging in my closet that has yet to be taken on a test drive, hehe.

Joanne says...

Oh yah. Patrick, you may finally take Benjamin Lai off the list of shame. Now he's only 2x shame, 8P.

Peter says...

at karen's request... here's a few songs for some easy listening

first, one of my FAVORITE crush songs of all time:
Coldplay - Yellow

second, i dunno why, but i'm strangely VERY attracted to this song... and it helps that the video is AWESOME (check it out at
Evanescence - My Immortal

Joanne says...


Muahaha Chris, YOU'RE GOING DOWN!

Peter says...

OMG, when the **** did i turn TWENTY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!


Pat says...

i wonder if i can get a doctor's note for the canucks trauma and defer in genetics.. heheh

Joanne says...

*incontrollable laughter and tears*

Less than 2 hours until BIOC 303 exam! CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

@_@ joyce...ur too cute....LOL

Tim says...

I don't know Joanne....they just might give the #1 Job to Auld and keep Hedberg as his backup....Cloutier is making too much next season unless he decides he wants to stay for less. IN WHICH CASE starting job goes to Cloutier but yeah....

Joanne says...

Aw man, they'd better resign my dear Clouch. Seriously, what other goalie can the Canucks go with? It's not like they'll seriously make the rookie Auld their #1 goalie, and there's no way they can afford some like say...Brodeur.

Naslund's contract doesn't expire for another year, Bertuzzi will be back, and Danny Boy will be all good and healthy again. Next season you guys! Next season!

And I'm a little afraid of Joyce now, lol.

Tim says...

Man this is the crappiest feeling. I JUST woke up....and not even within a second that goal just floats into my head and I realize that our season is over. It's kind of hard to believe because it was such a miracle comeback that you expected so much more from the Canucks and to have it just taken away SO QUICKLY before we can even calm down is just brutal. Last night while dreaming, I could hear the announcers in my head and they were basically replaying ANY OTHER POSSIBLE scenario that could've happened with the Canucks scoring. Basically I replayed a goal that could've came from Morrison, Cooke, Linden, Keane, May etc etc. and I think that just made it worse because I knew that they had already lost and nothing could change that. You know that feeling when you want to cry but you can't cry? you realize that YOU SHOULD be crying and your trying to make yourself cry...hmm..that was what I was feeling right after the game. Damn.....anyways, good luck to any of you who have an exam today. Hope last night didn't affect you too much. I'd be too in shock to even write an exam today if I had one.

Karen says...

*lol* joyce, you're so cute!! it's my fault, i wasn't online for you to ask a billion times. i apologize...=P


is it wrong if i feel like crying everytime i remember the crash landing of an end of the season last night? *wwwwaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*

i've never felt so incredibly ecstatic and so, SO sad within a 15-minute time frame before in my life. However, it's been a good season and i feel that they as a team, and us, as fans who have had to endure the heart attacks, all had an awesome year! Now, here's to my man, dan, staying another year!! =)

Christopher says...

Lol Joyce, just hang on, we'll be there soon enough! You are the keenest of us all!

Joyce says...

I'm at wood. the exam's not at freaking 8:30 am.... and i'm here..


I guess deciding on NOT being obssessive-compulsive and check exam time and location 5 times the night before is not that good an idea. Minor OCD is good..i guess..

Peter says...

(the blog shall now observe a moment of silence... our heart will be going out to all the fallen spirits tonight)

Christopher says...

Bah stupid Jovo. What a dumb penalty to take in such dire straits. Ah well atleast I wont be distracted for my remaining finals. Good luck studying guys and see you guys tomorrow.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Tim says...

I know.....nothing more needs to be's a sad sad night for all of us.

Joanne says...



Pat says...

can people who owe me money in biochem bring it tomorrow? also joanne. thanks..

[see the list of shame and or list of 2x shame if you're confused who you are]

..ahem.. BEN.. ahem.

Joyce says...

Is it me, or the mismatch repair loop seems pretty vulgar?

Peter says...

hey chris, here's an "equally" appealing alternative to ur taffetta dresses... it's just a white cloth really:


i guess whut i'm saying is, if the chick's hot, she'll look good in ANYTHING... i mean, throw on a huge t-shirt or jersey and some jeans, and i'm good! ;)

Christopher says...

Lol if you really think about it, what we are talking about IS guy talk. We are talking about what clothes make females good looking. That's completely up our alley! Now if only you girls would listen to our testosterone informed opinions, everything would be alright.

Joanne says...

Actually, I believe the last time the whole taffeta ball gown and opera gloves sensation surfaced was during the 1950's. Think: Grace Kelly. However, not everybody is a timeless beauty like her so I think we need to buy Chris an issue of Maxim or something like that. We can get one for the camping trip! Muahaha.

OoooooooOOOOOoooHHH! Shoe shopping! You know which place has the classiest semi-affordable shoes? Stephane de Raucourt. Actually, getting non-slutty heels should be really easy this season since the whole lady-like thing is very very in!

Peter: looks like your car talk wasn't enough to deter us from fashion 8).

vivienne says...

Taffeta gowns and opera gloves? Fu-gow Chris belongs to the 1700's. :p

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...


i think i have to agree with gordon on this one
i think any girl look good in nature, whether it be on the ski hills with frozen red cheeks, or on the court with nice healthy tan...

as for joanne and joyce's comment on heels...oh man! i think i should go shoe shopping with you girls on the 27th...cuz i personally own several pairs of chunky "slutty" heels...why? ya cuz they were on sale but also cuz they're SOOO slutty it's out of character for me! hahaha...but i guess time to pass them on...:(

chris and his tafetta dresses. chris is so from the 1800's...

Peter says...

M5 info:

400hp 5.0L V8, world's fastest sedan, car and driver's best all-around car ever built......amounts to this: STAR

probably seen this already (it's pretty old), but joanne said she wanted sum guy stuff, so there ya go

Gordon says...

Hmm..universally flattering for girls... let's see... oh oh oh... in the winter... girls in their ski outfit... and in the cold...with their cheeks and noses their cute little toques and wrapped in their scarf. Yup definately universally appealing =P

As with heels, they are definately appealing...the legs... the calves... but not for everyone.

Joanne says...

You said it, Joyce! Like those platform heels that were all the rage when I was in grade 7 (grade 8 for you guys, I suppose). However, I bet a woman can conquer the world in a pair of Sergio Rossi's like these. However, I myself am partial to a pair of Prada. <--Won't those look adorable with a denim skirt or jeans on the weekend? Although I must say, these Manolos are just darling.

