Monday, January 31, 2005

Joanne says...

Ah Joyce, why complain when you can join! Write one up, it's a good exercise to see where your values or unrealistic dreams lie...

Cindy: You must first file a claim. Going back to my "Legally Blonde" DVD, you need evidence, which means you must "Have reasonable belief that your claim should have evidenciary support."

Yah...don't worry people, the LSAT is not on my shortlist of exams to write.

Joyce says...

personal ads are in now? really? or is everyone just too desperate to procrastinate?

Tim says...

21 yr. old banana looking for his true love
Likes: Hockey, studying, eating, beavers, making sperm
Dislikes: Cows, assignments, MWF's
Seeking: Asian female whom I am great friends with, to the point where I have no chance of possibly dating you.

Stephen says...

I think you just described a girl I know...

GLMM (Gwai Loh Married Male), 5'10", slim but not scrawny. Married to superfine half-Colombian chica with massive diamond ring.
Likes: hot wife, new laptop, ranting, and "w00t".
Dislikes: first-years, whiners, "yar", and editors who bump me off their presses.
Don't call me, I'm already gone!

Sunday, January 30, 2005

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

what is the proper way to sue a fellow ultimate league player?

if u see how i limp, u'll know how i feel. man i didn't even twist it myself this time...stupid horrible girl tripped me and later tripped zaneta! she even ran away from me saying "oh ya sorry about that" after i fall. uh...maybe u could lend a hand when i'm down?

and it doesn't help i still have to keep up the rest of my life when i'm being slowed down by my ankle. u know how stupid i looked today as a first aid attendant? people were saying, "um looks like u need some first aid urself". ya duh?! if i could i would take a break. but i can't, so just shut the hell up. how the BEEP that stupid girl will ever pay me for the loss of the quality of life, i'll never know.

ya so i know some of u have suffered worse injuries, but this one i did not bring it onto myself. it was uncalled for. maybe i'm just PMSing, but i HATE her. stupid girl from God Squad, fat frizzy red hair girl. man, i hope she twists her ankle too. better yet, i wanna BE there when she twists. i hope she suffers as much as i am now.

and to think that on saturday morning, i was being a good samaratan by picking up and returning a Fido cell phone hanging on my tree. Is there such a thing as a good Karma anymore?

thanks for listening guys. my ankle still hurts like beeping hell, but at least i vented.

Peter says...

21 year-old SAA (skinny-assed-asian) - income: $0, height: 5'10", body type: skinny-assed, facial structure: mainland farmer boy, interests: hot chicks and sweet wheels, pet peeves: ugly chicks and lame-ass wheels.

seeking: uber-hot SAF (single asian female) or PBC (playboy centerfold) who can do my homework, clean my room, make 6 figures, cook gourmet meals, never think about other men, drive stick, play video games, lift the toilet seat up when she's done, and buy me lots of presents.

6046449965 - don't call all at once now...

Joanne says...

In honour of the upcoming holiday of love (and inevitably a feeling of mockery by the all those blissfully happy people), I think it would be a good exercise to write up a personals ad to critically assess myself, and what I want in a partner. Let's see...

20-year-old Busy Chinese Born Canadian Female UBC Student
Shopaholic cheese addict writing up this ad in lieu of avoiding PSYC 300A midterm
Likes: Cheese, chocolate, yogourt and honesty
Dislikes: Geography and predictability
> 6'0" Legal Male with sense of humour and a rocking ass
Must enjoy/tolerate science talk
Swimmers preferred
Hmmm, if you look at it this way, I don't really have many standards...

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Unknown says...


To answer your question. Yes I would cure cancer if I held the knowledge. Overpopulation is a serious problem I don't doubt that but, the way I see it. Even if we cure cancer in the next twenty years, something else is going to pop up. Something always does.
We've had to combat the plague, influenza, and now it's things like cancer and AIDS. But I mean, the bird flu can jump the species barrier any time, and we'd have something new to deal with which we have no cure for. One strain of Ebola is airborne, but it only attacks monkeys (if i remember correctly), if that virus mutates and jumps the barrier, that'd be pretty devastating too. Besides, there is still too many things out there to keep us in check. Pneumonia, Heart disease, stroke, are still all leading deadly illnesses. And I can see things like obesity (even though this is not a disease), diabetes, allergies starting to play more and more of a role in killing humans...
Not to mention Mr. Bush and his thousands of nukes, 'Rogue states' and THEIR nukes, China and their world's biggest infantry (this one for the Taiwanese, ack!), random meteors crashing onto earth, TROGDOR , ...... you get the point
btw, whats your stance on this?

Joanne says...

The Art of Stalking is an oft belittled discipline. But why? It demands a stunning skillset deemed desirable by employers and professional schools all over: resourceful, innovative, dedication, and critical thinking. It makes you wonder what these private eyes could have done if they decided to channel their energy into other ventures.

Aside from physically following them around or rummaging through their garbage, how can one effectively stalk? (Shush to all you who know why I'm asking this question! This is general knowledge I think everyone should have...*ahem*)

So far, I have, and convincing a friend to pretend to be gay (actually, the latter has not yet been achieved. If anyone can answer how one can convince a friend to act homosexual, that'd be greatly appreciated too).

