Saturday, July 31, 2004

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

awww...poor karen. are you being bullied? we'll beat up the guys for you when we see them next time.

p.s. bird feeding was so fun! 1.5 hours of entertainment at the expanse of $2 a bag of wild bird seeds (only half gone) is way romantic :)

p.s.s. viv the website is as follows: (thanks to chris who found it for me)

die MCAT! die!

Tim says...

Memorable quote:

Karen to Tim: You eat like a girl
Tim to Karen: Well, eat like a guy

LiKai: those wild blueberry mcflurries are the best! They're like an orgasm in your mouth!
Karen: I KNOW!!!
Tim: How do you know?
Karen: Because I had one....

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Christopher says...

After a decidedly poor response rate, I'm probably not going to plan anything for the Fireworks. Enjoy your holiday Weekend!

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

a lively example of sugar low: duuuuh cindy...
i'm soo tired...

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

viv: wow, ONLY 23/7? lol

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

vivienne says...

Nah, Karen...I don't study 24/7...just 23/7. :p

Karen says...

fireworks fireworks!!  i'm so there.  cindy, don't tell me you can't make it.  think about it this way:  6 hours spent going to fireworks is like 6 hours for your brain to replenish energy and 'relax' so that the FOLLOWING day that you study, you'll be twice as efficient as you would've been if you weren't so inspired by the fireworks the night before.  i'm sure you'll procrastinate and waste 6 hours anyway so you have to come out!!  nobody studies 24/7 without breaks unless you're *ahem* vivienne...viv, you have to cooooooommmmeeee...
also, thanks to a special sports reporter this morning, i am pleased to announce that DAN CLOUTIER has been signed for another year with the Canucks...*yay* =)

Monday, July 26, 2004

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

*Cindy looks up from her pile of MCAT books with a face full of pimples, waves her temporarily handicapped hands, and says*
Aww, guess you guys will have to go to the fireworks without me. Film it, film it! I wanna see pretty fireworks!

Christopher says...

Celebration of Lights!
Is there a better way to enjoy Vancouver's finest outdoor spectacle than beside a fellow student? I think not! So I'm wondering if everyone is up for a trip to Kits Beach/Vanier Park on Saturday July 31st. It would begin at 4 PM or so, and would include a BBQ dinner, culminating in a wondrous expenditure of money by some far off country(Sweden). Please let me know as soon as possible if you can go.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

vivienne says...

Wow...Cin...if you sound like this now, I can't imagine what it'll be like when we're forty. O.o;;;

Re: Joyce. My MSN name is now actually "hermaphodite rats?" It was an answer to one of the MCAT questions.

The previous "Jason, my danish!" is just a note for my friend who wanted to get me a danish...LOL...which I did get was good too....incidentally we had the same danish four years ago in high school...ah...good times.

Peter says...

btw cindy, ur post freaks me out...

some of the things in there really struck a chord for me... cept that part where it says getting wasted is not as fun. getting wasted is still fun. (maybe cuz for a few hours, you can say f*ck it all - then comes the hangover... oh man).

Peter says...

OMG i'm POSTING!?!?!

anyone got plans for all those fireworks coming up? are they gonna be after MCATs?
just wanted to throw that out there...

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...


They call it the "Quarter-life Crisis." It is when you stop going along with the crowd and start realizing that there are many things about yourself that you didn't know and may not like. You start feeling insecure and wonder where you will be in a year or two, but then get scared because you barely know where you are now. You start realizing that people are selfish and that, maybe, those friends that you thought you were so close to aren't exactly the greatest people you have ever met, and the people you have lost touch with are some of the most important ones. What you don't recognize is that they are realizing that too, and aren't really cold, catty, mean or insincere, but that they are as confused as you. You look at your  job... and it is not even close to what you thought you would be doing, or maybe you are looking for a job and realizing that you are going to have to start at the bottom and that scares you.
Your opinions have gotten stronger. You see what others are doing and findyourself judging more than usual because suddenly you realize that you havecertain boundaries in your life and are constantly adding things to your list of what is acceptable and what isn't. One minute, you are insecure and then the next, secure.
You laugh and cry with the greatest force of your life. You feel alone andscared and confused. Suddenly, change is the enemy and you try and cling onto the past with dear life, but soon realize that the past is drifting further and further away, and there is nothing to do but stay where you are or move forward. You get your heart broken and wonder how someone you lovedcould do such damage to you. Or you lie in bed and wonder why you can'tmeet anyone decent enough that you want to get to know better. Or maybe you love someone but love someone else too and cannot figure out why you are doing this because you know that you aren't a bad person.
One night stands and random hook ups start to look cheap. Getting wastedand acting like an idiot don't seem as fun.
You go through the same emotions and questions over and over, and talk with your friends about the same topics because you cannot seem to make adecision. You worry about loans, money, the future and making a life foryourself... and while winning the race would be great, right now you'd justlike to be a contender! What you may not realize is that everyone readingthis relates to it. We are in our best of times and our worst of times, trying as hard as we can to figure this whole thing out.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