Yah, Gordon and Chris are right about how unfortunate it is that everything is about looks because nobody will take the time to truly acquaint themselves with each individual they encounter. So might as join in! Fashion is fun anyway...who should complain?

Muahaha, the blog has become girly again. I challenge any of the guys to instill some masculinity back into it!

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Christopher says...

Hrm, I would say a nice Tafetta dress is universally flattering to all females. It doesn't have to be particularly form fitting, yet adds an aura of grace and elegance to anyone. Properly sized, it transcends all body types, small or large, short or tall. It hides the majority of flaws in the lower part of the body, a corset-like bodice adds form and structure to the bust and stomach. If the face is the main concern, a nice veiled hat would do well to complete the image. One potential weakness of course is that the arms, but a nice set of opera gloves would offset that nicely.

Joyce says...

Joanne, you said EXACTLY what my mom has been telling me.
Heels help with posture and the whole body line. BUT, it's only with the right pair of heels. Those platform/heels you can grow gold fishes in are definitely not gonna help. A girl can go from sleek to slut just by change of footware.

lalalalala... be aware of the polymerases!!!

Peter says...

i totally agree with the heels... not all the time tho...

Peter says...

went biking at pacific spirit park today... SUCH nice trails... i cant believe i live across the street from total escape from the city! i went on the "spanish" trail, a trail that gordon told me about... it took me all the way down the beach. it was so beautiful... so anyway, if u don't kno whut i'm talking about, ur TOTALLY missing out

anyone wanna do a little trailblazing after exams, lemme kno... even if u dun have a bike, my parents are buying a new bike soon, so i'll have an extra... just lemme kno!

p.s. gravity sucks

Joanne says...

Yah, there really isn't anything universally flattering for girls. Although I personally think a woman cannot go wrong in a button down shirt - it's not too tight so it won't be a problem for the "heavier" girls, it provides structure, and it's classy. Another indispensable item is a killer pair of heels. It elongates legs, shapes calves, improves posture, and the woman automatically walks with more confidence.

Anybody care to dispute? Well, I know that Chris will insist that it's opera gloves...

Joanne says...

Right About Now
The Funk Soul Brother, Check It Out Now
The Funk Soul Brother, Right About Now
The Funk Soul Brother, Check It Out Now
The Funk Soul Brother, Right About Now
The Funk Soul Brother, Check It Out Now
The Funk Soul Brother, Right About Now
The Funk Soul Brother, Check It Out Now
The Funk Soul Brother

*getting revved up for BIOC 303*

vivienne says...

Hahah..totally unrelated and out of context, but this is very funny:

Tim: Vivienne thinks I'm a lowly wanker... or something.

*runs away from Tim*

vivienne says...

RE: Cindy's comment.

Well, it's just that suits usually cover up a guy's worst features (ie, big belly, small shoulders, etc). So usually when a guy puts on a suit it presents them at their best, minus their unattractive parts. ^^; But for girls...that usually requires a skirt/dress that CAN be potentially unflattering (ie girls will know what they usually are. :P)

But then again, I think an A-line skirt flatters every female. Unless you're like....fexcessively fat or something, but then in that case, nothing can help you. Except Jenny Craig, and that's no fashion.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

re: vivienne's comment that every guy should look good in a suit

what about for girls
is there something a girl MUST look good in or else she's an unpleasant looking girl? heeheehee...

(and NO....cut-outs don't count...neither does lingerie...)

vivienne says...

Vivienne is still recovering from the effects of last night's awesome 3 OT Canucks game. The Flames are goin' down on Monday!!!.....Number SEVEN is my lucky it's no coincidence that Morrison shot the game winning goal last night!!!

Haha..while we're talking about suits...EVERY GUY should look good in a suit. If someone dresses up in a suit and still looks bad....that's a very very unpleasant looking guy....O.o;;;;;;

Gordon says...

yup yup, someone had to turn this conversation around for fashion =P

As for the suit issue, just to clarifiy, I never said that wearing a suit is not important in today's society. In fact, I agreed with joanne when she said which of the two people would get hired. HOWEVER, what I am saying is that it's unfortunate how superficial this society really is and I don't agree with it 100%. Sure you can slap on a nice tailored suit with the slacks and everything and maybe you will outrun those who are "slobs" even if they are more highly qualified than the "better dressed" individual. But the truth of the matter is, the suit does not make the man. It's just some accessory for show and in the end, if you SUCK and get that "med" spot, the suit can't save you because there's more to being a doctor than being well groomed 24/7.

Joanne says...

You guys know what I find interesting? Our group can take a girly ditzfest (okok, a Joyce-and-Joanne ditzfest) on fashion and turn it into a psychoanalysis of society. Is it just me, or do we need to lighten up or something? 8)

Christopher says...

The reality of the world is that we are all the same mindless drones of society. Our skill sets are about equal when compared to all our competitors. Rarely will you find a case where one candidate vastly outstrips another. Thus, this is where presentation comes in. A good pertinent example is a med school interview. In Ontario, once you reach the interview stage, all candidates are considered equal, and marks and MCAT are completely thrown out the window. At this point in time, how you present yourself becomes the single deciding factor. Plus even if you were a fantastic speaker, confident in everything you know and can do, you still may not be chosen because a 45 minute interview hardly gives you an opportunity to present yourself. Far from being a recitation of your wonderful side, the interviewers select the path of questions they want. So slight differences, especially in dress can affect the way your interviewers percieve and direct the interview. If you are a slob and they think less of you, how serious do you think they will interview you. Remember, interviewers always say that they save their best questions only for those who show promise. While dressing in your canucks jersey is great and all, its a sure way to convince them you have no potential other than being a gas station attendant as befitting to your manner of dress.

Tim says...

Hey Gordon, I'll join you for Game 7 at your apartment :). Let's order take out from Boston Pizza! It'll be sweet!

Gordon says...

Joanne, if you look closely at what I wrote, I did respond to your "equally" scenerio thing. I agreed that it does happen in the world... but I just don't agree with it 100%. And no worries, I didn't expect any of the bioc 303 people to want to come out =P

Joanne says...