Stephen says...

Because there aren't enough people who rant on the internet.

Tim says...

Hmmm, interesting. Went to Brandi's tonight and guess who I saw?....Mr. M...... ......
I'll fill in the blanks tmw...too tired, hope I have enough energy for the game tmw.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Joanne says...

I myself have encountered this moral dilemma as well...but mainly because mankind appears to be comprised of more bad people than good (or at least enough bad people to spoil it for all the good people) to be worth saving. However, a few bad apples shouldn't deter one from helping the good ones who deserve it - after all, the bad ones can be used to make apple sauce.

So I WOULD do it...knowing full well that humanity inherently has multiple ways to destroy itself. Ah, funny how cyncism can breed compassion...sorta...

Joanne says...

Things you can apparently include in a bridal registry nowadays:
- chinaware
- jewellery
- circular saws
- lawn chairs
- grand vacations
- home entertainment centres
- tickets to professional sports games
- antique furniture
- mortgage payments

Stephen says...

I would do it. Cancer is mainly a first-world problem, and doesn't really hold a firm grasp over the lifespan of people in developing nations, which, excepting America of course, aren't really contributing to Earth's overpopulation. If you really want to look at it from a world population viewpoint, we should consider curing AIDS, or much easier to cure, famine.

Fucking Americans, I can't believe they won't fund programs that support condom use as birth control. "Abstinence is the best way" my ass! No wonder their economy is such a shitpile, they have too many fucking children to tend to.

Joyce says...

Karen and I came across a discussion about curing cancers, and here's something for all of you to ponder upon.

If you (and perhaps a group of scientists) hold the key to cure cancer, would you publish the result and have everyone live to their full life expectancy? Before you answer, think about population growth and limited resources on earth, evolution and any other things that may sway you the other way.

wow, i just experienced a rather exciting moment knowing the download rate is 154kB/s and increasing.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Peter says...

oh canada... known for our beavers, loonies, and public masterbaters...

Ben: yeah i agree with you... i despise the american media almost as much as i hate bush... and i REALLY hate bush

Unknown says...

You know what, for all we know, that pic could have been set up in a studio (even though photo credits might say baghdad...

Peter says...

man this is one good-looking soldier... reminiscent of government pro-war propaganda in the first and second world wars

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Joanne says...

Booyah. As the supposedly sexually frustrated major shareholder, I approve of the pedophilic adoration! Good job, new administrator!

Ok, as my what will likely be futile attempt to prepare for interviewness, I shall try to inject my opinion on something daily. Beware: I think I have the least politically correct views in this entire group (except for war-monger Leaky).

Stephen, as much as I'm for creativity, breaking new grounds, and sounding cool/cute, I don't think you and Star should bother changing your last names to Nap after getting married. Yah, I know you guys have spent a lot of time debating over this, but I think by keeping Naphegi, you are honouring your family's Hungarian heritage. There's nothing wrong with giving a kid a difficult-to-pronounce last name. Speaking as another person with a weird last name, I can say that it builds character. Besides, at least it'll give your kid a reason to pin that annoying loudmouth down on the playground and, with his/her fist clenched, growl through his/her teeth, "It's Na-PEG-gee, mister!"

Peter says...

geez, not even a week since we hired the new admin and already there's an underaged sex scandal... will the drama ever end?

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Stephen says...

You know this blog is dead when it get filled up with posts about MSN conversations, and Joyce keeps hitting on underaged Sylvain Learning Centre boys.

Joyce says...

Anyone caught that Sylvan Learning Centre commercial recentlly???
Honestly, that kid with mother-pleasing grades is ONE GOOD LOOKING BOY.
I think he has the potential to break a lot of hearts and send a lot of girls into depressions.. haha

ugh, why do i have to be 21, why?

Monday, January 24, 2005

Leaky Wang!!!! says...

VVN--wow...that sure was interesting... says:
and it all started from "I like massaging my own kidneys."
VVN--wow...that sure was interesting... says:
WTH says that?
Moo! says:
VVN--wow...that sure was interesting... says:
VVN--wow...that sure was interesting... says:
Anyhow...haha.....about ANY kind of sexual favor, I wouldn't be very I will refer you to my friend Tim, who is obviously much more skilled in these things. (not that I know from personal experience, but pretty much anyone will have a better experience than I, who have no experience. ~.~)
Moo! says:
um....but the prospect of Tim performing ANY sexual favors is a bit too much for anyone
VVN--wow...that sure was interesting... says:
Moo! says:
plus what if he chews someone's wanker off?
VVN--wow...that sure was interesting... says:
*wrinkles nose* ew..
VVN--wow...that sure was interesting... says:
Moo! says:
damned beavers
VVN--wow...that sure was interesting... says:
TIM! It's not LITERALLY wood!!!!!
VVN--wow...that sure was interesting... says:
Moo! says:

PS. Please refer to previous postings by Tim and Viv to fully appreciate this blog

Tim says...

