Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Karen says...

*lol*... viv, you beat me to it. i was just gonna say:

one of the unsolved p&c mysteries of all time:

what IS it with chris and opera gloves?!?!

Monday, October 30, 2006

vivienne says...

Chris: Oh yes, you and your opera gloves. :D But yes, I find corsets and opera gloves romantic in a sense. Corsets are only problematic when you see the rolls of fat emerging from beneath them because the girls wearing them are blessed in the bosom area, but also fail to see they're "blessed" in other areas as well. :p

Sorry for the visuals, guys, but I've seen it too many times at the dance and I just wanna share the burden and pain of the memory....

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

the following msg is not intended for those in a good mood - that's right, cindy is ranting again

i think i prefer friday anatomy labs than other weekday anatomy labs...esp with a pending exam in 4 days

sure i dont get friday afternoon off but at least after the dissection i know i get to party

i just finished my dissection (schedule got changed)...and man i am so mentally exhausted i can't study...dang fasia, killed a good hr of my dissection...

halloween? right...whats that thing again?

Joyce says...

so now hollween becomes hollowheeeeee for the boys?

Gordon says...

yo pete, I went to bar wild... the one on whyte ave and 106th. and man, it was CRAMMED and JAM PACKED ... there wasn't hay or many cowboy/cow girls..but damn, I thought i was walking into a girl's locker room or something =P.

did you hear "Save a horse, ride a cowboy?"!!? That's the song that makes these edmontonians go wiiiiiiild.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Peter says...

gordon, dunno where you went for halloween but aside from the law party, i went to cowboys (pubcrawl) - the place is a hole and i think there's actual hay on the ground (amid the broken glass, spilt drinks, and strewn costume parts, i couldn't tell) anyway.... the 'costumes' were........................... yeah... i love halloween (for very different reasons than i did when i was a kid)

Joyce says...

Well, at least you guys went to something and saw something!!!

I had to opt out of our student coucil's holloween party with OPEN BAR (i repeat, OPEN BAR) on saturday, and study the WHOLE DAY!!!

damn you stupid pathology exam and keener classmates who wouldn't move the test date and the stupid policy of a unanimous (sp?) decisionto move a test.


I want to see skany kitties and cellphone cleavages.

Christopher says...

Haha, I evidently missed out when I skipped all the dances during high school.

Anyways, Halloween is that wonderful time of year where everyone can let go of their inhibitions and let everything like self respect go. Of course lingerie makes any outfit more realistic because less time is spent by viewers determining the authenticity of the outfit. The remaining time is then spent pondering the meaning (and/or creation) of life and assessing the veracity of other newly revealed assets.

Halloween in class is always a very interesting time. Its amazing to see people in very different lights. Last year one of the shyest girls in class came out with a very abbreviated skirt and corset, and she was the talk of the class for months.

BTW, corsets arent only for support of the breasts but of other things that shouldn't be seen. Very nice pieces of apparel. I do approve. That and opera gloves.

Have a happy and safe Halloween!

vivienne says...

Well, Jo, at least you're witnessing this so called "Halloween skank" phenomena at a clubbing event, which makes sense 'cause either way clubbing girls tend to dress skanky. I'm just concerned when high school girls dress that way too!

I had to supervise the Burnaby South halloween dance...and GAH!....I quote Christina, a fellow supervisor: "Put some CLOTHES on GIRLS!!! That's what they're for!!! to COVER YOUR BODY!"

I saw: skanky policewoman outfits galore, so called skanky "cat girls" outfits (lingerie + cat headgear/tail -- think Mean Girls), skanky pirate outfits, skanky I don't know what the heck they're trying to dress up as, but it involves barely-there shorts and teeny tiny tops....notice how I described them all as skanky? Yes.

The highlight of the evening was a girl who pretty much wore nothing but a short skirt and a corset. I failed to see what the corset is for since it barely covers enough boobage to provide any support. :p anyhow, it was just funny when the girl noticed that she had chocolate on her boob because she had been eating it and it fell into her cleavage. :p

Joanne says...

Clubbing on the last Saturday of October at Republik, aka Halloween Slut-fest:

Now what is it about Halloween that brings out the skank in girls? I admit that I myself tried it out this year...with a denim mini skirt and a gingham tank top as an attempt at a Slutty Cowgirl costume, but only to enter the club and discover that there are WAYYYYY sluttier ways to be a cowgirl...

That night, I saw more lingerie than a Victoria Secret catalogue. Now really, how does wearing a garter and a corset make you a more convincing cat?

There was one nurse outfit that showed more cleavage than a Chinese butcher shop. Very ample cleavage in fact...the whole group (girls and gay guys included!) couldn't stop staring - until she pulled two cellphones, yes TWO, out of her bust and started texting on them, both at the same time! (which was equally as amazing).

The nurse was accompanied by a race car driver and another friend with equally ample *ahem* assets, which makes me wonder if there is something about being slutty and big breasted that makes girls spontaneously conglomerate each other despite thermodynamic laws? Perhaps it's the gravitational pull on the two masses on the chest and presumable insecurity that precipitates the attention-seeking outfits...

Am I making no sense? I blame it on the 6th day of Prednisone treatment.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

medwar's been cancelled lol not enough team's playing

that was after i went thru the agony of finally telling my teammates i probably can't do it cuz physically im not fit and i might be coming down w/ something lol

my original team found a replacement for me very quickly and might still go ahead and race tho. lol. the paramedics are very gung ho about it...lol

Thursday, October 26, 2006

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

tickets to NY for thanksgiving...CHECKED!

re: durian story. LOL i like how you can say "or they are making weird food" with a casual shrug...good one, joyce!!