Gordon: Notice that I wrote "two EQUALLY qualified individuals" so it really boils down to: one guy took the effort to look good for the company, showing that he's serious about the job, while the other guy didn't even want to put the time into knotting a tie. See what I mean? Sometimes it's not really what you're exactly wearing that counts, but rather the effort and the thought behind it.

Well, true, I'll be watching the game, but if I watch the game at home, I'll save myself the 3 hours of commute to and from your apartment. So I'm gonna have to pass 8(.

Gordon says...

Okay, since I haven't gotten many responses yet, I'm assuming no one has read my earlier post about the GAME 7 PARTY! at either the Pit, Boston's Pizza or Koerner's and the like ...however if it's too busy, then we'll just go back to the apartment....won't be as fun, but it'll do. If you have BIOC 303 and well prepared, COME OUT. If not... you know you'll be watching the game anyway, so why not watch it where you'll be a room filled with Canucks fans? But I understand if you'd rather bury yourself in a hole and study your brains out for a 6 credit course.


Gordon says...

Well, intimidated I may be, but not by YOU Tim. But yeah...haha...vintage ALL THE WAY!!!

Joanne:Let's look at it this way - since it's an interview, and the guy in the suite may look "good," but had no idea why he was even in the interview and the guy in his Canucks jersey was the most articulate speaker, knew what he was talking about and was extremely passionate about what he wants to do for the company, who do you think the interviewer would hire. For your scenerio, unfortunately, this world in general does believe that a suite and tie can go long ways (if the interviewees were equally qualified), but to me, it's all a show if you have nothing to back up the suite. Who you are is who you are - a suite can't do anyone justice.

Oh Yeah, and Karen, I hope you win the bet tomorrow...!!!

It looks like not very many people are enthusiastic about the beach on the 25th idea. Any other ideas that you can think of? Let's just not make it a BIOL 334 thing where we stand around for hours to talk about what we could've done before we have to all split.

Tim says...

I think Gordon feels intimidated and wants to protect his style of dressing haha.

Joanne says...

Well, think about it this way:
Two equally qualified individuals were being interviewed for the same job. One was well-groomed and wearing a perfectly tailored suit, while the other was dressed like he's going out to a hockey game. Who do you think the interviewer will end up hiring?

Gordon says...

Gordon's two cents on suits (I dunno why fashion has become the topic of this blog...but anyway):

What makes a suit show its class and its professionalism? Why does a tie change the person? Seriously, I don't see it... Just because you aren't cramping up your neck and wearing the most uncomfortable shirt and pants doesn't mean you don't give a crap about how you present yourself in the public. How often do you see anyone NOT wearing suits and NOT caring about how they present themselves to people. Don't you all care about how you present yourself to people and do you guys wear suits and dresses 24/7? Sure clothes MAY give you the first impression that you MAY need, but in the end, to make yourself seem like you're dedicated and motivated and such, it shouldn't be the clothes on your back, but the way you present yourself as yourself and not some phony made-up carbon copy of everyone else is what should stand out ...i.e. your own personality and character.

Joyce says...

heya Peter, my dream car, Porsche 911 Carrera can go 0~46mph in 5.0s (on manual). Plus, it looks soooo much better than a Turbo. Carrera is the way to go, man. **dreaming of driving a Porsche on a highway in Germany**
And on putting 525i on a M5 to deceice ppl (perhaps scaring them??haha), accoring my dad, ppl who know bimmers well can still tell the difference. Why not a Z series? M series are BIG for sports car, especially M5, as big as 5 series. (for me, 5 series are big cars...7 is totally luxurious..haha.)
but..yeah.. BIMMERs ALL THE WAY!! hmm..however, when i can afford a car but before i can afford a bimmer, i'll just have a VW to hold me through. hmm...

When i got home from the concert just in time for the overtime, my brother rushed out to the door and forbid me to watch the game (or even go near the TV) since my curse has yet to be lifted. (I think that damn curse is getting worse: the last 2 games I only glimpsed a bit and just slept in front of the TV.) anyway... good to see canucks won.

O.K. On the the concert tonight:
I went to a concert by Yun Di Li (your fellow chinese man, peter!) tonight. He was EXCEPTIONAL!! Li won the 2000 Fedrick Chopin Competition. Before him, the competition hadn't handed out 1st prize for 15 years!!!. His tone and touch are just PERFECT for Chopin. To have that kind of tone, you gotta be born with it. And the way he slightly emphasize the middle voice in some passages to give a hint of the motive is just total beauty. His musicality kinda reminds me of Pollini (my favorite pianist for Chopin), very passionate but can be politely reserved when it's needed. He also has depth in Liszt. Liszt is usually so technically challenging that people overlook the music in the piece. He brought out the music in that lengthy sonata of Liszt (v. lyrical, almost Chopin-like.. haha) and still be 100% (almost) technically secured. In 10 years, with some life experience, he's gonna be amazing. (ugh on his record company trying to make him a classical music idol. Hope he doesn't get lost w/ all the promotional stuff..)
BEN: you'd be awed by how effortlessly he played the descenting/ascending passage (the one on the top of second page)after the opening in scherzo no. 1 by Chopin. He played it like he was playing scale, very smooth, but with every notes very clearly articulated.

When the concert was about to begin, I saw my boss in one of those seets ON STAGE. YES, the concert is such an event that they put seats ON THE STAGE. My seat was the left most seat in 1st row in orchestra level. I thought I got a seat on the leftside of the balcony (aiya) and was disappointed at the accoustics (good view of his hands though). I went to say hi to my boss during intermission, and, guess what, MY BOSS SWITCHED SEATS WITH ME!!! For the second 1/2 and the encore, i was ON THE STAGE, listening to Yun Di Li in close proximity. (was almost in tears during some v. moving part of Liszt's sonata.)

haha.. i don't think you people care that much about the concert, BUT I HAVE TO GUSH. In fact, this is my second time typing this (stupid computer)....because he's THAT good that I REALLY HAVE TO GUSH!!!

aiyaya... need to study bioc...

Joanne says...

First off, GO CANUCKS GO!!!!! YEEEEHAW!!!!

However, the Canucks deserved to suffer through three extra OT's. They were awesome first and second period. They totally outshot Calgary, they went right up to Kiprusoff. It was inspiring. They played with heart. However, after that fourth goal, they decided to sit on their ass and let victory come to them. It was totally evident that they started slacking off. What I'm trying to say is, I'm not mad that Auld let those four goals in, and in fact, I'm glad they had to work their ass off to win tonight, er, yesterday night's game. They needed to know that it's imperative that they play all 60 minutes like it was the last minute of the season. Tonight was good not only because we avoided elimination, but because it provided a much-needed wake up call to the dear 'nucks before things got ugly.