TL-Lots of pop ^^ says:
actually, I like massaging my own kidneys
VVN--want a kidney massage? msg my friend at says:
TL-Lots of pop ^^ says:
I will kill you
TL-Want a groin massage? Msg me friend at says:
take that
VVN--want a kidney massage? msg my friend at says:
VVN--want a kidney massage? msg my friend TIM LEUNG, 4th YEAR UBC STUDENT at says:
TL-Want a groin massage? Msg my friend Vivienne Lam, 4th yr. Biochemistry at says:
VVN--want a kidney massage, any type of favor AND get $ for it? msg TIM LEUNG, 4th YEAR UBC STUDENT at says:
I think it's just us and people going WTH?
TL-Want BJ,HJ and any variation of the sort for FREE? Msg my friend Vivienne Lam, 4th yr. Biochemistry at says:
do you really want me to keep going??
VVN-want sexual favors AND get $ for receiving it? msg TIM LEUNG, 4th YEAR UBC STUDENT at says:
I think we have to draw the line here...or else people we don't know might start msg us.
TL-Want BJ,HJ and any variation of the sort for FREE? Msg my friend Vivienne Lam, 4th yr. Biochemistry at says:
ok truce
TL-Truce....disregard all that ^^' says:

In case some of you didn't get all that, pay attention to the msn names and the changes within each sentence...

Joanne says...

You know you've been in Biochemistry too long when your PSYC 300 textbook briefly refers to a group of antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and antipsychotic drugs as "structurally similar" and you REALLY want to know the structural differences...

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Stephen says...

Schizophrenia would be a good one. It's really terrible, especially considering it is onset at puberty. You have an entire twelve years of life without symptoms, then BOOM.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

Joanne, your question is too deep for me. I don't have a favourite disease.

Some kind of psychological disease, like depression or bipolar, is kinda interesting.
So is HIV though...think about the millions of people you'd cure. Heehee. You'd probably be winning Nobel Prize too if you cure that (or cancer).

Joanne says...

Our blog is getting boring again. Writing up grad school apps, and I have to declare an area of study I want to pursue. I'm leaning towards ischemic stroke, but just out of curiousity,


Saturday, January 22, 2005

Stephen says...

Never mind about my last post. I totaly forgot that we have a prior commitment (we're having a friend over) this evening and won't be able to come to the photo shoot. I'm really sorry about that. Also, Star's a little under the weather, and is not to thrilled with the prospect of busing anywhere.

Joyce: if it makes you feel any better, we were already asleep by the time you posted that last night.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Joyce says...

wow, no one's online right now.

i wonder if it's because everyone has a life except me.

Karen says...

- random information -

at the end of february, ubc is offering a one-day course for those who wish to be certified wedding planners. it costs 750 dollars. cute, eh?

Stephen says...

Hey, Star and I also need a ride to FM photo. Can somebody give us one? We would really appreciate it, and we're a lot cooler than Ben. Come on, you know you'd rather give us a ride.

w00t! We just found out that Star got a scholarship! UBC never bothered to phone or e-mail us tell us that we had got one, the lazy fuckers, and we just found it out by randomly printing off a sessional grade report and noticing at the bottom of the page "UBC special award", so she phones them yesterday to ask if she has a scholarship, and they say "yeah, come pick it up". So we're really excited!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Karen says...

1) question: joyce's appointment is @ 6:30. but does that mean our GROUP picture is at 6:30? or should we show up later or at the end so we don't all crash her photo shoot?

2) cindy: love the grad profile!! it's so cute and happy!!

3) paul well's article: i agree! was reading it tuesday night, and was TOTALLY caught off guard by that article. initially, i was super confused. (it was late.) i was thinking that they printed it on the wrong page or more likely, that i missed the punchline somewhere. but really, a very good article. there were several things in there that didn't quite go down so easily for me. and it frustrated me that he was so careful to not express his own opinion on the issue (rightfully so, but still). anyway, more on that later, end of lunch break, back to work!!

Tim says...

Joanne and I on how she is weirdest one of us all (and how for most questions in the survey, she is the ONLY answer)

TL-:your like the 'binding site specificity'....only you 'fit' for the answer

G.I.: haha..nono
G.I.: i'm like..the inhibitor
G.I.: hell, i'm the non-reversible inhibitor
G.I.: i freaking covalently modify the active site
G.I.:....omg...i AM the weirdest one!

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Pat says...

are you hinting at something?

Joanne says...

Joanne says...

Dammit! I just found out I can't donate blood yet because I pierced my ears less than 12 months ago?!?!?! Picky picky picky! (Actually, It's good they're picky...but still...)

Unknown says...

Can me and Becca bum a ride from someone (and perhaps Pat as well).... V.V. Please!!!!!!!! V.V.V. Please!!!!

Peter says...

Peter Li Resigns as Administrator

To make things simple and keep the number of Admins to a minimum, i'm now free of all my administrial duties and powers. It's now up to Patrick to pick between Joyce and Joanne for the new administrator.

In other news, for all you Maclean's readers out there, please have a look at the latest Back Page column by Paul Wells. It's the most thought-provoking piece I've ever seen on that page, and I wanna know what you guys think. For those who don't subscribe to Maclean's, here's the electronic version.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says... here is the deal on the photos

i have a copy of the final contract right in front of me (thanks to a fellow pharmacologist)
and i've just called FM photos and spoke in Mandarin, because apparently their English really sucks and they don't understand the point to my question

We can take as many group pictures as we like out of Joyce's 20 shots. So Joyce can choose to take only 5 shots individually, and the 15 we can just take together as a group (or as many as Joyce donates to us). P.S. this is unrelated to the group photo because we probably do not have time to change outfits, but there's a change room so for people who like to change for their grad pics, that option is available but you must tell them before you start taking photos. Or they'll start zapping and you won't have the opportunity to change.