Joyce says...

here's something funny

Last weekend, my friend decided to have durian while we have an MJ gathering at my apartment. He got one for $12 in Chinatown, and brought it to my place. Few of us did quite enjoy the fruit. Half way through our MJ/durian session, my doorbell rang. It was the neighbour, and I thought to myself, "crap, it must be the MJ noise."

neighbour: did you smell gass?
Joyce: nope. did you?
neighbour: yeah... can you check your stove to see if gas's leaking?

I went back to my friends and told them the neighbour smelled "gas," and quickly fake check my stove.

Joyce: the stoves are fine. maybe it's someone's garbage or they are making weird food. *shrug*
(at the same time, the whole room of people were holding laughters under the direction of my roommate. Then, we had quintaple bagged the durian shell and threw it down teh shute asap, spray the apt AND the building's hall way with ordor neutralizer.... whatever was left over was double-ziplock-bagged and put in the freezer.)

Later, we changed MJ playing venue to a durian-hating friend's apartment because my roommate had to go to bed. And whoever wants to eat it would have to put on the coat... and... eat it on his balcony.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

vivienne says...

Joanne: Hahahhahaah I have already heard about his underaged wife. What he doesn't tell me is how young she is exactly....I'll tell him you said hi.

For the rest of you, just so you know, the math and science department at Burnaby South is the most hilarious high-school bunch of peeps. Totally not what I expected.

Karen says...

hehehee, chris, i love that too.

more on enhancing pathetic asian alcohol tolerances:

yep, pepcid ac. lotsa ppl asian ppl take it to reduce the ugly red-ness from consuming alcohol. tim and i both had one that night and it really does work. i think both our tolerances were enhanced. YAY antacids! and yeah, i think my "acetaminophen/alcohol pathway" is pretty sound as i sometimes take tylenol WITH alcohol (the 5 times a year that i do drink)...hehehe. i know it's bad but i never take more than 500 mg and i don't get any kinda headache afterwards!! =P =P


you could be happy - snow patrol.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Christopher says...

I just loved this so much that I had to share it.

Christopher says...

Ah my best tips for drinking would be:
1) Take a vitamin pill before hand. Wouldn't do to run out after all.
2) Eat a big meal before drinking, then as Peter says you get to do more of the important stuff.
3) In theory taking tylenol daily would increase your tolerance as it would induce the Cytochrome pathway that takes care of both alcohol and acetaminophen. Haha someone should try that out.

Peter says...

on increasing tolerance... two words: PEPCID AC

don't ask me why. just a tip form a few friends. it's no hangover cure, but it does help you drink more......which is of course more important than whatever you do the morning after

Joanne says...

Vivienne: Oh yah! Good ol' Mr. Chan! He still has my chemistry notes... Tell him I said hi! He should remember me. And ask him how his underaged wife is doing ;). (If you didn't catch that joke, then it means the Science department finally decided to get off his back about his much younger wife...)

Karen: Shouldn't you NOT take Tylenol with alcohol!?!?!? Something about alcohol competing with hepatic CYP2E1 microsomal enzyme...

Ahhh, the best cure for a hangover is water, water and water. And NOT waking up next to something you don't recognize helps too.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

growing very nervous about MedWar...

I'm supposed to be dressed for snow. For SNOW. In fricking October.

Did I mention I left all my ski gear back in Vancouver and I don't even have anything waterproof besides my umbrella? My gosh, I hope my friends here could lend me some...and that I could fit in them...cuz believe it or not, my friends here are all Joyce size...

Monday, October 23, 2006

vivienne says...

Joyce: I'm just nitpicking ;) but prevention isn't exactly count as a type of treatment. That said, it's good advice to follow through and through. The only problem is, once you start drinking, you really don't care about pacing yourself 'cause you're too drunk to realize that you're drinking too much.

Cindy: Building up tolerance is a good thing, even though I wouldn't suggest doing it when you have exams. :D

Karen: I phoned you the next day after the b-day thing and you sounded fine! But then again...I DID call you at ten-ish. Maybe it IS my incredible tolerance! Hahah...'cause I totally got right to work and went shopping after, not seven hours after puking three rounds..hahahha....ah, gawd. X___X;;;;

Joyce says...

I think the throwing up method is onnly valid if the alcohol hasn't been absorbed into your system (and i thought it is what your body tries to do when you throw up, preventing alcohol from being absorbed in the GI system).
The best treatment for hangover, is actually prevention. This can be done by pacing yourself and drink equalvolume of water as you consume beer or cocktail. For harder drinks, I recommend water of 3x the volume of alcohol you consume.

btw, i'll be there for clubbing/drinking! hehehe.. I've been receiving helps on dancing :p... hopefully i won't move like chandler. well.. worst comes to worst.. i'll just sit on the side and try to flirt. :p :p :p

Karen says...

actually, viv, even after throwing up the night before, @ 7 in the morning, i still had to get up to ail my pounding head with an extra strength tylenol (yep, i'm proudly still not at the advil stage yet!! thank goodness!) oh memories...argh! and when i finally got up again @ noon, i felt good as new. viv, i think your more robust tolerance allowed you to recover much better than i did. hehe...and if i remember correctly, cindy's tolerance was about the same as mine...so yeah, cindy, the throwing up method, i would not recommend!!! yikes, though it IS good to know your puking limits... =P =P =P. i think by x'mas, i would be ready to drink again...*wink* who's in?? (girls?) hahahaha=) =) =). it's a shame my tolerance will only ever really allow me to be a pathetic drunkard wannabe...hehehe.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

i'm not really becoming a drunkard...i just have really bad tolerance...

no worries, i'm building my tolerance up, so when it comes x'mas (oh no, if joannes not gonna be in van, who is gonna go clubbing w/ me???) i'll be able to handle at least a couple of shots

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Gordon says...