If they remember their lesson (and if Jovo starts doing what he's supposed to do - defend, dammit!), the Canucks will win Game 7. And I'm saying this also because I'll be sure to wear my Cloutier t-shirt on Monday (hey, I wore it today and they won!). 8)

Peter says...

Peter... on suits

Suits are definitely a neccessity. Yes, there's not a great deal of variation, but i'd say most ppl out there can definitely tell between a well chosen suit and a badly chosen suit, especially in the business world. We can say all we want about how looks don't matter, but the truth is, in a social situation, ur judged before you open ur mouth... and wearing a suit shows that you actually give a crap about how you present urself to the public. it's professional, sharp, and shows that you mean business.

"Style is all in the details" - GQ

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Gordon says...


Hey dudes, let's all get together on Monday night and go to the Pit or something to watch the game. Yes, it will be busy, but we can go an hour earlier to get seats and watch the game. If we can't get seats, we can come to Peter and my apartment to watch the game. We might even be able to go to Boston's Pizza on broadway for dinner...and stay for the 2 hours or so to watch the game there. I know some of you guys have an exam on the 20th...the big BIOC 303 exam, so if you feel like you are well prepared, then come out =) If stressed to the bone, well, we'll miss ya, but GOOD LUCK!!

Anyone up for the Pit/Apt/Boston's Pizza idea??

Peter says...

WRX? why not opt for the SRI? 300 hp man...

joanne: vanquish is too heavy... it may accelerate fast but it handles like a boat (i admit, it is sexy tho - but that shot by morrison was sexier)

honestly, tho... i dun care whut u guys say... even if i had all the money in the world, an M5 would still be my car... BIMMERs ALL THE WAY

oh and tim: u kno whut would be a good mod? STROBES... gotta love 'em

Peter says...

take that calgary... more where that came from

karen, i never thot i's want u to win this bet so badly...

Tim says...

WTH? You cleared everything....

Pat says...

morrison!!! WOOT

Tim says...


Seriously, I could not move during those three periods!! YAAY!!

Gary says...

Wow, what a see-saw battle between the Canucks and Flames. You guys should see (or hear) the atmosphere in Gage, its awesome.

Tim says...

DAMNIT THIS IS TENSE!! My heart rate hasn't stopped since they scored their 4th goal and now we're going into OT. Man Calgary sure has some great the hell do they even manage to get that 'sea of red' without some AWESOME fans. Let's see...who will be the OT hero? Linden? Naslund? A 4th liner?.....hmmm....damn.....can't breathe >_<

Christopher says...

What the hell is up with the Canuck's defense! They aren't taking anyone infront of the net, thats the third deflection goal scored by Calgary. The Canucks are getting schooled, and not in the good biochem way either.

Tim says...

WHOOO!! 4-0 so far...ok nevermind 4-1..-_-'

Btw, you know that commercial with Jose Theodore and the 'flaming player' coming towards him in the Gatorade commercial? Haha, I think that's supposed to be Forsberg....he even has the faceshield. Useless post, just thought I'd mention an observation

Gordon says...

I think all suits look the same....besides the color... what else is there really? That means the guy is what makes the suit...not the other way around (as karen said)..which is why I DON'T LIKE TO WEAR SUITS!!!

As for my dream car....I don't have to dream ...I'm DRIVING IT!!!

Tim says...

OMG!! That girl CAN NOT SING!!! She was so bad I wanted to cry >_<

Tim says...

YAAAAY Montreal is going to Game 7!!! The way they've been playing they deserve to beat Boston. Now it's the Canucks turn..FORCE GAME 7!!!!

Tim says...

This feels like a guys vs girls war with the girls VERY MUCH divided on the whole clothing issue.

vivienne says...

Karen, I'm with ya. ;)

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

re: peter
hmm i didn't know who she was
i went to check her out
ya she's pretty hot...i guess...
i like classy girls better tho. the pics of her that i saw were too revealing...LOL
or maybe i'm just jealous :( LOL

re: karen
ur question (whether or not he'd want to see me in that dress) confirmed my worst fears about shopping with chris. his answer is obviously a YES. >.< and now i'll be afraid to go shopping with him forever....

Joanne says...

Peter. Psh. That doesn't impress me. My dream car - The Aston Martin V12 Vanquish (and no, it's not my favourite car because of the James Bonds movies) can accelerate to 62mph in under 5 seconds as well. But can your Porsche match an interior like this?

Karen says...

*LOL* i study some and i sleep some and i come back to all this!!

LEO: awwwwwww!!! you and your bro are SOOOOOOOO cute!!!
PETER: hahahahaha...good try pamela. you do know that once you start discussing how hot girls are, the girls in this group will likely join in...=P
TIM/CHRIS: joanne has most definitely had some influence on you two!! i like how chris has kept up a discussion on fashion all morning with the girls and has not complained about it, despite you know, a few disagreements. (that dress, chris?? if you had a choice, you really want to see cindy in that?! REALLY??)

the GIRLS:
cindy, no worries, i'm probably more lost than you are in the world of fashion. muaahahahaha. i think i've ignored that world most completely for all of my life and thus, prada, gucci, d&g and lv --> i don't know the difference between these words. =P (i can't believe i just admitted that...haha and shutup tim, i can hear you throwing one of your "comments" at me again!) but even i must admit, bcbg has the NICEST dresses, my god. have you girls seen the spring 2004 catalogue?? now if only i could dump my paychecks at places other than ubc...joanne, i remember seeing your dress from the catalogue, it's SOOO nice!!

guys and suits: i'm also with cindy on this one, i really don't know the difference. =P i think that the man makes the suit, not the other way around. but definitely, suits totally UP the scale if the guy is ALREADY hot. oh, and the 'walk' in the suit, it makes or breaks it...and bill rancic...he's got it all........;)

Tim says...

Are we talking about unaffordable dream cars here or like....relatively affordable in a couple of years 'dream cars'?
You know I'm all about the Subaru WRX....I LOVE the World Rally Blue colour and the turbocharger is a sexy car. ON THE OTHER HAND, if we're talking about dream cars...damn....Skyline w/ turbocharger (or super ;-) ) and nice sound system. Xenon sounds good too. That would set me back $150-200K.