Here's the catch. The composition of the people in the group picture has to be the same. So all of the group pictures will have to include Joyce, Peter, Vivienne, Leo, Tim, Gordon, Joanne, Karen, Pat, Lai kai, Ben, Becca, Stephen, Star, Chris, and myself (i'm sorry if I miss anybody, i'm only giving an example). If Cindy needs to go and relieve herself and misses one of the group shot, then that picture without Cindy is considered a new "combo" and it will be charged additionally ($15 dollars).

The receptionist also said that since we have a large group, it is unlikely we will be able to come up with different poses. So we'll probably be stuck in the same pose with small alterations and such. I think that it is totally understandable because Joyce only has one hour for her photo anyways. So remember last year for the exec photos, how we couldn't move and had to hold still even your shirt button became undone (i.e. me?) Well, same thing.

Any questions?

Joanne says...

a list of interviewers for UBC Med, in case you're curious...

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Joanne says...

please tell me this is a joke...otherwise, I am quite disturbed...

Joanne says...

Or is it $15/person in each pose? Or do we each just pay $15 and they'll give us a sitting with 20 poses for the whole group? If so, should we book it just before or after everybody's appointment on sat then?

Gordon says...

Hey Cindy, is it one photo or one pose?

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

Tim: well for the one we take thanks to Joyce's generous donation, we will not be obligated to buy that one because it'll appear in Joyce's preview. but for any other ones we take, we need to pay $15

i'll ask them again tomorrow since i took my passport photo there and was supposed to pick it up tonight but couldn't...

Monday, January 17, 2005

Tim says...

Joanne: It's quite obvious you don't have much experience in the job application process. Afterall, who in the right mind tells their potential employer of their BAD traits on their resume/interview? If you do get hired though, it'll only be because you own almost half the company's shareholdings. Hey perhaps you will be able to get 'rich' and take a past-time in drinking in your off hours.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Joanne says...

Hey dude, eyelids can be beautiful!

How do I go about applying for this admin job? As the major shareholder, I think I should play a bigger role. I check this blog often enough, and I'll try to pull out my HTML from one of the many filing cabinets of my consciousness (Haha, I know...Joanne with computer skills?!?!?!?! That's right baby. I even made a webpage about subatomic particles...if I can remember the address, I'll get you guys to check it out). The only thing I CAN'T guarantee is turning the blog pink. Fine, I won't make it pink, but I can make it "rose."

Tim says...

Hmm, how does that work? For every picture that we take we HAVE to buy it? Is it not like Evangelos where we get to preview the picture before we purchase? That would make more sense. I don't know if I'll go get my picture taken if it's only gonna be one photo with a 90% screw-up probability because someone closed their eyes.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

oh yeah...
and i dont know if Chris has told anyone, but we can only take 1 free group picture out of Joyce's 20 pictures...that's the FM photos rule...

each additional group picture is $15 each person but everyone gets a copy i think

NeverGonnaGrowUp says... 2 months the blog will be having its first anniversary!

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Joanne says...

AHAHAHAHAAHAHA. It's funny you brought that up, Vivienne. I DO happen to know this Tom Hsieh. Here's the lowdown:

- He's actually in Honours Chemistry.
- He was in one of our Chem classes last year
- He's in my CHEM 411 class this term.
- Yes, he IS really smart
- He wants to go into Graduate Studies
- He's my friend's brother.
- This friend of mine eats just as much as I do (I know, scary eh? We call it the Hsieh phenotype)
- I used to think he was cute (and kinda had a crush on him back in my Burnaby South days...)
- My friend thinks it's gross I think her brother is cute
- My high school teachers used to think I was his sister (which is gross too, if you think about it)
- He has a sister named JoannA Hsieh

Yar, how's that for stalking, eh? ;) Alright, looks like I'll have to start looking good at 8am in the morning...

vivienne says...

It's funny howthe majority of ppl answering the blog on the last-name question are mostly girls. I guess we are the only ones who really do care about it. :p

Cindy: I don't know...the last name Ng sounds pretty cool. I guess I just never had to deal with it...LOL NG NG NG...

Joanne: You know what? I met this girl at Wintercon, and she says that there's TOM HSIEH at UBC biochemistry. I have no idea if he's in our year or not...or whether he's cute or not...but there you go...a smart guy (presumeably) AND the same last name!

*eating Dairy Queen's Crispy Chicken sandwich while "volunteering" at the senior's community center*

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

I think I'd change my last name to that of my husband's, too. I am not too attached to Lee. On the other hand, I am not too fond of Ng either because how do you tell people to pronounce a word without a vowel?

Lee-Ng doesn't exactly look very pretty either. Maybe I'll get Chris to change his last name to Ing. Cindy Ing...hmm. Or Cindy Lee-Ing. It not only looks pretty, it sounds pretty too.

