Monday, February 25, 2008

Joyce says...

I'll be in vancouver too, but only a week after you guys leave.

oh. this hotpot place in richmond is good. I'll get the contact info if you want.

Stephen says...

I'm coming back to Vancouver!!!

March 15-21. You know it's hot-pot time!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Unknown says...

How's this for a slap in the face:

A colleague of mine who started in TFL just last year was just told by his supervisor that the supervisor is going on sabatical and he should find another supervisor for his phd. He's the only one in his lab having to do so since he's the youngest and don't have an established project yet. But I mean, come on, this is quite inconsiderate of the PI, who should have forseen this. Granted the PI is more than willing to help him in terms of reference letters etc., but it's still a big slap in the face for the student I think...

PI's that always put themselves in front of their students will eventually end up with bad reps (cough Duong)...

end of rant.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Stephen says...

Hmmm.... I don't know about Vancouver, but I know a few in Winnipeg.
ACL tears come from medial rotation on a fixed leg after a sudden stop, most commonly to footballers... how can you tell I have an exam soon?

Monday, February 18, 2008

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

ouch, joyce!! how did u do that, skiing???

dont know any orthopedic surgeons but :( u take good care...

Friday, February 15, 2008

Joyce says...

we're ~one month away from our 4-yr anniversary!!!

And... I tore my ACL skiing last month. do u guys know any good orthopedic surgeons in vancouver?

Karen says...

awww, thanks steve! happy chinese new year to you too! haha, yeah, where's the asian pride from the asians??? hehehe.

happy birthday becca!! (i'm sure she doesn't read the blog, but maybe ben can tell her that i remembered to update it!!) for those not aware, ben has organized a hockey night for her so if you were somehow left off the email list, contact ben!

OH, cindy, i had a similar conversation with joyce yesterday and i just have to say, DON'T HATE VALENTINE'S DAY! i happen to think it's a beautiful idea! it's a holiday to show people, ALL PEOPLE, how much you love them. how lovely is that? and the pink and hearts? you can make hearts not pink too!! you can have different coloured hearts! pink just happens to be an off shade of blood, and thus the colour of our heart! (*lol* i'm explaining this to med students...yes i'm aware...hahaha). and as for the commercialization, if you are so inclined, you can MAKE gifts and it'll be cheaper! to conclude: be a lover, not a hater =). hehehehee. =)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

happy Singles Awareness Day!!!

i know, im not supposed to complain, but i despise the day anyways cuz it's just a commercial ploy to get ppl to spend money. everyday should be valentine's day if ur happy and we dont need a day dedicated to ugly pink thingies (yeeek pink!)

case in point: probably a bad one cuz my head is crammed with resp stuff. but for family day (in ontario), u dont see the prices of teddy bears shoot up just for that one day, do u???

Monday, February 11, 2008

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

oye!! shame on us asians to u tho steve lol

happy chinese new year everyone~

warning: in a few hrs u will begin to notice the increase stress of an impending exam. oh i hate them!!!!!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Stephen says...

Happy New Year homies and homettes!

Yeah! First Chinese New Year post goes to the white guy!

I can't type it out in Chinese, and I don't feel like butchering the English equivalent, so happy, happy everyone!