Monday, December 28, 2009

Joyce says...

Yes I did. The skull avatar wasn't working so i took the liberty of updating your decoration.

hmm, how do we revive the blog again?

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Stephen says...

Thanks everyone!

Joyce, did you put that little stork by my name? Hilarious!

We don't want to know the sex in advance. Cindy: considering first pregnancies are often late, you may get your wish.

Congrats also to our two newly affianced bloggers! Everyone's growing up so fast...

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

congratulations steve and star! AHH!!! JULY! make it the 15th and celebrate it w/ me!!!!
is it a boy or girl??? or do u guys prefer a surprise?

Joyce says...

This blog is still my firefox homepage, but I haven't been checking stuff online since xmas.
All the best!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Pat says...

WHOA! Congratulations!!!! Exciting news. If it werent for me logging into my blog I would have never known! Congrats again! Send Star my regards please!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Stephen says...

Well, I'll post this here just to see if anyone still reads this.


We're due in July!