*gasp* wait a minute! If I change my name, my signature will have to change too! But my g's are so ugly...

P.S. Thanks Karen! I think I will be going for a perm today. Woohoo!!!!

Stephen says...

In other news, Star and I have finally broken down and purchased a laptop.
We needed a computer that could actually copy and paste, read CDs, and install new programs without crashing. So hooray! First post from new laptop!
As a result of our new hardware, we find certain things in our apartment now obsolete, such as our old computer, television, VCR, DVD player, and computer desk (we're getting new ones).
In case anybody would like to purchase any of said items, we're seling them rather cheap.
The TV, VCR, DVD player, and a stand for the three of them are $125.
Old computer (P3, 40Gb, GeForce 2, optical mouse... great for parts) - $100
Computer desk (solid pine, really nice desk, but too high for Star because we don't have an office chair) - $70

If you or anyone you know is in the market for anything, please let us know. All prices are, of course, negotiable.

Sorry to use the blog as ad space, I promise I won't do it again.

Stephen says...

Ah yes, the name change ordeal...
Here is how it worked for us.

Joanne says...

Well, my kids will have to have my husband's name. If they have to fill in a different last name for their mother on all their forms, it'll give them a big headache. So for the sake of my kids, and to show my devotion to my husband, I'll adopt his name.

But I'm also very lazy. So I would marry a guy with the same last name as me. Tax benefits without the extra paperwork! Booyah.

Looks like I'll be stuck with a Taiwanese husband. Hope my in laws can understand broken Cantonese...

Gordon says...

Just add like... your husband's last name to your what the stars do. For example, if you married Leo or Tim, it'd be Karen To Leung!

Karen says...

a penny for your thoughts, everybody: (going with this recent wedding theme)

girls: will you legally change your name to take your husband's last name when you get married?
guys: would you want your wife to legally change her last name to yours?

not asking for politically correct answers. personally, i think i would want to change my name, but upon further consideration, i think i'd feel really sad dropping my own last name. so i guess i'm not partial to either option. just wondering what everybody else thinks. you know, cuz i'm nosy. =P

PS: cindy, i like your permed hair though!

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Joanne says...

Hmm..yah, can't help but look at wedding dresses too 8D. Since Steve seems to be such an obliging groom, I say Star should splurge. Here's Vera Wang's website. However, since Star has already worn Vera Wang and I personally think one should forgo understated elegance on their big day and go for over the top glamour, I'm also gonna direct you to Avine Perruci. And for purely orgasmic purposes, go here

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

hmm, well i would like to have curly hair more than occasionally altho sometimes with a bad hair day (bad CURLY hair day) i really wish i was bald

in any case

hair coloring...i am very much tempted but my parents are strongly against it. they still think that hair dye these days still contain ammonia and cause bladder it's kind of out of the question. heehee. maybe when i move out of the house...

Joanne says...

Nah, the repeated heat application will ruin your hair - I would advise against the curling iron unless you only intend on using it occasionally.

Hmm, have you colouring???

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

what do you guys/girls think: curly, or straight?

i liked my curly hair but i apparently dont know how to apply the hair product properly and as a result it just clumps my hair together and weighs it down. also my hair's hard to perm because it turns straight so easily. if i could, i'll go get an afro perm so my hair will be curly for a long long time.
straight hair on the other hand is easy to maintain but i feel so blah in it. and i cant find a haircut that i like that is NOT curly. these pretty girls on the cover of magazines make curly hair look so easy...

maybe i should go for straight and buy a curling iron?

Gordon says...

Hey UBC Med hopefuls, the interview status is UP within this week on your document status site. GOOD LUCK!

Joanne says...

Then a wave of relief rushes over her. Ice. Yes, ice. There is no way she can drive up that slippery slope of a driveway covered in ice. That's right. Because of the ice, she can't get home. Sure, she can park her car on the curb right here and now walk up to her house, but it will be a potentially perilous journey with no guarantee of survival. It simply would not make sense for her to go back home!
Then, with a sudden rush of circulation delivering warmth to her frozen fingertips, she quickly and nimbly moved her shift stick to reverse, and without even shoulder checking her blindspot, she drove away. As her 20-year-old car roared its way through the side streets of the quiet residential neighbourhood, she could not help but laugh out loud hysterically. She has successfully delayed facing the horror inside that house for one more night. But she can't hide forever...

Peter says...

anyone wanna start a story? here's the first part... feel free to continue it. make it romantic, philosophical, funny, downright stupid, or explicitly erotic, it's up to you.

The dry frigid air that descended upon the city on this particular night had a stale character. Pulling up to that familiar curb in her '85 Tercel, she shifts the car into park as her fingers struggle to uncurl from the semi-frozen grip of the steering wheel. The path up to the house is still icy with snow; compressed, partially melted and then refrozen into thick waves of pure ice. "Fuck!" she sighs, her breath forming a thick cloud of warm moisture that she follows with her gaze as it dissapears above her.

Tim says...

Steve: Great minds think a like :)

Joanne says...

During BIOC 403, drink half a litre of water. Then a tall dark roast. I guarantee you will then rush to Buchanan in record time afterwards.