Veto...i vote joyce to be the drunk of you girls...

vivienne says...

Cindy: Hahah...FORGET Joyce's tip! That's only if you want to drink but not throw up. If you really want to forgo the whole hangover thing the next morning in general, just drink enough to puke. :p I know, sounds gross, and you feel like crazy for the next hour after you throw up, but after one night's sleep, you're feeling normal again. This method is tried and tested by Karen and yours truly. Hahahahahah......not that I condone this method or anything O.o;;;

Wow, sounds like Cin is becoming an alcoholic. I figured I was the worse of the bunch of you girls....haha...guess not. You're beating me to it, Cin.

Joyce says...

cin: After giving out bellringer tips, here's a good but unhealthy hang over tip. (seems only appropriate since hang over usually happens the day after the bellringers... :p) When you wake up with exploding headache and general shitty feeling, pop two advil and a huge glass of water and then crawl back to bed for another 3 hours (at least). You'll feel as good as new after you wake up for the second time. oh. and. wellcome to drunkenville. next stpe - all-nighter MJ studying session. :p

AH. pathology time. and a stressfull week in the lab's comming!

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

viv: lol...2 hrs in T&T i can understand cuz the asian food stuff (spices and junk food especially!) is just so much more attractive than the western supermarket's aisles and asiles of pasta sauce...guess i'm very chinese-y at heart...hahaha...

i miss my T&T...lol...and i miss diverse cusine in vancouver! sushi here is so expensive and it's not even that great!!!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

my head spins and hurts like hell
currently desperately trying to prevent hang over by crazily popping candy and bread...
and i have to wake up early tomorrow to make up for lost work tonight by not being able to concentrate and partying too much


vivienne says...

Cindy: What? I can totally spend 2 hours in a supermarket! In fact, that's what I did at T&T today, I think. Anyhow, I end up buying one bag of vegetables and the rest were snacks.........

Joanne: I'm being sponsored by Vincent Chan and Jamie Stewart! Do you know them? :D

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

joanne: i didn't know either. i dont know what its called but i'm guessing it's pretty small...they apparently ski here a lot and im thinking, hmm, i don't see any mountains...

sooo tired...i'm falling asleep as i study. i managed to wake up early today only to accomplish nothing...talked to my bros online, ate, grocery shopped w/ my friend (i think im gonna have to think of ways to politely decline going grocery shop with her. she's a cool chick and all but i cant spend 2 hrs in a grocery store...my style of grocery shop is quick and efficient, not ponder and wander), came home only to finish 1 hr worth of lecture (a confusing one at that which i have to go back to later tonight anyways)...and now, time for dinner...

yes i know it's only saturday but tomorrow's all shot thanks to study grp + dissection demonstration. thats how it's gonna be every sunday...

*back to falling asleep on my desk*

Joanne says...

Hmm...I don't think I even posted this month...

I can't confirm for the 23rd yet but don't hold back on my account. I can't give a return date for me yet because *looking sheepish* I didn't book my plane ticket yet... I'm hoping for a last minute seat sale like what happened last year, hehe.

Vivienne: Aaahhhh, good ol' Burnaby South. Which Science teachers are you shadowing?

Cindy: There's a mountain near Albany!?!?!?!

As for me, I've concluded that I do not want to ever live in Manitoba (Sorry Stephen), discovered that I'm allergic to Celebrex, and have a herniated disc. Yipee!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

crazy or not...

with 2 other boys, tomorrow i will sign ourselves up for an activity called MedWar happening the saturday before my friday midterm

its basically wilderness rescue up on a mountain i have never been, and we have to mountain bike, hike, and row. 12 hr day. we have to bring our own water and food, and carry our own equipment. no cell phones, just campasses. no guides either. i think im gonna die lol. the 2 guys (both paramedics; i'm gonna be the least trained) on my team had better be able to carry me back down the mountain if i can't make it. they had better not leave me behind.

and i had better not get cramps, faint, or do anything remotely embarrassing. i had better get in shape, fast.

i got a bit anxious after reading the website...www.medwar.org. maybe i shouldnt do it...but it sounds like so much fun...

"because no one goes camping with an ambulance..."

vivienne says...

In response to Karen's insightful comment:

" . . . . "

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

definitely, john mayer!!!

p.s. ur lamb comment for miss lam made my day

Karen says...

PS: what kind of an "evil teacher" gets all warm and fuzzy inside over a cute lamb name thingy??? give it up viv, you're one big softie at heart. hehehe. =) =) =).

Karen says...

recommended for download:
john mayer - slow dancing in a burning room.
(for anybody who likes electric guitars/guitar acoustics and/or john mayer and/or songs that break your heart. or even if you don't fall into the above category, it's still a really good track.)

my john mayer - continuum cd just came in the mail yesterday, i don't know who else is a john mayer fan other than me/cindy, but omg, his voice... *swoon* =).

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Gordon says...

Happy be-lated bday Dr. Ng-to-be!

vivienne says...