Peter says...

what the hell happened to our blog?

first of all, TIM? a metrosexual? what have you DONE...

so anyways, did you guys know that a Porche 911 Turbo GT2 can go to 60mph in 4.7 seconds? ain't that CRAZY?!?!? can't believe that thing is legal....

but one could argue for the 'understated' sports car... in which case, i'd prefer the M5 myself. of course, i'd probably put a 525i badge on it just to have a little fun *wink wink*

in the short term tho, i've been thinking about just getting a 2005 Mustang GT and loading it with a intercooled turbo, headers, exhaust, sweet 18" rims, and one hell of a system... maybe even in dash DVD... of xenons would be there as well hehehe i LOVE those things

btw, Elisha Cuthbert is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOT... honestly, SO HOT...

THERE, MUCH BETTER... any other GUYS out there wanna comment on sum of the GUY things i've said lately?

"i don't cry, i work out" - starsky and hutch

Tim says...


NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

LOL thanks viv

i have 2 courses to study for before monday and yet i seem to be the person who visits the blog the most

vivienne says...

Darn it...I can't get the pic to load up for some STUPID reason and I can't seem to link either..stupid HTML! please go here instead


Tim says...

I prefer a three button myself. The reason is probably because the more buttons, the higher the suit covers up your chest, rather than a one button in which the 'V' in the suit extends down to your upper stomach region. Probably looks better when it's covering up more. That's the only explanation I can give. The suit that Joanne pointed out is a thing of beauty....damn, I wonder how much that thing costs....

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

i don't get suits
they all look the same to me

i think i like more buttons lol but i don't know why

somebody wanna explain?

Joanne says...

Oh my gosh Joyce, you're totally right about my TA! *Joanne slips into some dreamy coma* Ah, it DEFINITELY has to be a double Windsor. A bigger knot is more confident. An Hermes tie in a double Windsor...mmm....

I think I successfully converted Tim into a metrosexual. Time for Chris!

Joanne says...

I realize my link doesn't work Try this one instead

Joyce says...

haha... funny, Chris, Cindy, Joanne and I were working on the posts at the same time~~

Joanne: that suit and the guy in it...YUM!! haha... that suit kinda reminds me of David Beckham in suit (w/ a double windsor ..). Adrian Brody... eh... no so much. oh oh oh ..ur 2nd term bioc T.A. will DEFINITELY be hot in that suit.

haha... maybe i should channel my energy for hot guys and fancy clothing towards studying biochem...

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

um well the lady on the phone from Kaplan says it's just a drop-in diagnostic test
doesn't seem like they'll be taking the attendance or anything
and she says that we don't even need to phone in advance to see if there are seats...because there will be

i dunno...up to u
i'm just trying to convince u to stay for the whole camping trip...

Christopher says...

Hrm wierd, so apparently its not the winner of 1v8 facing 4v5. Its actually always the lowest versus the highest in the standings. Very interesting, and confusing. Ah well. Detroit wins but doesnt get me any points! Boo!

Vivienne, the only reason why they tell you not to move the diagnostic is because they are lazy and it causes trouble for them. The diagnostic isn't useful at all, its simply there for Kaplan to proove that you improved over the course of the lessons so you can't get a free lesson again. It hardly pinpoints any weaknesses considering you haven't learned very much. Later on after learning all the material and if you have weaknesses, then you know you need to work on stuff.

Joanne says...

Hmmm, the guys might be feeling a bit left out. We should find something for them. Go to this site and click on "Collection" under "Sartorial and Couture" on the left-hand menu See the suit on the lower right corner? DEFINITELY a three-button ;).

By the way, am I only one who thinks Adrian Brody it totally doable?

Joyce says...

haha, Chris, that dress is for Martha Stewart or Candice Bergen-alike women. And a 3 piece dress is just too much trouble for us lazy bums. A dress with a suit jacket is just not meant for people under 35. hmm... opera gloves work with a strapless dress with CERTAIN hair 'do.

The thing about designer clothing and accesories is that they are as unattainable as some talented perfect hot guy. We all covet what we can't have, don't we. Before we have the savings (and the courage/impulse to swipe that credit card), all we can do is browse or or window shopping at Holt Renfrew.. haha... But not all designer items are worth buying though. When they usually have better (much better) quality and endurance, some of them are just regular items with inflated price, like those Prada nylon bag (yeah yeah..the ones i ONCE wanted), with a small piece of triangular metal plate with Prada engraved on it. hmm...maybe those $400+ U.S. small nylon bags have some cutting edge nanotechnology fibre that allows the bags to expand and become water/fire proof in case of an immergency.

lalala...need coffee and sit down and STUDY!!!!

vivienne says...

After reading you girls GUSH about hot designer brands....
I'll just have to say I'm definitely LESS picky than you guys. O.o;;;; Man...reading the past blogs below makes me think of you guys as more socialites than university students. Who has that much money to spend on dresses and handbags? :p Even though they are cute....haha..*drool*

And for KAREN and TIM, who would probably nag on me for buying expensive jeans...I go shopping like...TWICE a year! I'm entitled to it. LOL

And Cindy? I don't know about the Kaplan thing...I thought they didn't like us moving the diagnostic test till later?

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

i would think that chris' dress is probably a little mature for us...(even I know that)
it's not bad just not our age

we can still flaunt our curves at our age u know (and no one in the group is FAT okay??? sheeesh)...
we're only 20...we should show a little back and arms and cleavage (and no i'm not gonna lead by examples here, BUT anyways),..and that dress chris likes is a little too covered up

no sex appeal...just formal-ness

Christopher says...

Bah that model is hardly 40 and she makes that dress look good. Would look good on any of you guys!

The reason why suits make men look good is the fact men simply aren't that pretty to look at in the first place. The suit simply allows the female to look at something other than the male and to connect back to the safety of the world of fashion.

Joanne says...

Yes Chris, that IS a nice dress...if you were 40!

Christopher says...

Hrm cool site. I think half those dresses are pretty ugly though. I thought this one was pretty good though, the cool looking jacket adds a modern touch to a traditional gown. The simplistic form draws the eye's attention to the person not a tawdry collection of ruffles and sequins.

Lol you girls need guys around to let you know what actually looks good. Half the things girls do to look good boggles our minds (not in the good way either!). This is the perfect opportunity for us guys to step up and let our desires be known! Opera gloves forever~!