Yar, the blog is going dead. My stock prices must be plummetting. And before I know it, ex-Director soon-to-be Dr. Naphegi will overrun me with his ninjas. Let's bring the post volume up, people!

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Karen says...

yep, peter, paul wells indeed. that guy can make a clever, tongue-in-cheek comment about everything! him, peter mansbridge and the editor's note i like reading a lot.

hmmph...i haven't read the globe and mail or the national in a long time. the lunch room at work offers only the sun and province and the odd new york times. heh.

have a good night everybody.

PS: gary? gary?

Stephen says...

Go down the stairs that bring you in front of the SUB by the pool, cut across the SUB courtyard and that wooded area (sticking to "sidewalks" only slows you down). Cross the street beside Hennings, then walk in front of main library to Buchanan A. Avoid as many sidewalks as you can, push over lots of Arts students (push over any students, but it gets a little Artsy as you get into that wooded area by the SUB), and don't forget to say "No speeka the English" if people give you crap. I can make it from Wood to Buchanan in 4.3 minutes.
Beat that shorty-legs.

Joyce says...

steve: congrats on the interview!! I sent an email to you couple days ago. Did you get it?

The blog's kinda dead recently. Here's a topic we can talk about.
Realistically speaking, what is the fastest way to travel from Wood to Buchanan A on foot.

Joanne says...

I suggest you guys read The Efficient Society by John Heath. It mentions that despite our apparent contempt for the Canadian government, our complaints are short-lived because while it does have its flaws, it gets the job done - whether we like to admit it or not.

I myself have always been partial to Rex Murphy, frequently found in the Globe and Mail editorial and at the end of "The National." Mixing humour with cynicism is always amusing.

Peter says...

omgomgomg... paul wells right? back page of maclean's? i LOVE his columns... i read them everytime. he's so funny yet so intelligent

congrats steve on ur med school interview... best of luck on it too

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Karen says...

"In Canada, any strong feeling is expressed as indignation at the government...It's a weird catharsis, but we make it work for us. The indignation is followed, usually at not too great an interval, by the re-election of the government."

i found it amusing. truest statement i've read about our beloved country in a while.

Karen says...

waiting for my gel to set:

it's snowing! it's snowing!!

steve: congratulations!! very happy for ya, both for medschool interview and star being back. =P what a great week for you!

Stephen says...

w00t! I got an interview at U of M med! Luckily I'll be going there after the bitter cold has passed.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Joanne says...

Hmm, WELL, it would begin with a "checkup" taken in a direction of my liking if you know what I mean *wink wink nudge nudge.*

And well, as Joyce said, true love is when you can fart and pick your nose in front of a loved one and he'll still love you. Well, if he vomits, and since I truly love him (assuming so, since I said yes...that or he has an astounding inheritance to his name), I WOULD kiss him!

Joyce says...

hmm... another thought on joanne's dream proposal:
would you kiss ur fiance after saying yes?

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Joanne says...

Now that Star is back, do we still have to find someone to spoon with Steve?

Ah, Gordon has a good point. Well, I can be surprised with what popsicle flavour comes out when he vomits 8).

Stephen says...

Star comes home today!!!!

Gordon says...

haha...joanne...there is NO more element of surprise since you want us to tell your future finance what exactly to do!

As for the team name....I'm not on the team...but if this is your last year....wouldn't it be cool to go back to the very first name we had? Remember those Beers R us days guys? hehe..just a thought.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Joanne says...

Hmm, it's a very good idea. But it diminishes the element of surprise for me...hmmm... I know! I can get a friend to steal the ring with him after he gets knocked out with some anesthetic (no alcohol - don't want my honey developing a beer belly), freeze it in a popsicle, challenge him to a popsicle-eating competition so he'll HAVE to swallow the popsicle, and then said him to me! Sigh, getting married is so complicated...

I'm partial to "Stack on Me" in honour of freezing Gary.

Joyce says...

joanne: !!!
if you want your sweetheart to propse the way you want, you can use this one:
Freeze the ring in a homemade Popsicle, and give your sweet two treats in one!

the lucky guy is very likely to swallow the ring and go for a "check up."
then you can be all "surprised" and say the long-planned yes. (if he's a Popsicle licker and discovers the ring, you can just pretend it's a hidden prize.)

isn't this a great way to get a guy to propose to you!!

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

Regarding to the team name, i like Phish and Chips. are we gonna vote?

NeverGonnaGrowUp says... has 50 hints to perfect proposals!

my favorites: (and obviously i'm the one receiving the proposal)
1. slip ring on his/her finger while they're dozing and wake them with champagne and strawberries. for me tho, no need for champagne. flowers would be sufficient
2. give girlfriend a foot massage and place ring on her little toe. (awww...)
3. spell out the words on a wall with glow-in-the-dark star stickers

one for joanne:
write proposals in sunscreen on your (the guy's) tummy so the tan will be stenciled in.

Karen says...

homologous chromosomes at the metastatic phase!!!

omg...brain still spinning from science pictionary...did i really spend 2 hours playing that?...*lol*

Friday, January 07, 2005

Stephen says...

Don't I get a say in when and whether I get spooned?

w00t! About those shortbread cookies....gone now!

Joanne says...

