Thursday, June 30, 2005

vivienne says...

Karen: I hope your english is better than your french pronounciation. ;) I'll be starting my english tutoring job in July for the Brainchild "summer camp"...anything I should be looking out for? (ie. bratty kids with affluent asian parents, etc.)

Joyce says...

Ah, just have this idea of putting up a happy bday msg to Phish and Chips' bday gal or boy from now on since some of us are leaving in August and will not be able to celebrate their b-day with everyone. Hurrah to cyber birthday celebration.

When it is your birthday, you will have your one day of fame (or one week, depending on how busy the admins are.)

New Blog Position Appointments:
Stephen Naphegyi - Grammar and Spelling Police (did i spell ur name right?)
Karen T. - Birthday Reminder

Gordon says...

hehe...thanks karen...I think it's cause everyone is thrown off by the calendar & announcements...which says my bday was last saturday... =P


because i have no friends except yourself =(

Karen says...

wahahaha. sometimes, JUST SOMETIMES, the ex-esl-student in me catches up to me...viv, how many times have you told me it's "how many people" not "how much people"?? hahaha. steve...i actually never knew that...spelled not spelt...good to know!! =P *sigh* perhaps i should brush up on english grammar while on my break from tutoring for the next little while...

and i can't believe it's not been put up, it's almost 2pm: happy 22nd birthday gordon!

Joanne says...

They named the list for the 2006 Olympics Canada Hockey Team.

Any comments? Personally, I'm a bit bored, good list, but too predictable.

Gordon says...

Karen: oh much do you get paid tutoring english again ??

Stephen says...

Karen: Speaking of misspellings, I think you mean it was "spelled" wrong. "Spelt" is a grain, and I highly doubt that your certifications were made of bread. See what happens when you play with words?

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Peter says...

steve: just because your friends aren't as good looking as mine doesn't mean... wait a minute, that doesn't work... aww screw it.

Karen says...

- story time -

ahhahahahahahahahaha. omg. so i was just killing time at work and going through my computer files and decided to look at my resume. and then noticed for the first time that for the past 2 years or so, i've had a huge spelling error in one of my resume headings! certifications was spelt certificatons. every single edition and every single version (because i copy and paste stuff) has the spelling mistake. and these are the resumes i've been using for coop, academic stuff, everything! and i've probably looked at these documents like a billion times... eugh! thank god scientists don't appear to read things very carefully!

Joanne says...

If you guys are REALLY bored, try checking out and laugh at the astounding number of people in the 18 to 24 category. So it appears the age of desperation is no longer 30...

Stephen says...

How come none of my friends look like the friendster models?
Now I'm even more bored... thanks a lot Peter!

Monday, June 27, 2005

Peter says...

bored anyone? join friendster!

Stephen says...

I believe that they were referring to all the other times you broke by-laws. In which case they, jointly, would have $63.84 (based on an interest rate of 4.5% quarterly).

In other news... look at the sidebar.

Joanne says...

To my defense, I only used three scientific words more than 4 syllables long in my last post.

So you'll have roughly four dollars. :)

Gordon says...

hehe...I was JUST going to say that...

Peter says...

joanne: if i had a dollar everytime you broke a P&C bylaw...

Joanne says...

Cindy: "Antioxidant" used in the context of serums in not the same as dithiothreitol or beta-mercaptanol used in labs to protect the protein's disulfide bonds from oxygen. It's generally a species that has a higher affinity for lone electrons, so any free radicals generated in the cells can immediately be absorbed so to speak in a less harmful form. HOWEVER, certain antioxidants ARE sensitive to oxygen, vitamin C being one of them. Vitamin C is also sensitive to light and heat as well, and since it's water-soluble, it gets washed off quickly if the face gets wet - pretty picky for something that's found in practically every fruit, huh? So that's why there's tons of research going on in cosmetics companies trying to find a way to solubilize vitamin C in a non-aqueous vehicle that will also effectively protect it from the destructive effects of oxygen. Ah, what we would do to stimulate collagen synthesis...