It's really amazing when two strangers become the best of friends, but it is really sad when the best of friends become two strangers.

p.s. No, I didn't compose the above message. A friend had emailed/forwarded it to me and I thought it contained many relevant issues to all of us. So I thought I'd share it :)
p.s.s. I am fine! Really. I'm beyond dehydrated these days, but the days can't get any better when your boyfriend delivers you an electric fan when you complain of heat just several hours earlier ;) Am I lucky? (re: Gordon's survey). Definitely.

Joyce says...

hmm.. feel like some blogging

why is "jason! my danish" very MCAT-holic?

la la la la la~~

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

re: Gordon
got it!

re: Viv's new msn nickname
argh...u r a true example of a MCAT-a-holic

Friday, July 23, 2004

Gordon says...

Cin: you got Email at your telus account

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

separare from my last 2 posting...
lesson to be learned for fellow ultimate players: catch disk with 2 hands. catching disk with 1 land (b/w the thumb and the rest of the fingers) may look cool-but you have been warned. My left thumb can no longer exert any force and even at rest it hurts like hell...i think i pulled a tendon catching disks. and the swollen muscle is pressing onto a nerve or something. I'll let you guys know once i know.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

The above was the invitation I received by mail from Star and Stephen a couple weeks ago. I was "reminded" by Stephen (just this morning) over the email that I was suppose to show you guys the card...well, OOPS. Sorry guys! Since I am not going to ultimate anymore I can't really do that. I'll show you guys after the MCAT then, is that okay?

If anyone plans to write a personal (and short. I only have the size of a business card to work with. and only one side) message to Star and Stephen on the response card, please let me know ASAP. They would like to gather all the response cards to make a scrap book! So here's your chance to leave them some memories.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

Joyce, Gordon, Tim, Ben, & Becca, Gary, Peter, Karen, Leo, Jason, Vivienne, Joanne, Cindy & Chris
c/o Cindy Lee xxxx Churchill Street Vancouver B.C. Canada xXxXxX

You are cordially invited to an evening of fine dining in celebration of the engagement of Star Ackerman and Stephen Naphegyi Saturday the fourteenth of August two thouthsand and four at seven o'clock in the evening
Unitarian Mansion
xxx Wellington Crescent
Winnipeg, Manitoba

The favour of a reply is requested by July 25th

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Gary says...

Hey guys, do you know that an anagram for "Wade Bingle" is "Edible Wang"?  :Þ

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

how was the neutrinos bbq?

Joyce says...


so we HAVE to share eh..
hmm... i think Dakes is waay cuter than Perrin, and... Sean Connery all the way!!!  I wish I was a guy every month when I'm PMS-ing...

Tim says...

4.)Depends on what the girl would like…(Hmmm, Hot chili would be an interesting flavour)
5.) thanks
6.)So Beaver or Dolphin?  I think I like the fuzzy dolphin
7.)a.)Martha Piper
b.)Connan O’Brian
c.)Sean Connery
d.)Errmm……wtf?  Both so ugly…I guess Sopel
e.)Queen Elizabeth
9.)Vancouver Public Libraryàthat’d be cool, do it in the erotica section, perhaps they have books on kama sutra
10.)Neon Red
12.)Don’t like coffee
13.)Moles as in the animal or the thing that grows on your face?  No thanks
14.)Ben’s a sexist farm animal indeed…
15.)Hahaha, sure why not
17.)Depends, I like the girl to be loud ‘cause it’s sexier but then if we were doing in the Library she should be quiet….like “SHUTUP…the librarian is gonna find us!”  LOL j/k 

Leaky Wang!!!! says...