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

don't know much about dresses...
and don't know much about bags...

but wow...i like joyce's gucci bag taste! and joanne's halter top dress.......
hopefully after a day of shopping on the 27th i'll be more fashion savvy ^_______________^

Joyce says...

Yes, Joanne, guys are hotter in suits, as Karen and I were talking about the same thing earlier meant last night. Don't you wonder why guys look better in suits (and the hot ones are even hottER)? hmm...can't decide whether 3 bottons or 2 bottons ones are better looking.
THAT is a nice dress with asymmetric cut. never seen a halter top like that actually. If you are daring, get a manolo like this one ...or a jimmy choo like this one to go w/ the dress...hmmm..
Gucci handbag wise,I like this Gucci, and Bill can be this one too..hahaha

hahaha... now the blog's full of girl talks. I think i can see Pat rolling his eyes.

ahh... Just had shower and washed hair..have to stay up for about another 20 min or will have bad hair day tomorrow.

Joanne says...

OOoooOOOOooooOOOOooooHHHH, that is one nice dress. But you're right, it'll be hard to alter that dress...
Here's my dream dress from BCBG Max Azria
I like the halter top, PLUS it comes with a built in bra! But it's $150 american >.< Well, that's better than the $5000 dress Cindy is referring to...hehe. Girl, you gotta show me that dress! Hey, is Betsey Johnson affordable?

Ooh! Shopping on Granville! Good idea! Then we can gawk at Boboli, haha. And I can pick up that Burberry blue label bag I wanted. Hmmmm..but we need to eat sometime during the day...any suggestions?

Hmm, Bill is definitely a Gucci shoulder bag, Like this one but black And hockey players are SOOO hot in suits! Even more so than Bill..but then, I'm kinda biased. Oooh, saw Cloutier in a suit, yummy 8)

Joanne says...

For the past few nights, my parents have been avidly watching a historical mini series about Chiang Kai-Shek.

That bit of sharing had no real purpose, just that it reminded me of all you strange Taiwanese (er, I mean CHINESE, muahaha) people.

Friday, April 16, 2004

Joyce says...

haha, apprentice's actually the only reality show i got hooked on. Now they are making another apprentice show. Hope it's gonna be as good as this one.

just watched Jay Leno's interview with Bill Rancic (it's actually William Rancic.)

gee....he's cute coupled with hot and hot coupled with cute. Put it in a bag analogy, Bill would be like... a Gucci shoulder bag.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

last night was the one and only episode of "the apprentice" that i watched

bill rancic is REEEEALLY HOT...

Karen says...

we've spent so much time drooling over guys in hockey uniforms that i've forgotten what a great combination looks, power and a really nice suit is!! bill especially! oh the corporate world.......=)

Karen says...

my god, 3rd post least now my postings reflect the number of times i check this blog!

cindy/peter and everybody else who wants to play ultimate this summer (you know you want to!!):

things are being set up right now so if you still wanna join, should probably contact joyce or the summer captain, Hiu-Wah. (ask joyce for address i don't have it right now). i actually just assumed ppl who got the email were already agreed to it. people i remember seeing on the email list: gary, jason, peter (perhaps one of your other accounts?), leo, joanne, joyce and me. c'mon play guys! what better things do you have to do on warm summer nights?? (perhaps i don't want to know that one...=P) but'll be fun. oh and there's been some nice long info emails that's already been sent out so people who still wanna play can ask one of the nice people up there in the list to forward them to ya! and that concludes my shameless plug for joyce and the summer ultimate campaign!

PS: i would have made this post nice and big and bright red like joyce did for you people but i don't know how to html to save my life so hopefully less is more in this case. =P

Joyce says...

Bill Rancic is HOT!!!!


Peter/Cindy: no worries, it's exam time~ haha, a girl on neutrino registered and Hiu Wah's the captain... and the name's neutrino.. I didn't do anything else 'cept contacting Hiu and massive e-mailing everyone. Did you get the e-mail sent by hiu?

JOANNE~~~ sounds like a good plan!! From, a Laundry dress is pretty do-able under $250~300 Cdn. Click here for Laundry dresses at
This one's soooo pretty, but it's a dress for tall girls...(aiya)
haha... i don't think my mom has any idea of how $$$$ a dress can be in Holt Renfrew. (...aiya... gotta work more shifts to pay for my visa bill)
**drooling** all those designer bags. Don't you think they are such turn-on's like hot physics grad students (uhm... or hot med students..or hot young M.D's for you)?
oh, on our way from Kerrisdale to West Hasting (on the 16th bus), we can stop and shop on granville for a while.

Bill Rancic is VERY HOT!!!

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

karen: there was an email about the summer ultie team? what was it about? (i got the one from joyce about joining the team...and that was it...)
who's on the team, anyways?

sorry for not replying to ur email...i feel so guilty...
sowwie sowwie, i really thought i would remember...

joanne: meeehahahahaha (just to make my own copyright laugh) i like ur shopping plan
im a shopping dummie (as u know by now) so anything goes!
oooooo..i want a holt renfrew black velvet strapless dress! but the last time i checked it was $5,000...

Gordon says...

WHOO HOO....okay, so that means Pat doesn't have an exam on the 26th and CAN go to the beach thing on the 25th!! That's good because I don't think I can go to the thing on the 26th due to plans with the PCTH people.

Peter says...

Hey Karen, who IS playing summer ultimate? i remember joyce told me already but i forgot all the ppl...

and btw, joyce, really wanna apologize for not responding to ur summer ultimate e-mail... i was looking thru my inbox yesterday and i realized u wrote a really long e-mail and did alot of organizing for this... and i was too lazy to even write a yes or a no... :(

Joanne says...

Okok, I have a shopping plan mapped out (Yes, I'm just THAT obssessed with shopping).

Morning - Carouse Finn's and Hills in Kerrisdale to gawk at Laundry dresses
Midday - Bus down to West Hastings and gawk at Leone and A-Wear
Afternoon - Hike up to Holt Renfrew to gawk some more and makeup shopping! Plus to cruise the great Pacific Centre
Late afternoon to evening - Strut down Robson to gawk at the shops there and drool at Coach on Burrard

Of course Cindy will be armed with her daddy's credit card, and Joyce will be armed with her mom's blessing, so some purchasing will be in order here ;).