Karen: I TOTALLY empathize with you on the whole inability to garner a decent half-tan. I thought it was because I didn't eat enough tyrosine at one point so I tried eating lots of turkey but realized that the amino acids abundant in turkeys was tryptophan and not tyrosine and then I got to the point of not caring because Vogue said that pale skin was in again so who cares! Talk about a run-on sentence, haha. However, I DO get freckles! Found three new ones on my nose the other day - and I'd hate to think how many more I would have if I didn't apply so much sunscreen. BUT, I admit I actually apply sunscreen to prevent wrinkles, but considering this is coming from someone who's considering Botox at age 30 now, is it so surprising? 8P

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Gordon says... is not really my topic of interest...but today i saw this OLD, ASIAN, FAT dude wearing a FISHNET!!! Gosh..and fishnets aren't even nice on girls..(unless they are ... angelina jolie or something..) But....Old and FAT..that's just .... nasty.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

jee: heehee. definitely agree w/ ya. (i actually read ur post before my convo w/ him). but just to let u know, conversation turned out good :) soo glad to get things off my chest. thx for ur wise words and support!

karen: same to u. thx for listening :D

Gordon says...

Cin: To me, superficial friendship = awkward friendship = fake friendship = Not really a friendship. In addition, a superficial friendship just means you're pretty much indifferent about someone, which I think is worse than hating someone. Hence, my take is..if the friendship is at the level of superficiality, then it's not really a friendship to begin with. And one reason why it probably can't go beyond this point is because u didn't share your feelings with him. So I think you should tell him... can''t ruin something that isn't there right?

Friday, June 24, 2005

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

dunno where i got my guts from, but i am preparing to tell an ex what i've been holding back all these years...

cuz i mean, u can never really move beyond the superficial friendship w/ an ex if u feel unresolved, can u?

gosh...please tell me this is the right move and that i wont ruin the existing friendship...

vivienne says...

Karen, you wanted a new topic? Look what I found:

Cell Phone Ring makes Breasts bigger.

I'm surprised no one found this last year.I'm not kidding. Apparently a japanese guy discovered that certain sounds can provoke specific reactions in the brain, leading to improved breast growth. What will the japanese think of next?

This may single-handedly make implants obsolete.

Gordon says... me, i dun care about sunscreen either. The only reason why i put it on that day with viv, etc was because i didn't want to have any farmer's tan =P

Karen says...

wow...looks like i'm the only one who doesn't really care for many days in a year do we actually get sun guys??

but yeah, as most of you know, i can only HOPE to tan. it doesn't matter how much sun i get, my "tans" are hardly visible for people without a good imagination and i've only burned once (mildly) in my entire life. the sun seems to have no effect on me. muahahahha. yes, yes, i know uv rays, skin cancer, yaddy yaddy yadda. i'm not ignorant, just lazy and stubborn, a GREAT combination for science, i know. =P

although i agree with cindy, good to have such knowledgeable people to run to should i ever need to, makeup, up on the menu girls???

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

hmm....very very informative post, joanne. i'll definitely refer to it when i go sunblocker shopping

question tho - i never really believe in those antioxidant serums cuz as soon as it gets exposed to air, wouldn't itself get oxidized before touching my face? (nonetheless i do use antioxidant serum - specifically nivea's day and night cream w/ coenzyme Q10. is that good enough?)

also, is there any difference in sunblocking or moisturizing ability of those products which claim to do both? if i could be lazy and just put on one cream instead of two, i would...

Thursday, June 23, 2005

vivienne says...

Vichy's sunblock is actually pretty good. I'm using their SPF 60 one, and it's not oily feeling or anything. Gordon can attest to that. I, in fact, was the one who made him put on that sunblock at the beach. He looked like a dog about to be dragged into a bathtub to be washed. On the other hand, Leo and Tim were quite good about protecting their skin from cancer causing rays. :p

Gordon says...


Joanne says...

*rubbing hands* Ok, Sunblock 101, here we go!

Yar, indeed sunblock can get quite oily, which is why a lot of people don't use them. BUT a tiny pimple now or wrinkles that appear 8 years earlier than naturally scheduled? You guys take the toss up.

Luckily, cosmetics companies have recognized the need for a non-greasy formula to combat the damaging effects of UV rays a long time ago. But first, as I DID graduate with a Biochemistry degree, let me give you guys the basics on the active ingredients you may see on several brands:

Paraaminobenzoic acid (PABA) - the conjugated system makes it a natural candidate for absorbing UV rays. HOWEVER people with sensitive skin (like Cindy and Joyce) should avoid this like the plague - it has a tendency to generate allergic reactions. Hives are DEFINITELY worse than pimples. Actually, my favourite past time was going up to the bimbos at the department store cosmetic counters and asking if their sunblock contains "paraaminobenzoic acid" and watching them screw their eyebrows in puzzlement. Haha, all those wrinkles they were pretending not to have by not smiling are finally revealed!