Fuck yeah, that was the best post in quite a little while!

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Unknown says...

(NOTE: this portion has been edited due to unforseen errors, notable changes are number of questions, coffee question deleted, mole specified, and farm animal question edited to make sense)

continuation of survey

7. Pick one for each below... who is sexier
     a) Martha Piper OR Martha Stewart
     b) Jay Leno OR Connan O'Brian OR David Letterman
     c) Mackie or Storr (sean connery)
     d) Sopel or Ricci
     e) Queen Elizebeth or Madame Teressa
     f) Dakes or Perrin

8. Silk or leather or satin?

9. Where would you rather do it?
    a) middle of baseball stadium (full or empty, which base? please specify)
    b) top of the CN tower
    c) Lermer's office
    d) On the beaches of Jamaica
    e) In some backalley in Paris
    f)  trail underneath Lions Bridge in Stanley Park
    g) Vancouver Public Library

10. What's a sexy color?

11. Grapes, watermelon, pommegranate, passion fruit, strawberries, or banana?

12. Are moles sexy?  (as in NOT the animal)

13. In your mind, what is the sexiest farm animal... (Gary's question)  (NOT sexist, sexiEst)

14. Have you ever wished you were the opposite sex?

15. Would you rather have fungus or bacteria or virus or lice?

16. Loud or Quiet?

This questionnaire strongly filtered by Ben to protect your kiddie minds. 

P.S. Expect more of like these in the not too distant future 

Unknown says...

The aftermath of Gordon's survey has lead to this: co-authored by Leaky might I add.

Please note: if you are weak of heart or has high blood pressure, you probably want to stay away from this questionnaire, or stay away from people's answers to this questionnaire.

1. what is your name.

2. for guy: boxer, brief, NOTHING!!
    for gals: regular, thongs, NOTHING!!

3. If you were a pornstar, what would be your name.

4. If you had to, which flavor of condom would you use: latex, chocolate, banana, strawberry, wasabi, durian, hot chili

5. Would you undergo a Brazilian wax session? (this question for guys and girls, if you don't know what it is, think.... ASS HAIR)

6. Do you PREFER hair (you know what i mean)


Tim says...

Jason:  YOUR SO SLOW!!!!  I've been waiting for that book forever! LOL, bring it to the Ultimate game today ok? :)

Monday, July 19, 2004

Tim says... was so much fun!!  In case you didn't know, today was my staff tournament w/ Karen as my guest.  We shot a -2 due to Karen making some awesome putts.  I also managed to get the ball on the green once (which is a huge accomplishment for me :p).  Afterwards was dinner!  We had salmon and I'm not gonna bother with the food 'cause afterwards for dessert we had Chocolate Mousse Cake, Coconut Tarts, Cheesecake, and other desserts.  Haha, unfortunately once again, my stomach failed me and I ended up eating so little but it was all good nonetheless.  Then after dinner we received our prizes in which Karen won some electric putting game while I won a discman.  Not bad for one day!  ^^

Gordon says...

JASON:  SORRY....I left campus before the co-op people came back from work.  VERY VERY SORRY!. 

Joanne says...

So Viv, I presume I'll be seeing a $20 donation from you? ;)
Cheapo Gordon!  Compose your own post, lol.

vivienne says...

Wow, the opportunity to see both Gordon AND Joanne sweat? I just can't pass that up. :p

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Gordon says...

Health care is expensive to provide, but it's even more expensive for specialized care, which is what children need.  That's why the BC's Children's Hospital needs your support.  In September, there's a Paddle for Kids event where teams paddle for well, kids.  You can show your support by making a pledge to your good friend Gordon to see him sweat it out on the dirty False Creek water.  Donations over $20 or more will get a tax receipt, but donations of just $1 are good as well!  If you're interested, please let me know! 
For more information, head to

Joanne says...