Karen says...

cindy: haha i was just asking cuz i didn't see your name on the email list...yay you're playing with us!! i hope your back gets better in time!!
but vivi-ENNE?!?! (have you noticed how chris pronounces your name? *lol*) YOU have no excuse!

about the 25th/26th thing, pat's last exam is genetics with the rest of us on the 24th but he has to work on the night of the 26th that's why the going-away thing is late that night. he's leaving on the 27th. or at least that's what i think that's what the plan is.

Joanne says...

Well, just to let you guys know, here's what my schedule is like:

25th - Cramming for ANAT 391
26th - Bonding time with dear mother and siu yeh with Pat
27th - All day shopping spree/wishful material oggling with the girls
28th - Shopping for camping supplies until 2:30 (I have a volunteering commitment then). Let's check out the outdoor adventure district on Broadway X Columbia area. That way I can stop by at VGH and knock on Dr. Ling's door to beg him to let me do my honours thesis with him, lol. BPP picture at night.
29th - shopping for camping food in the morning, girlifying during afternoon, BPP Grad at night
30th - Leave for campsite at 10am.
May 4th - Return to Vancouver in time for Kaplan class(?)
May 5th - Appointment with the Mack Daddy, beautifying myself, and Viv's birthday bash
May 10th - start work

Sundin is out. Cloutier is out. I'm gonna lose. WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH. Can I get leeway pleeeeaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeeeeee???????????

Gordon says...

OHH, I never knew pat had an exam on the 26th...I just knew he was leaving on the 26th and that's why the date was set to the 25th. Um, yeah Cin, the PCTH thing is on the 26th.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

i'm not?

i thought i was "tentatively" on the
tentatively cuz im not too sure how my back will be...

did u guys register yet?

Karen says...

cindy and viv,
why are you guys not on the summer ultimate team?? =(
it'd be SO much fun and we need more girls!!

Christopher says...

Upcoming Social Schedule:
24th - Night time Party/Crazy time! (Last exam for most of us)
25th - Beach party, not for Pat as he has an exam on the 26th.
26th - Late night with Pat
27th - Party?!
28th - Buy equipment for camping and such
29th - Buy food for camping, Year end Fiesta/Grad Dinner Dance
30-4 - Camping
5th - Vivienne Bday Party
6th - Return to drudgery...

Unknown says...

Who still thinks NJ still has a chance? I know it looks bleak, but a couple years ago, same series, weren't they down 3-1 before they won 3 in a row to move to second round? Wishful talking here...

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

latest update from viv and mine's kaplan course:

viv, may 4th is the diagnostic test
the person i talked to from the vancouver centre said there is no way we can do the test at home
however, if there is a conflict, we can sit in another class for the notification needed
the next class starting is on may 9th, sunday, from 9am to 1:30pm...
so, u in?

NeverGonnaGrowUp says... let me get this straight (in terms of social events after the exams)

25th, we are going to the beach for pat's goodbye/departure party/beachfight...
and also siew yeh on the same night...(right?)

26th is the pharmacology social (right, jee?)

28th is picture at evangelos for bpp ppl

29th is grad dinner dance for bpp ppl and whoever wants a $80 dinner at a price of $20

30th to may 4th is camping (right, joanne?)

Christopher says...

Bah can't sleep. I hate summer time. Its way too hot out there.

Auld will get better with experience but at this point in time I'd still prefer to have Cloutier back in net. For all I bash him, Cloutier is very talented athletically and his composure has grown a lot over the past few seasons. Plus there is always the trust factor, whether team trusts Auld, and also if Auld is familiar with the Canucks system. Its a real shame that Cloutier went down, the Canucks could have gone far with him. Now Burke can't justify resigning him, because Cloutier never had the chance to prove he was a contender in the post season. I just hope Auld can adapt quickly or else all that talent Vancouver has built up over the years will go to waste. If you've been following the Moose at all you'll soon realize the future is mighty bleak. Burke sucks at draft picks. We haven't had a good one in ages, and we've blown so many first round choices it's scary. Ah well, I guess I'm done ranting. Have a g'nite.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Tim says...

The point is, he could've stopped the powerplay goal HAD he really been square to the shooter but he was cutting to the side a bit much (his leg jets out at the side of the net when it could be used to COVER the open net)....I don't know about you but today his puckhandling wasn't all that bad, stops the puck way better than Cloutier but he can't handle the puck as well (ie. shoot it up the boards etc.)

Gary says...

Not that you guys would care, but SAN JOSE WON!!!!!! ^^

I'm guaranteed one player in the next round, hooray ^______^

Christopher says...

Lol I've watched the guy in action plenty of times when he was called up, and when he plays for the Moose. Scouting reports all verify that and there is a very good reason why he started today's game. I don't understand how you can fault him considering he only let in two goals, one of which was a powerplay goal and the other involved a pair of deflections. The reason why the Canucks are losing is the fact they cant score even strength.

Gordon says...

looks like a one man "Tim" convesation

Joanne says...


What do you mean, Auld was square to the puck? Don't pass judgement when you haven't watched the dude in action!

Christopher says...

Unfortunately I didn't get to watch the majority of the game. However, Auld's strength is that he is very excellent positionally and technically. He is generally square to the puck and has good movement. He is also very tall, to the point where he can cover corners even when in the Butterfly position. If he was overplaying pucks it was because he was nervous. He will be the goalie of the future for the Canucks. He of course does have weaknesses in that his reflexes are moderate to poor and his puck handling is weak. Cloutier on the other hand is extremely agile but lacks technical proficiency, despite improving a ton this year. He is small, relies on his reflexes too much, and has horrid puck handling skills. I say let Cloutier go and let Auld take over.

Tim says...

Ugh another loss....let's hope that Karen wins the bet.....otherwise we're done for :(
As well as Alex Auld play, hez not fit for prime time duty yet, the guy's positioning is so bad, he ALWAYS moves way too much to the far side of the net and it pisses me off. Otherwise, I didn't notice anything else about his goaltending....'cept for all the friggin rebounds. Yeah, once he fixes his positioning then hez a #1 goalie.

Joanne says...

I did! I did!

I mean....ummmmmm, no. How could I? I was busy studying...yes...that's right...

Tim says...

Haha, that's funny, did anybody see Ruutu grabbing Yelle's leg?

Tim says...

Wow, Alex Auld is starting..guess that means Hedberg is gone after this season

Joanne says...

Woo! Go Theodore! But he has a goatee now...don't like that look on him...shave it off! shave it off! Ah, but still such a cutie 8).