Error analysis and lab exams? Mwahahah...you two have given me ideas.....

*evil teacher smile*

Day 2: Observed 4 different science 8 classes: two by the same teacher, one by another teacher, and one as a 8/9 honours class. It's amazing how classroom dynamics differ even though the grade levels are the same. Btw, today we did a pressure demonstration by having the kids blow up balloons (~30 of them), then placed them under an inverted table and had 7 kids stand on them. It was CRAZY...the kids kept thinking that the balloons would pop each time a kid climbed on...

WHY didn't I get to do these kinds of crazy fun stuff as a kid? Blah....

OOOHHH....I just noticed the cute lamb name thingy...awwww...thanks! (Joyce? Karen? I'm not sure who did it) Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside...

Joyce says...

wooo. viv, you should totally pull that evil student-teacher thing.
I had my first experience with bell ringer in my bioloy 11 exam. That frigging student teacher has a masters in botany, and made us do an exam with a normal portion and a lab portion. The normal portion is your normal science 11 exam PLUS an essay question, and the lab portion is a bellringer consisting plants, alges.. and some kind of pin stuck in certain structure and ask u the function. And, yes, miss Lam, it was a BIOLOGY 11 exam!!! evil.. EVIL!!!

ok. i may have issues. ;p

Monday, October 16, 2006

Christopher says...

Hahaha Miss Lam.

Have fun in lab, haha and revel in the fact its not your school. Make them do error analysis ala. P chem.

vivienne says...

My first day at Burnaby South, Short Practicum

I have to say that Burnaby South is the freakin' largest highschool I've ever been to, and facilities are fantastic! Today I met the principals, v-ps and teachers and staff galore, spent the morning walking around trying to get a hang of where things are....and watched a multicultural show they had today at the Michael J. Fox...and then observed a class. It's weird to be on the flip side of things and to be called, "Miss Lam." Gah.....

So far, it's all fun and games and observations. Next week I get to teach a review session and run a lab. Dun dun dun...

Karen says...

viv: it's because joyce loves me. =P =P (hehe, sorry this admin doesn't know how to do cool things like that =P.)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

vivienne says...

HEY! how come karen gets the cute pooh bear beside her name?

Karen says...

cindy: (since leo doesn't blog regularly hehe, i'm gonna be nosy and answer for him.) leo's going to hk w/ his family @ x'mas for his cousin's wedding. he's gonna go visit taiwan too. [see calendar and announcements.]

Peter says...


NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

where is leo going, and why?

vivienne says...

Happy birthday Christopher Ng!!!!

Regarding the Christmas party, the tentative dates for my trip to Australia is Dec. 8th to the 25th. I'm trying to negotiate with my dad to come back prior to the 23rd 'cause I don't want to celebrate Christmas with my mom all jet-lagged, AND I don't wanna miss you guys either (I'll totally miss Leo by two days if I don't come back before then...noooo Big Brother!!!!! LOL)

Please post the tentative date on the sideboard for now anyway. You guys want postcards from Australia? (in tradition with BenGay's Eurotrip)

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

happy birthday chris...

Karen says...

sorry for interrupting this intelligent conversation but...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS!!! =) =) have a great one for us in toronto.

(muahahahaha, b.r.o. is back =P. sad to see the last of the libra birthdays...=P)

Friday, October 13, 2006

Unknown says...

I do agree that the microcredit system isn't perfect, but I don't think it's worthless. Part of the beauty of the Grameen bank is that it's decentralized. Members of the 'bank' in a community band into a club that supports eachother (and often covers eachother's asses when a member is financially tight). This club needs to elect an officer (rules of the Grameen bank) who will speak for the club and answer to the creditor. You don't need a financial expert for the creditor here. You just need to let the members know how best they can use their money. This isn't affluent citizens trying to make an informed financial investment here. Their economy isn't that complicated. We're talking about the very poor, who have skills, but lack the small amount of capital to invest in their skills. We're talking about skills like basket weaving, banana picking, fishing, etc. And if I remember correctly, some of the 'financial experts' that go around communities collecting interests and dishing out membership were members themselves.
My point is this is quite a positive-feedback system. And it has expanded out of India into poor communities of surrounding nations.

You're right, any process that sits down and examines every single applicant will have a higher success rate. But here's what I'm impressed about:
1. Even though he's examining every person (in that the system finds out how the debtor can best use the money), the Grameen bank is cost-effective. The fact that it still exist and is expanding is proof enough.
2. A lot of people have ideas. He did something with his. And he started just by loaning about $25 to the poor in his village (out of his own pocket).

I do agree that we should address the problem instead of pumping more money into waste. The problem is how to go about it. I agree fully that if we can upgrade the infrastrcture of nations struggling with poverty, the problems will solve themselves. The only problem is there is a lot of people who would like to see otherwise. I don't think the warlords in a lot of African nations give a crap about the poor, and actively raid aid support. A lot of governments of some of these poor nations themselves would rather hang on to capita and enjoy themselves than invest in the future of their people. Western nations who rely on low labour costs from these poor nations will also be reluctant to make the people more affluent. And as you said, even private aid agencies have alternative motives. One person's loss is often another person's gain.

There is no easy solution to this. How do you fight the greed that ingrained in so many people's minds around the world?
I certainly don't have an easy solution.

But I'm glad there are people out there who are truthfully trying to make a change. Even though Yunus tries to decentralize his system to minimize alterior motives, his system isn't perfect. But it's a start. And even though the peace prize went to him alone, I'm sure there are many others who are trying to do the same.