Ah, all you prunes are no fun.  Fine fine fine, I'll give you guys a DECENT post.
Health care is expensive to provide, but it's even more expensive for specialized care, which is what children need.  That's why the BC's Children's Hospital needs your support.  In September, there's a Paddle for Kids event where teams paddle for well, kids.  You can show your support by making a pledge to your good friend Joanne to see her sweat it out on the dirty False Creek water.  Donations over $20 or more will get a tax receipt, but donations of just $1 are good as well!  If you're interested, please let me know!
For more information, head to

Gordon says... that case...Joyce must've had insomnia allll night =P

Saturday, July 17, 2004

vivienne says...

You know how they say that if one eats too much at night, one'll get nightmares?
Well, after Cindy's party, I promptly fell asleep when I got home, and had three consecutive nightmares. If that isn't an indication of how much we ate, I don't know what is.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

Dear Joanne, Gordon, Vivienne, Leo, Peter, and Karen:
thank you very much for the very heart felt (and HUGE) birthday card. and of course, the gift. :) It will be my new favourite accessory since as Gordon said, it matches with my beloved khakis pants! Thanks guys!
Dear Gary:
yes, you are so special that you deserve a separate shoutout. Thanks for the sparkling white wine--I will fridge it until the day after the MCAT then i'll get drunk for fun. LOL. i probably won't do it but u never know...
Dear Chris:
please thank your parents for buying and preparing food for us. and thanks for the huge amounts of FOOOOD...yum yum, my stomach has never felt this big ever!
Again, thank you to everyone who came out today (even Joyce, who has had a long long day). Thank you for being so nice to me by making my 21st birthday a very special one. I hope you all had as much fun as I did :)

Friday, July 16, 2004

Karen says...

hahahahahahahahahaha.  you guys are so, so entertaining on a slow work day.  but eugh...i'm not gonna go there...
on a happier note:
happy birthday ben!
a belated happy birthday blog shoutout to cindy also cuz i didn't have time to blog yesterday at work. =P
see you guys in a bit.

Tim says...

Gordon:  The weather was wonderful.  How is your family?

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Gordon says...

So did you guys like the weather today?

Joanne says...

Speaking of blood spewing from my crotch
I've heard that soy regulates female hormonal levels somehow, but what I'm experiencing is just plain ridiculous.  After two weeks of religiously drinking my beloved soy latte, my period has gone from being a month late to two weeks early.  Like, what the!

vivienne says...

Wow, Cindy...that was....scary. O.o;;;
Either you're ranting because you're turning older, LOL...or you're PMSing. O.o; either way it's scary...heheh....
RE: Tim...It was sugar! I was basically eating sugar syrup...what's wrong about that? :p it's not like I was eating the sugar that has the hair in it...

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

as the person who first brought up the topic of hair removal, I need to defend myself...
first it is not a topic of desperation. it is a normal topic for girls, just like wedding planning or prom dress oogling. hair removal is in fact one of the more acceptable topics to discuss when the girls are among guys, cuz at least it is a topic that guys somewhat share. hey, just be thankful u don't have to endure my complaining about PMSing and blood coming out of my crotch.
plus who is to be blamed for girls wanting to have hair removed in the first place? girls are into hair removal for the purpose of appearing "feminine" and "clean" because why? cuz stupid guys ask us to do that. if we decide to flaunt our unshaven legs and armpits around we would be unwelcomed or even shunned by the society, guys especially-girls are very good and understanding about the pain to want to please guys. so if u decide to be a manly man then u deserve to listen to us whining about the trouble of hair removing (and be quiet while u listen. or should i say, since i'm PMSing and the whole world knows it, "shut up"?).
i guess as an independent woman wannabe i should be free of what others expect out of me, especially about something that belongs to me (ie my hair). but i guess i am not that independent afterall, so i cannot be free of what the society has burdened on me. maybe it's the price we all have to pay living together. sucks.

p.s. i'm not mad. i'm just a bit of a feminist, 'tis all.

Tim says...

Guys:   Is it just me or does all this talk about 'hair removal', (let alone eating the product meant for hair removal 0.o) disturb you guys?  
Girs:  Even though the board is not up to it's usual productivity, I don't think we're that desperate that we find it necessary to talk about this sort of stuff.

vivienne says...