Gordon: Ah, challenges, eh? I know! A contest to see who can stuff the most grapes in their mouth and say "Chubby bunny" without them falling out. Jeff Probst is kind of sexy ;).

Unknown says...

ERrrrr i still owe Joanne money! but I never see her!!! well... at exams maybe... I'll try to remember

Tim says...

NOOOOOO......Chris is gonna get a 10 point night if this keeps up!

Tim says...

Stupid Detroit.....don't worry, they'll come back, just you watch!

Christopher says...

Hahaha stupid monkey. Less than 10 minutes in, Detroits up 2-0 and I have 4 points already!

Stupid officials took away Lidstrom's assist. Booo...

vivienne says...

Haha...just to point out...does Ben still owe Joanne that money? He's been on the "List of Shame" for a LOOOOOOONG time........

"Nibble, nibble, gnaw,
Who's that nibbling at my house?"
---Hansel and Gretel from the ORIGINAL GRIMMS' FAIRYTALES...which I am reading right now instead of studying for Chem 305....

Gordon says...

Hmm...I thought that Pat was leaving on the 26th and that's why we were planning to do something on the 25th? I dunno.

As for SURVIVOR.....HELL YEAH!!!!! Never thought of it Joanne....of course....if you want to play the game....we don't have to go food shopping anymore; I'm sure Chris would LOVE to catch everyone's dinner every day. But we need a Jeff Probst and challenges...

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

*drags self off to sleep* (i sound awefully like u, chris,...)

if i cannot function with 3 hours of sleep (plus 1 hour of nap earlier)...
how am i gonna survive internship...if i get there?

something for me to think about...(now i sound like gordon.)

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

i need a synopse again...(sorry. really brain dead.)

what is happening on the 25th?
and pat's thing is on the night of the 26th, correct?

Joanne says...

I know we're sick of the love and money discussion, but I just love these lyrics from Outkast's "Roses." Haha, these guys are so bitter, but you would never guess it from the video!

Tim says...

Omgosh, Gordon finally got to you eh?...fine I guess we can play it....but first and foremost...WARGAMES :) :) :)

Joanne says...

Since we're in the great outdoors already, would any of you guys be interested in playing SURVIVOR? We can vote someone out of tribal council and force them to sleep outside the tent! Or not..but that'd be cool 8P. I can pick one up when I go shopping downtown after my exams (which is guaranteed to be at least...twice, muahahaha).

Tim says...

Just finished my final. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (considering it's a full year course and I didn't put too much effort into it haha). Oh well, 2 down 3 more to go!

Oh I first heard of the game from Victor and Thomas but yeah, we should definitely bring some other games. I don't know about you but I'd prefer to just go explore during the day. At night, we can play wargames...kinda like how it was supposed to be last year 'cept Im not sure what happened and we never did get to play :(

Peter says...

hey tim, where did u hear about that game? maybe there's other ones we could play during the trip.....

i just hope that we don't resort to truth or dare, spin the bottle, or horror of horrors: mafia

Christopher says...

Karen! Thank You! I'm forever indebted to you (or atleast until I forget).

Haha since when have you had a digicam. Should I fear for my photogenic safety?

Karen says... you still need the equation sheet/problem set?
since i don't have neither fax/ best thing --> nice jpgs from my digicam!
check your email (err the shaw one i think) in about 5 minutes.

Christopher says...

Grr I found out I'm missing Problem Set 8. Could someone please fax or email it to me? Also anyone have any luck getting a hold of the first midterm's equation sheet?

Pat says...

im sick of hearing about mafia.

Tim says...

*mumbles mumbles mumbles*
FINE GO HAVE YOUR FUN. Haha I don't know about you guys but I think I'm sick of mafia :p

Gordon says...

YES dudes... ONE to GO (after this one stepping stone at 8:30-11 today)!!! So excited for the summer...camping...smores....smores....smores...and yogurt raisons...mmmmmmm.

OH YEAH... okay, on the 25th, we shall meet up around 1ish, 2ish (if people don't want to get up till 1=p)... and we'll head to the beach if it's nice (somewhere that has kayaking or something of that nature) some ultimate, some beach volleyball, football, etcs,..start cooking up some food around 5ish/6ish? And we can bury someone in the sand like you guys did to me last year!!

Oh OH....and we can bring cards...and play MAFIA!!!!!!

Tell me what ya'll think!!

(wow, I think this is my longest post ever)

Joanne says...

In the midst of my procrastination, I found a recipe for Chris's beloved porcupine buns. To make them porcupine-ish, just make spikes before you deep-fry them, I guess.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Pat says...

wow.. 3 hours and no new post?.. either everyone's studying really hard or procrastinating away from the computer since 305 is still another day away.

Joanne says...


Christopher says...

Haha my boy Khabibulin has racked up 3 shutouts for me. If Nashville cant stop Detroit 'ware becuz I'll be coming around that mountain.

Can someone do me a huge favor and scan the equation sheet we were given with the Chem 305 first midterm?

Karen says...

i'm up from my nap =) *karen happy*

speaking of the canucks, i'd like to remind both TIM and PETER that their 2 dollars is gone *poof* =P... and since cloutier's not playing and hedberg is not as awesome as you cloutier-non-fans would like him to be (yeah joanne!! NOW they all know hedberg sucks!! =P), gordon's 2 dollars is as good as mine also *muahahaha*...apparently naps make me cocky =P

btw, did anybody else see the broadcast of bush's oh-so-important press conference yesterday? it was on for the 50th time that night after the hockey game and i watched a good part of it instead of studying buffer calculations =P it was definitely bush at his VERY BEST. he spends the whole time trying to justify his blood-fest in the middle east, something that 'doesn't need justification' and the BEST PART of the whole thing was when he was asked: what is the biggest mistake you feel you've made? (or something of that effect). and after fumbling with words the way the u.s. president does best for a whole lotta minutes, he comes up with something like: i must not be very good at thinking quick on my feet because i just can't think of any. *LOL* what, his advisors weren't holding up the signs for what he's supposed to say quick enough?! oh, but mr. president did assure us that he HAS made mistakes and just can't pick one to answer the question with...and then he moves QUICKLY onto the next question that he feels would increase the u.s. polls in favour of his 'war on terrorism'...BLAH!

long rant there but ARGH!! mr. george bush makes me wanna either laugh very hard or cry very guys should see the press's awesome =P