Christopher says...

Congratulations to Dr. Yunus on his win, however, I fear his theory and his bank are great in theory but worthless in reality.

On a small scale, microcredit work great. His bank has a proven record of success and a high rate of return on its loans (haha not surprisingly lending money to women is multiple times more efficient then lending to men). These small loans of 50-100 dollars lead to great returns. What isn't observed is the sheer beaureaucratic waste behind the process. Of course any process that sits down and examines every single applicant (down the a personal level) will have a higher success rate, which is why I'm not terribly impressed by his results. Expand this process the operating budgets of major international organizations. We are talking about hundreds of millions of evaluations. This simply isn't feasible. To hire a financial expert to give a careful and well informed evaluation of hundreds of millions of applications is impractical and would consume the vast majority of the operating budget of any organization.

Now positives can still be taken from this experiment. I think his success underlies the fact we need to start empowering the empoverished as opposed to merely providing sustenance. The fact is we spend disproportionally way more on feeding the hungry and ensuring their health than on improving the economics and infrastructure of these countries. This is not to say that its ok for people to suffer and die, but that we need to address the source of the problem not just put a bandage upon it.

We have all heard the phrase, "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime." Now why don't we follow this well known maxim. Its because its simply not sexy to address the financial needs of empoverished nations. Can you imagine the next commercial from World Bank:

"The african dollar has underwent tremendous inflation over the past few years. The devaluation has caused the misery of millions. But YOU can help! With your loving donation, YOU can bolster their economy. You will receive a commerative coin as well as a careful analysis of the wonderful effect of your donation in the mail. Call now!"

The fact is many of the organizations involved in delivering aid to Africa are run like businesses (yes even non profits. yes especially non profit organizations). There is nothing wrong with that. It needs to be so lest nothing be done. What it also means is their main goal is to ensure the continued inflow of donations. An example of this can be seen in the waste after the Tsunami disaster. All agencies continued to spend millions on massive media campaigns to raise resources. What wasn't revealed until later was that organizations like the Red Cross had already realized they had raised more than enough money to deal with the disaster. They continued to raise money under the pretense of Tsunami relief to make sure they received their share of the charitable donations. While I'm sure these extra resources were spent in other great ways, this incident highlights the true focus of these groups.

So what can we learn from all this. We need to have an increased focus on donating to organizations who do focus on improving the economic situation of empoverished nations. So the next time someone comes asking for donations, think about it and ask them back, will any of this go to solving the problem? I hope whats gained from this experience is we will start demanding that our international aid organizations start addressing the determinants of poverty that exist. Together hopefully we can start addressing cause as opposed to applying bandaids.


Unknown says...

Wow, Muhammad Yunus won the nobel peace prize!! Good for him!
First saw his Grameen bank videos in Anthro 100, and then again in FNH 355. Quite an inspiring man and quite worth of the prize!
Now if only the rest of the overtly-capitalist world can buy into his theory...

Peter says...

hmmm the idea of extrovertedness in psychology (psych 100 level only :p) seems to be linked to social reinforcement. i.e. those who are extroverted seek social feedback and feel emotionally rewarded when that feedback is positive - this in turn encourages them to continue to be extroverted.

introverted people do not need that feedback as much and thus do not feel the need to talk with others as much - often they maintain an internal dialogue functionally similar to that of an extrovert's social dialogues. in a way these people are self-sufficient. this of course has a self-perpetuating negative effect in that those who are not as talkative and friendly don't usually get treated as well by others - sometimes this reception has a way of further driving the person into introvertedness.

my point is this... if i could have total control over my introverted/extrovertedness, i would be extroverted in a way that allows me to meet and work with others effectively, and yet introverted in a way that i can be self sufficient and not dependent on others for social reinforcement of my personal choices. i need A LOT of work on BOTH fronts... lol

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Joyce says...

hmm.. the idea of late dinner + picking up cinday at airport sounds pretty good (if she doesn't mind arriving with airplane hair ... ;P).
What's in Richmond? Shall we get one of those multiple courses chinese dinner a la chinese family style?
OR... we continue on the shu-ya tradition? (but but but.. i thought it's for goodbye party...)

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

which one do you rather be:
an introvert, or an extrovert?

background: had a personality test today to help us determine which specialty we are suited towards. results not back yet

what i realized in the process: how much i'd craved to be the other "type" of person (e.g. i used to be a total introvert and a total feelings person) and i've kinda morphed myself into a ball of contradictions cuz i wanted to be extroverted (the cool kids seem to be all extroverts and i wanted to be cool too) and i didnt think feelings were a good way to make decisions, for example.

HOWEVER...now that i'm an extrovert (or wanna-be extrovert who can't go back to her introvert self cuz u can't suddenly decide to shut urself up) i'm still unhappy. very few ppl have the patience to listen to me blab about my feelings or hear my overanalyze things.

maybe i should have kept it all to myself then...BAH. becoming an extrovert was a relatively easy process compared to the process of going back to being introverted...LOL...

Gordon says...

...and another...make sure you know if the body is supine or face down cause...haha...EVERYONE made that mistake in our class last year.

Man, you guys get rest stops?

Joyce says...

oh. here's another tip for bellringers...
when in doubt, do NOT change your answers. First instinct is usually right.

Christopher says...

Hey Guys, I'll be back in Vancouver by the early afternoon on the 23rd, so I'm game for the party.