Gordon: What's today? What? What?
Cindy: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! You're OLD now! Join the group.... :p
Oh, know what works really well? Body sugaring. :p I know I don't have much hair to deal with anyway, but one year I was really hairy and I had to do the hair removal thing. Surprisingly, sugar is easy to work with and it only hurts as much as pulling a bandaid off. :/ The only problem I had was that I ended up eating a lot of the sugar (yes, I bought an all natural sugar hair remover). Unless you have a reaction to sugar, I think it's a good alternative to waxing or Nair. 

Gordon says...

Karen and Viv: THURSDAY (oh wait...that's today!)

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Joyce says...


Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Gordon says...


Joanne says...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. And I was planning to crash the wedding and actually speak up when the pastor says, "Speak up now or forever hold your peace." There's no freaking way I can hold my peace once my dear Cloutier is married! Aww, and all this time, I was betting on a long, drawn out engagement. DAMN YOU PEOPLE AND YOUR PROACTIVE DECISIVENESS!

Ah, thanks Cindy. You made me remember I haven't waxed in a long time and that I probably shouldn't wear shorts to Ultimate tomorrow.

I think this post is considered "oversharing."

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

Day 1 of Experiment with Nair moisturizing cream hair remover:

Objective: skin patch test for allergic reaction

Data: upon application, a rancid odor fills my bathroom. 5 minutes later, the hair is wiped away with some difficulty. skin looks okay and feels moisturized even after rinsing off with lukewarm water.

Conclusion: need to leave the stuff on skin for longer. but the no-razer stuff is kind of fishy still. the smell really repels me. it also feels like it is more trouble than shaving. i like the moisturizing component though.

And thus end the log of a girl too chicken to use wax

Karen says...

the inevitable is finally going to happen...

dan cloutier's wedding his girlfriend of 10 years this saturday in sault ste. marie, ontario.

can you imagine the trauma of having to find that out from the newspaper of all things? sports reporters...they dash our dreams so recklessly.

have a good day, you guys =P

Monday, July 12, 2004

vivienne says...

LOL...for a second I thought it was a nunnery thing or something. O.o;; then I'm like..wait a sec, Joanne's an antheist. ^_^;;;

I bought this friendship bracelet book at chapters yesterday, and now I'm SO addicted to making them. Yaaaa....

Tim says...

Oh, Joanne is in a sorority so she has to participate in weekly sister chapter chats. :)

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Joanne says...

Hmm, looks like clubbing has to be rescheduled, since it looks like I have to organize a Sister Chapter Chat that night. Maybe some other time!

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

count me out on clubbing this saturday as well. u guys can have my atlantis tix if u guys are still going.

Christopher says...

Hrm, I don't think I will be going to clubbing. I don't get off volunteering until 11 and I don't want to sleep too late. Plus I don't have a clue where I put my Atlantis tixs.

Tim says...

By 'Super Awesome' dance moves, you wouldn't happen to be refering to your short jam in front of the bubble tea house would you? For everyone that didn't see, you have to come clubbing to see her!! Her dancing is one can out compete her :p. However, I will be a last minute decision. Since I have work that day, I won't know what time I'll be able to get off but I'll probably be a late show-up if I do come. See ya in an hour!

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Joanne says...

Mmm, back to shallow, selfish Joanne now!

Joanne wants to go clubbing sometime soon because
a) she hasn't been for a long time
b) if even your post doc thinks you don't have a life, you've got a BIG problem
c) she wants to break out her "super awesome" dance moves in public

So how about...this coming Saturday night (17th) at Atlantis since we've still got those free tix so we won't have to bust $12 on cover? If we're sick of Atlantis, we can go somewhere else as well. But bottom line is: JOANNE WANTS TO DANCE, BABY! So she'll be willing to figure out the guest list and all that other jazz.

Reply to me please! 8)

vivienne says...

Privatization is EVIL! EVIL, I say.

Joanne says...