Won't Star get mad if we get someone to spoon Steve?
I'm sorry, but this is too good and unbelievable to not share.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Joyce says...

i just got the News Highlight on the blog. Now gary's vivid explanation of what "spooning" is starts to haunt my innocent *cough* mind again.

Karen says...

oh man, the snow the snow!!!

i totally agree joyce. it's beautiful. all day long at the lab, kept staring out my huge window. something very calming too about being warm indoors and seeing snow fall outside. and when i was walking home, the park right by my house is now a huge field of white. almost makes my taking over an hour to get to work worthwhile. =)

Joyce says...


I just had a conversation with the captain of Neutrino, our nemisis-turned-teammates-turned-nemesis, they are going to be in House, not Tier 1, but House. Appearantly, they want the gold medal and would not let morals stand in their little subatomic particle way.

guys, remember what happened when we were Charlie Brown's All Star? Remember how we were cupped? This time, we will not go gently into that good night. (too cheesy?... ok...hmmm... you tell me what to say)

Are we still going to be Stack On Me?
who says we have to have team name on the uniform.
maybe we can be "gary we miss you" or "HMG-coA" .... or "frozen toes" or "phish and chips" or "we love hot pot" or "Violent Bamboo" or "Biomedical Atom" or "Pierced Bruised Fish" or "Biomedical Sidewalk Nerds."
o.k. I'm having too much fun with the intramural team name generator

Joanne says...

India: Diwali
Korea: Sol
Cambodia: Chaul Chnam Thmey
Thailand: Songkran

Muahaha, now I looked THOSE up on the internet 8P.

Pictures of my lab are up on my Imagestation account! View them here

Joyce says...

Steve: well... we dont' really "take down" our fake tree either. Instead, we just move it down back to the basement with all the ornaments still shinning through that layer of dust. And I won't get my eyes poked by moving that tree since it's my brother's job. bahahahaha, talking about Christmas spirit here.

anyone wants anything from taiwan? my bro's comming back .... sometimes soon...

oh, i just realized today staring outside of the window - snow has a mysterious hypnotic power that it makes you 1) can't take your eyes away from the beautiful back yeard (dead plants and flowers covered by white snow... how great is that) 2) check local weather update every 10 minutes

hmm... 3 minutes to another weather update. gotta get prepared

Gordon says...

Tim: Why Tim?? it cause YOU didn't know what it was so I wouldn't? Just to let you know..I had a vietnamese friend in high school!

Tim says...

Gordon: Haha, did you look that up on the internet? That's not random information I'd ever expect you to know.

Gordon says...

Tet is the lunar new year for the Vietnamese

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Stephen says...

There's a Chinese new year now?

Just kidding.

Take down the Christmas tree now. It's over. New Year's is over. And as of today, Ukranian Christmas is over. Chanukkah is over (not that you goyim care), Kawanzaa is over (Tim only half-celebrated), and so are Ramadan and Tet (If anyone actually knows what Tet is I'll be really impressed). No more Christmas for you. Take it down before it gets brown and the needles get everywhere, unless you have a fake tree, in which case the needles only get in your eyes as you reach into the centre to extract twisted wire branches from a metal core.


w00t! Chocolate chip shortbread cookies at my house!

Joanne says...

New Year's Resolution: Keep ideas to myself.

Nice, I'll be sure to show up to the pictures.

I don't recommend the eggnog shortbread cookie at Starbucks. While it captures the essence of eggnog, it neglects to maintain the buttery richness that defines a good shortbread cookie.

So onto less controversial and apparently nauseating/nightmare-inducing topic...when do you guys think it's appopriate to take down the Christmas tree? My mother appears to have a problem with keeping it up until Chinese New Year...

Gordon says...

Jason: hahah..I have another situation

groom-to-be: " Joanne, will you marry me?"
Joanne: " only if you swallow that ring right now"
groom-to-be: " Screw that! *sees another girl walking along the street and goes up to her* Hi, will you marry me?"



Group Photo has been booked boys and girls!

Date: Saturday, January 22nd
Time: 6:30
Location: FM Photo

(Joyce, 6:30pm is your shooting time).

Gordon says...

*Note to self - tell friends to stay away from joanne*

Karen says...

joanne: you have NO idea how sick your post just made me feel right now. think karen's reaction towards saliva. think karen's reaction towards VOMIT. OMG. i'm not even joking. my stomach's churning. good luck w/ that one there... for what it's worth, it'd be a great story to tell the grandkids...heh heh...eugh...

*shudder* i may not be able to look at rings the same again and will DEFINITELY not check the blog before bedtime...

have a good night you guys.

PS: do we have a list of top ten scariest posts of all time?

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Joyce says...

o.k. ... posing unaturally and getting my picture taken by a photographer is NOT my favorite thing to do. (didn't even get my grad pics taken in high school)
Therefore, I'm willing to dedicate ~5 of those 20 pictures we get to take for OUR GROUP PICTURE!!!! (yeah.. if i'm going down, you guys are going down with me.)

I'll call and make an appt this week, so tell me if you want to be in our (ugh) fantamarbulous group picture.

Joanne says...

Welcome back, Stephen!

As I'm sure all you people know, I freakishly already have most of my wedding planned, everything from the location to the flatware pattern, except for who the groom will be. And I just figured out how I want to be proposed to!