Cindy: If you are getting back at 7 PM, maybe we can pick a place in richmond to eat and schedule a late dinner. Someone can pick you up directly from the airport.

Also, for anatomy, how are your exams done? If they are bell ringers, here are a few tips:

1. Look at your specimens from different angles. They can put anything upside down and being able to recognize the area is essential so guessing isn't that bad.

2. Create a list of objects and then try to find them on your cadaver.

3. Work in reverse, look at an area and try to name everything there.

4. On the actual exam, take advantage of your rest breaks by contemplating any difficult questions you just had. Don't try to guess on things that you saw 5-6 specimens ago because everything just looks brown and dry.

5. If you have extra time after a question, look ahead in the exam and answer any questions that don't require a specimen. This provides extra rest breaks later and allows for more frequent breaks to after difficult questions (which helps with guessing).

Anyhow, if you have any specific concerns feel free to bring them up.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Gordon says...

Hey dudes, i updated the my picasa... check it out if you have some time.

Karen says...

yeah, cindy, that's what we were afraid of, that you and/or chris (and/or peter/joanne) would be getting in late that day. so for those of you wondering, leo leaves early 24th morning so that's why 23rd was chosen. but even if we exclude leo to accommodate others, i don't know how many of you guys can do it on the 24th, as that's usually reserved for family stuff?? i personally may be able to be free on the 24th but i don't know if that's flexible for everybody.

SO, joyce and others, maybe we can do a pre-x'mas party for leo and ppl who can/would like to attend and then have another dinner/gathering of sorts later post-x'mas? ppl attending both can just wear the same clothes on both days and we can photoshop ppl into a one big happy group picture. hahahaha. =P i dunno, i think it's kinda nice if we can all at least have a dinner together and then do whatever after. since a good new year's eve party looks bleak also as joyce/gordon are leaving early jan. 1st morning. hmmph.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

I don't land in Vancouver until 19:15 on Dec 23 you guys...don't know if I can do a PC xmas party/dinner, but like Pete,r I can try to catch y'all for whatever late digs you will be up to after I land, drop my stuff off, and shower...

I am in for secret santa but again timing is an issue for me. is it possible to do secret santa POST xmas? hahaha...

joyce: i am using my air canada aeroplan miles to get free plane tix before my points expire....thanks for the tip about cheap tix tho!!! i'll keep that in mind next time

p.s. i actually get a week-long thanksgiving holiday (2 weekends) cuz i can skip monday (2 hrs of histology talk - and who on earth cares about histo). i won't bug joyce when u study for ur exam tho. i think i will stick around in albany and try to catch up on my anatomy stuff. i just started the theme and im already feeling so stressed...any tips from u second years???

vivienne says...

Well.......to defend the Canucks, they did pretty well in the previous game, considering they were trailing 2-0 and caught up to 2-2 in less than 10 minutes in the final period with some pretty nice plays and finished the game with a great shot by D. Sedin in the overtime.

The Canucks probably lost yesterday's game because TIM JINXED IT! LOL

Christopher says...

That was one horrible ass game. If thats what the Canucks are going to play like this year, I certainly won't miss them.

Luongo was decent (but sure looked horrible in the shootout)
3rd line looked decent (Linden is well worth worth the scraps he is paid)
Less penalties.

2nd line was non existent (Bulis sucks)
The Canucks D never pinches forward or helps out with the attack
No fricken shot for the first 11 minutes of the 3rd?!!? Bull.
Potential injuries to Salo and Kesler (damn that was a nasty hit)
Powerplay was horrible
Horrible face off taking (Hell Chouinard is a face off specialist. Atleast he might break even or come close to it)

I kept hearing constant comparisons of the canucks to the wild of yesteryear. The current Canucks can't hold a candle to the Wild. They werent playing trap, they didn't line up on the blue line. They just relied on their goalie and got harsh outshot. They were scrambly and didn't deserve a win.

Luongo was good but realistically if this is what the team is going to do this year he might as well have stayed in Florida. If we are going to miss the playoffs, all that money might as well used to atleast get some scoring to make this exciting.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Joyce says...

secret santa this year? anyone? anyone?

Thinking about christmas is what get me through the days....

Peter says...

hey guys,

don't think i'll be able to make it on the 23rd, but i might be able to join you guys after (if ur doing anything late night). on another note, pat, how goes the web development? didn't think i'd forget all about that did ya? hehe

Tim says...

:'( I didn't get my birthday gift...oh well, hopefully this is just a teaser when the Stanley Cup parade rolls around...

Christopher says...

Happy Birthday Tim!!

Finally I get to watch a Canucks game. I hope Tim's prediction is right and he gets his gift.

Tim says...

Thank you everyone.... I'm shedding tears of joy right now :' )

I also hope the Canucks will win tonight with a shutout, that will be a good bday present lol.

Peter says...

happy bday timothy lol

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

morning everyone...

happy birthday tim...

i met my cadaver yesterday...thankfully she was one fit lady...wont be digging in too much fat in that case...and also thankfully my partner is a big black guy who will hopefully protect me in case the cadavers come to live....hahaha...

Gordon says...

Happy Birthday TIM!

Monday, October 09, 2006

vivienne says...

Scary how no one has posted over the weekend, but...


Sunday, October 08, 2006

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

heehee...gordon, u drunk dialed me once or twice when u first joined ur frat...haha...i know, cheap blow, but ur the only person who i can remember drunk dialed quickly...lol...sowwie...

Gordon says...

I drunk dialed??