When you're providing a health care service to a patient, the patient's interest should always come first (without compromsing your own safety of course). That's [one of the reasons] why med schools require interviews of their applicants. That's why they always say they don't want to accept students who just have a thirst for the respect and paycheque that comes with being a doctor. With privatization, any company's first and foremost priority is profit margin. Considering how frequently nosocomial infections can complicate a patient's care at a hospital, even handing over sanitation services to a private company cannot be executed without much trepidation. So how can politicians expect Canadians to swallow the idea of health care privatization?

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Gordon says...

Karen: haha...GOOD GUESS...but WRONG. I was actually reading an article talking about the western Canadian premiers who met today/yesterday about privatization and stuff =P

Karen says...

noooo, we're planning our weddings already?! *karen runs in opposite direction*

Jason: no worries. i'm currently considering going onto findley's book so that i can read that story you were talking about and breaking my 'rule' about not finishing a book before starting another! =P lend me the movie! (i still have to watch magnolia. haha.)

Tim: i have the $20.75 from christina. remind me next time i see you.

Chris/Cindy: so sorry for not remembering about my debts to you. will definitely get that money back to you ASAP!

Gordon: doing research for medschool applications? =P healthcare and privatization go together like raspberry jam and soysauce.

Peter says...

thought: i'm lost

Gordon says...

Wow..I haven't posted in ages...and I'll start off with a question:

Why are you for or against PRIVATIZATION of healthcare?

Tim says...

Joanne: Hmmmm, now that you mention it, I think it's kinda stupid that your NOT using the fur for better usage. Haha, but also think of it this way. You'd be wearing mutant rabbit fur (that costs $2000) :p As for the wedding idea, that is a pretty good idea. Last thing you'd want is it to end up like the Grad Dinner where everyone was gone before it was even 10pm. Have to rent those huge 'Princess' cruise ships or something. Now THAT would be nice!

Joyce: Wow, that was deep....just a little more intelligent then Joanne was today...and in case you don't know how to quantify it, that's pretty low :p lol

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Joanne says...

Is it wrong to think, "What a waste. That fur would have made such a nice stole" when I'm sacrificing rabbits for a scientific experiment?

Joanne says...

Ah, let's inject some shallow Joanne thoughts in here, shall we?

Remember how we were talking about wedding locations and Gordon wanted to close off an entire street in France? Well, I think I want mine on a boat (ie. cruise ship or huge-ass fancy yacht). That way, people can't leave early and everybody will party on late into the night. Awesome idea, no?

Joyce says...

thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts
thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts
thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts
thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

viv: girl i feel ya. i have a stupid bug bite on my right elbow and it has swollen so large that my right elbow is twice the size of my left elbow. what i've been doing is to ice it to reduce teh itching and swelling...and i will probably put some after bite lotion thingy on my elbow after shower. that is the standard st. john protocol for treating a insect bite/sting! so it should work.

vivienne says...

So....pour out our thoughts, eh? Let's liven this blog then.

Tim, you look like a beaver and smell like one too. ^-----^

Tim says...

Chris: *ahem* Did I hear a P4 2.8C as in Celeron????? 0.o Better not be or I'd be terribly disappointed. However, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it's something else.

Peter: Your blog didn't really last very long did it? :p

I believe after this short hiatus of not responding it is time to liven up the blog a little ^^. Let us all pour our thoughts out! Don't be shy! (I think I'm gonna go read some Harry Potter now. Jason in case you read this, are you done the fourth book yet? I NEED IT!!)

vivienne says...

Chris: While you were gone, everything has changed and will never be the same again.

Everyone else: Do you know to get rid of (or at least soothe) mosquito bites? I have three huge ones on my legs from staying in the park during Gordon's party...and they really really itch! *scratch scratch*

Christopher says...

I live!!!!

I didn't think it was possible but I went without a computer for an entire week. I am now the proud owner of a P4 2.80C. What did I miss?

Gordon: Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you had a blast!

Monday, July 05, 2004

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

Hmm. Left over business from Evita.

As I have written down, the following people need to reimburse me $12 for eating delicious fatty Ribs at Memphis Blues Barbeque:

And the following people need to reimburse Chris $18.50 for the Evita tickets:
and me

Thanks for your attention people. Why is the blog all of the sudden so quiet, anyways?

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Karen says...

To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be well-mannered. (Voltaire)