Thursday, June 12, 2008

Stephen says...

Joyce, I love how you linked all the things in your pocket to pictures. Did you start with the Vehe carver and then get carried away? I love it!

I hate haematologists because they are all assholes. At least, the ones in Manitoba are. So arrogant, with absolutely no interest in teaching. Everyone failed (or came close to failing) that portion of the exam.

I have no idea what kind of machine you use to analyze feces. My guess would be the "Feconator 3000". Sounds like the kind of machine that would do the trick.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Joyce says...

It's 37C (feels like 38) today in NYC, and now it's thunderstorming like crazy.

To procrastinate, I've decided to list all the things in my labcoat a.k.a. my mobile locker.

chest pocket: 2 (used to be 3) really cool multifunction pen with centre of gravity mechnism, a automatic pencil with red lead, list of patients transfered to me, a Vehe carver

left pocket: appointment card, unfiled paperworks, self-made pocket version of the fee schedule/notepad, pda and phone.

right pocket: crazy glue, mini screw driver, my keys, composite shade guide, a plaster spatula, a curing light ($500+ a pop), a sterilization pouch containing 2 lidocaine carpules, 1 mepivicaine carpule, 1 polishing disc mandrel,

i guess I have to study now.

Joanne says...

Why does Stephen hate haematologists more than feces? What are feces-analyzers called?

Joyce, if it makes you feel better knowing that you have company, I ate lunch at 5 yesterday!

Monday, June 09, 2008

Joyce says...

This happened tonight.

I was talking about a case with my prof, who's been working with me a lot since my baby step days.
Joyce: I can't stop thinking about my cases during the weekend. And I know I should not do that for my sanity, but it's just hard not to.
Prof: Get a boyfriend.
Joyce: Now, THAT will be a lot harder.