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

viv: it was on alcohol...instead of pulling a karen (whatever that is I have yet to find out), i drunk dialed until 4am...i think in that case pulled a gordon!!!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

vivienne says...

Cindy: Buzzed on what?

If it's alcohol, just don't pull a Karen. :P :P :P (if you need clarification on this issue, just ask Karen herself. LOL)

Friday, October 06, 2006

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

i'm buzzed. woooooot (sorry steve, had to borrow it)!!!

Karen says...

- random notes -

1) today, i found out that the taiwanese tech in my lab speaks PERFECT cantonese! i've never met a mandarin-speaking person who speaks cantonese okay-well period. i think it's a phonetics/pronounciation thing. cantonese sounds just are so different than mandarin/taiwanese. hehe. so cool. but of course, there's a reason for everything: her bf is cantonese. and the world makes sense again.

2) i just minced mouse xenograft tumours generated from human breast cancer cells. after a while, it just looks like pork. *sigh* poor mouse. sorry, i don't generally like sharing grotesque stories, so i'll make this educational. cancer tumours are actually not nearly as soft (or, *ahem* viv & etc., "supple" *LOL*!!!) as you'd think, the connective tissues and extracelullar matrix are apparently very extensive!! (how's that for those of us more clinically-inclined =P?)

peterli: eh, i'll think about it... (=P =P =P)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

i am officially streeeeeeeeeeessed out.

then again, haven't i always been?

dang it. 8pm and im only halfway thru my notes. last time i stayed up and drank too much coffee and almost threw up after the exam...dont think i wanna stay up tonight and drink coffee and throw up for real tomorrow

ok. back at it. thanks for listening ppl.

Christopher says...

Lol isn't that normally my line?
"Whats her/his face?"

Peter says...

thanks for all the bday wishes guys... aww man, i totally feel bad now that i was so mean to karen on her bday =( sorry, karen... i shouldn't have called you 'whatsherface' - friends?

Karen says...

happy birthday peter! we wish you one big happy drunken night this weekend =).

ps: see i'm NICE on your b-day! (*hangs head* darnit, B.R.O. got beaten...)
pps: i heart this upcoming run of libra birthdays...w00t!

Christopher says...

Happy Birthday Peter!

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

oh yes...
happy birthday peter!!!!!!!!

Gordon says...

ME TOO! I've uploaded some pics on picasa to procrastinate from my GI final!!...more to come this wknd.

Also...Happy Bday Peter!

Joyce says...

wooo.. I remember Picasa wasn't that impressive at all a while ago, but now I'm hooked! Just for the sake of procrastination, I've uploaded some camping pictures. Enjoy
From P&C Summer Ca...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Unknown says...

Hi guys, I also managed to post all my euro photos and other misc stuff, check them out at:


Man I seriously hope google/picasa doesnt figure out that laichiehmin, laichiehmin1, laichiehmin2 etc are accounts for the same person =P

yeah yeah! your turns!

Christopher says...

Lol didn't I give someone a copy of all my photos?

Anyhow, I'll be back in Vancouver:
Dec 23 - Jan 7 (I'm skipping a few days of school lol)

See you guys soon!

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

dec 23 - jan 3 cindy in vancouver
yay to aeroplan miles

also tentatively (to be discussed w/ joyce): nov 22 - 26 cindy in NYC
(joyce, whatever works for you. lol. i can stay in a hostel or my friend's gf's place if u cant house me for that long)

additionally...VVN, pls email me! my hotmail account which is listed on my msn is fine

Karen says...


p&c members in faraway lands - post your flight dates back to VANC for x'mas once they're booked so i can put it up on the sidebar. =)

(karen is swearing off msn at work - going cold turkey - hence the surge in posts...)

Karen says...

PS: i love the picasa layout. how i wish we could get everybody's pictures up and downloadable like that! (*ahem* chris *cough*, hehehee, i know i know, even i know that's too good to be true.)

Karen says...

hmmm, observation: people who didn't appear to age were all NOT biochem majors... YAY BIOCHEM.

ahhh, we practically LIVED at pearl fever (bbt house) last year...somehow the bbts that were bought while skipping physiology always tasted the best eh?? guys, remember the HUGE moral dilemmas at like 10:50am after every breakfast club (and pretty much every second mon/wed) where we'd have to decide as a group whether or not to attend PHYL/other classes? hahahahaha. that must be it...the bbt... starphen/gordon/likai did NOT drink bbt like 1.5 +/- 0.5 times a week for a year!!

vivienne says...

Thanks BEN for posting all these pics! :) I can't believe how long ago this group has formed...we had pics from 2002!!! That's NUTS!

Anyway, I'm just slacking off in the Education Computer Media Center. Hehe. And listenign to "Dani California." Ah....procrastination is the key to life.

Gordon says...

Wow ben, that's awesome. Thanks! It let's me and joyce step into the past and kinda live it with you guys haha (sort of anyway).

Joyce: Secret to aging minimally...no smoking, no alcohol, sleeping 7-10 hrs a day, no stress, no sugar, plenty of fruits and veggies, regular exercise...eh, who am I kidding, i only do 3 out of all of those things haha... it's all in the genes i guess...

2.5 DAYS till vancouver!! And 0.5 days till 2006-07 NHL season begins!!!!

Joyce says...

Man... I look like I've gained 5 years on appearance since last year. What happened??? Applauds go to the Naps, Gordon and Likai for just having aged a little if not at all. What's your secret?