IF I do become a doctor, I want my fiance to eat my ring, go in for a "checkup," and then vomit it out for me. Because if a guy is willing to eat a rock and puke it out JUST FOR ME, now THAT'S love.

My friend thinks it's a freaky idea. But I thought I would let you guys know in case a hypothetical special someone of mine has to be informed of it in the future.

Stephen says...

Stephen is back! Unfortunately, Star is attending a national conference for her job, and is in Ottawa until the 10th. WINNIPEG IS FUCKING COLD!!! Good luck Gary! It was -42 today with the wind chill (that means that the actual temperature can be anything, but the wind makes it feel a lot colder), and it will remain that way until March!

Glad to be back where it's warm.

I really miss Star, make plans with me people!!

Joanne says...

Hey Joyce! Gerald wants to sign up for Ultimate as well, in case you haven't heard anything from him yet.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

Gordon: i called FM photos already to book my appointment, but i think you're asking because you guys are doing a group pix? so i guess my comment wouldn't really answer your question...

p.s. are my emails to the pharmacologists usually too long-winded? lol. i would like some feedback so people are not just ignoring my beautiful thoughts! heehee.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

that is some scary scary threat, Peter. sorry for being such a bad sport earlier about my quote; i really didnt know what i did but karen later explained. sorry that i over-reacted...anyways...

yay ultimate! Reina wants to play again and i recruited 3 other potential players too! (they're not sure because they don't know when the games are; i don't know, either) i'll let them know they'll have to be quite committed. if we have too many players already please let me know; i'm a little on the hyper/impulsive side and i forgot to check with joyce how many players i could get. lol.

alright! i'm on this weird high. i don't know what i ate today...woohoo! see ya laterz!

bah. (updated 10 min later). Reina can't play if it's on Saturday...

Gordon says...

Hey, have any of you guys called for your grad photos yet?

Peter says...

if after reading joyce's post, you still have reservations about joining ultimate this term, i've got this to say:

OVERALL TEAM MORALE: Many of us have being playing on the team for what? 4 terms at least? I don't think anyone will disagree with me when i say that we've improved substantially in terms of skill level and our ability to work together on the field. I realize this hasn't been obvious in term 1 because we've been playing some of the best that intramurals have to offer. And I know it can be hard to get excited about getting back into it after such a harsh term. But I think you've all seen what we're capable of and those who remember "House" know that we can kick some serious ass this time around. This is our last term before many of us graduate. You owe it to yourself and to the pride of the team to give it your all and win a championship this year. I know we can do it, but we need to come together to make it happen.

PRACTICES: It's hard to stay sharp throughout the season when you're not practicing on a regular basis. This term, Tim's going to head up the practices. Enough said. You've all seen how hardcore he is on the field and you can bet that if you don't show up to practice and have a lousy excuse, he's gonna beat on your ass like there's no tomorrow. Unless you're a girl... in which case, he'll flirt with you. Scary huh?

And finally, when we get together whether it's for ultimate or lunch after, it's a blast. Come on guys, you've got little to lose and so much to gain.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Joyce says...

Peter and I had this dream of kicking ass and getting a medal in our very last term playing together.
I'd like to captain again (and sorta redeem myself from last term) if no one opposes. If we want to keep our tradition of rotating captaincy, it is fine too.
The registration deadline is 8th, and I have everyone's info already, so just tell me if you are in or not.
Since people who work/volunteer/have hangovers on Saturday will have life/be sober now, we will play in divisional this term, which means easier teams to play against and an increased chance for glorious medals.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

thanks peter (or pat) for taking the quote off, lol

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Tim says...

Haha, don't worry Cindy, we weren't thinking what you were thinking. However if you didn't get it then there's no need to explain either :p.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

what did i say that was so bad????

bah, you guys are a baaaaad bunch. baaaaad! especially tim!

Peter: um i dont know the number because i can't find the receipt. how about if we just say...7?

p.s. just saw my name on the quote of the week. NOOO!!!!! TAKE IT OFF (take the QUOTE off, not your clothes for those of you with unsanitary minds)!!!

Peter says...

don't worry karen, cindy didn't mean to make fun of you... it just kinda, you know, came out...

oh man, i'm gonna get a whopping for this one.

Gordon says...

awe..... poor Karen....

Tim says...

I vote for quote of the week:

joyce - you looked really hot
karen - i like your top
joanne - sexy as always


Peter says...

hey cindy, remember that email u sent me b4 xmas? don't worry about the receipt or anything, just tell me a number and i'll get it to you asap. email's not very reliable so u can just call me if ya want. =)

happy new year everyone

Joyce says...

jason: i think it's a gr.10 piece. (i played it b4 moving on to my gr.10 chopin piece) As for learning it, if you mean to get the notes right... probably 2-3 weeks.

happy new year everyone!!!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

Joanne you beat me to it
lol i just woke up oh well

Happy New Year!

looks like you guys had a lot of fun at NYE...

joyce - you looked really hot
karen - i like your top
joanne - sexy as always

Joanne says...

Happy 2005 everyone!

Head to Imagestation and visit gijoeanne. Pictures are up, but beware of long loading times. Enjoy 8).