Why was everyone at the last breakfast club meeting wearing matching clothes? Please don't tell me you guys intended that way.

ahh... once again I feel I'm missing out on all the P&C fun. bah. only 2.5 months till christmas!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Unknown says...

Right.... Sagging.....

On another note, I uploaded almost all my photos (cept for europe ones, which i will do soon) onto Picasa... Remember I promised to share my photo somehow like.... a few years ago? well... promise delivered.... after a few years haha... maybe i will actually get around to making that year book too lol


had to use more than one cuz they only allow 250mb each

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

i wanna be invited to the Phish & Chips group on facebook pleeeeeeeeeeease!!!!

Karen says...

pat: hehehe. the chinese is brilliant isn't it? =P viv and i came up with that and tacked it in front of every adjective on the tofino camping trip. =) =) =)

ohohoh, let's share a moment from my/tim's b-day night.

we were all having ice-cream or deciding on flavours at the international ice-cream factory saturday night. ben points to viv and says: hey, you're sagging.

he was referring to her melting ice-cream cone.

hahahahahaha. and you're all like, BEN?! yes, ben. viv and i pointed out that ben lai wouldn't have said something like that a couple of years ago. ben then muttered something about spending the summer with gary in europe. and scene.


(for the record, gary, if you're reading this, we all knew ben had it in him!! =P)

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

final on friday so i've gotta run (yay to exams every 2 weeks). but before i do that...

karen and tim: happy belated bday...the bash looked so much fun!

gordon: nice chart...

joyce: nice pix of the apartment yet again...didn't notice the guacamole part but good eye steve!

Tim says...

Yeah I know Hidemi, haven't talked to her in a long time though...interesting how you just meet ppl that you know.

Anyways, can't wait till the weekend....I want fooooood........Thanksgiving turkey in my belly, mmmmmm *drools*

Pat says...

why is there always a picture of you trying to lick someone's face in every set of photos gary? It reminds me of a puppy just excited to be around people. I guess its better than humping everyone's leg but still.

on another note. Hahaha.. nice usage of the 超級無敵特別非常之乜 phrase in leo's card! Sugay! (which is awesome in Japanese contrary to its English sounding counterpart)

Monday, October 02, 2006

vivienne says...

TIM!!!! hey, do you know a girl named Hidemi? She's with me in Education!!!! Hahaha....we have pretty much like....all our classes together.

Anyway, I was showing her my Tofino photos ('cause she wanted to see how long my hair was) and she says, "Is that Tim?"

So anyway, I showed her pics from the b-day party too, and she says you look like a pimp. Heheh...not in a bad way, of course, it was just in reference to the photo with you and the girls @ Banana Leaf.

Stephen says...

Li-Kai: Not there yet, but soon...

Joyce: just add garlic to any guacamole recipe to make it better, I don't have any special recipes, just avocado, garlic, red onion, tomatoes, and lime (lots of lime!). Also, you just won "quote of the week".

Tim and Gary: What the hell kind of hand gestures are those?
Gary: what's with the three fingers? Wasthat supposed to be "the guns", or those rabbit ears that Chinese girls always do?
Tim: "The Shocker" is properly given by closing your thumb over you ring finger, not the middle finger. Unless you were trying to "throw up the horns", in which case it's the thumb over the middle and ring fingers. Either way, thumb in. Unless you're a "machinegun kelly" type of guy...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Leaky Wang!!!! says...

Whoa Steve, you're finally watching Trailer Park Boys! Awesome! Have you gotten to "if I can't swear and smoke in court, then I'm FUCKED"? Anyways, g'luck with the shitstorm midterm you got man. LOL then we can get fuckin stoned and piss drunk when I get there. Trailer Park Boys rules!

Joyce says...

LOVE that chart, Gordon. This is the downside of being in dental school... we rarely go below the pelvis.
bah! Karen and Tim's bday party looked so FUN!!... And, Karen, I totally got the animals right with just one look.
hmm... did Edmonton turn Peter gay? oh, am I not suppose to say that outloud?

steve, the full name is Guacamole Kao.. hehehe... and do you have any good guacamole recipe?

vivienne says...

Hahah...thanks for posting up piccies, Karen.

I just noticed that Leo (in the first picture where he squints his eyes and grins >_<) looks JUST LIKE THE LION in Karen's card! Am I a good observer or what? hahaaha

Actually, I'm waiting for Ann's pics. Ahahah...there's one where Karen looks REALLY CREEPY a la the RING. Yes, guys, another scary Karen pic.

Peter says...

damn tim, you look so HOT in those pics ;)

p.s. get cufflinks

Karen says...


*ignores stool talk and thanks the powers that be that i've been made admin* =P =P

pictures from yester-night! (our mini "food crawl": dinner, ice-cream and drinks!)


Gordon says...

haha...i know atleast ONE person on this blog will like it =P.

Peter says...

omg, that chart should be permenantly enshrined in the sidebar (note extreme sarcasm)

Stephen says...

Gordon: you could use it as a pick up line - "hey baby, what's your stool type?"

Stephen says...

Nice apartment, Joyce! I love how your koala's name is "Guacamole".

For anyone who's ever watched Trailer Park Boys, I totally agree with Ricky:
Fuck med school, let's get drunk and eat chicken fingers.

I have an exam on Tuesday...

Gordon says...

Joyce: Awesome place! Man, i need a little decoration in my apartment....

Anyhow, I just felt like sharing with everyone my favorite thing I've learned so far in my med school training. Who can ask for more than a stool chart!!! ENJOY! =P.