Parsol - the general consensus is that it is effective. It is cheap, so a lot of lower end sunscreens include it as the active ingredient. But with savings comes a sacrifice - this is the greasy stuff you're probably complaining about.

Mexoryl SX - A wonder product. It blocks UVB (lower energy) AND short UVA rays (higher energy) (recall first year Physics - shorter wavelength, higher energy). PLUS, this stuff is only available in Canada and Europe - those Americans are still having it approved by the FDA. Products that would contain this stuff include Vichy Captial Soleil, which runs for about $24/bottle for SPF 60.

Zinc oxide - this mineral is a physical blocker, in that it doesn't absorb electromagnetic rays, it downright reflects them. What does that mean for you? You are protected from both UV rays AND heat, which is good because heat is also capable of skin damage. Something that includes a lot of zinc oxide is Shiseido's waterproof sunscreens. However, those go for about $40 or more per bottle.

Titanium dioxide - its high refractive index also makes this mineral a great physical blocker. Note, like zinc oxide, this is highly pigmented, so it leaves a white tinge on your skin when you apply. I guess it's ok if you're naturally pale, or want to look more pale 8P. A lot of sunscreens contain titanium dioxide these days. Skinceuticals has one that contains naturally tinted titanium dioxide, so it's more skin-toned when you apply it. That is about $25/bottle.

Now, sunscreen is not the only line of defense you should consider though. If you are really sunphobic (like I am), you might want to consider applying an antioxidant-rich serum UNDERNEATH your sunscreen. The rationale is that whatever UV rays your sunscreen fails to absorb/reflect, it will ultimately hit your skin, generating free radicals and giving it the opportunity to damage DNA and create thymidine photodimers, etc. However, if you have a protective serum underneath, it will neutralize those free radicals before they can do any damage. I won't go into mechanistic details, but certain antioxidants include:
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin A
- coenzyme Q10
- flavanoids
- polyphenols
The latter two are considered phytochemicals, and are found in grape seed extracts and green tea. I read a few journal articles, and it appears that vitamins are more absorbable in their ester form...

So what do I use? Everyday, I apply Ingrid Millet sunscreen, SPF 50, or opt for the Vichy one when I want extra sun protection. Shiseido goes on when I go to Ultimate or Dragonboat for its water resistance. To tell you the truth, I have yet to find an antioxidant-rich serum that doesn't make me break out or have an acidity that burns my skin, so I'll keep you guys posted on that.

Ok, I know I have a lot of blog bylaw infractions in this post, and it's really long, so I'll shut up now.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

lol...thanks for ur answer joyce.

Makeup Party sounds good, but if you guys are interested in making some money - you and joanne should run a MAKEUP WORKSHOP!!

was looking at old pix from camping. missing the good old times...

Joyce says...

cindy: big, rubbing motion will give you streaky look and the liquid unevenly distributed. plus, too much rubbing is not good for ur skin. Toner is to balance/soften your skin before applying moisterizer, make it easier to apply. Try just pat ur face w/ the cotton. moisturizer, it's your call. I avoid rubbing because excess skin care products give me whiteheads. (so hard to describe the pat/dab/slap thing, so i'm sticking to "as if you're getting dirt off your face" description.)

sunblock.. hmmm.. ASK JOANNE!

WE SHOULD HAVE A MAKE UP PARTY!!!.. ok.. i think the guys'd want to slap my head by now.

steve: oh yeah~ for us the peopl with sensitive skin, higher end product is the way to go. my mom told me that skin care product or makeups are not the items to be stingy about, gotta have stuff with good quality. it's the face we're dealing with! (eventhough now i'm STILL using my estee lauder foundation that makes my face a bit itchy...)

NeverGonnaGrowUp says... more thing

do you have recommendations for a good sunblocker for the face? the one i use right now (drug store brand - neutrogena) feels kind of oily but it's waterproof. i'm getting a small outbreak on my face and i'm wondering if that is the culprit...

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

k...sounds like it's easy to do enough. thanks joyce!

question for you tho...

1. why dab/slap/pat? whats wrong w/ rubbing it on (i am serious). is that how i am supposed to put on moisturizer too?

2. what is a toner for? and how do i use it (i just wet a cotton pad w/ the toner and rub my face w/ it after cleansing)

Stephen says...

Be careful with powder foundations! They often make peoples skin look cakey and gross, like you could scratch the makeup off with your nails. I think liquid is the way to go. Also, there's a lot to be said for the quality of makeup you buy. Star has always been unhappy with foundations, and up until now she was using mid-range ones like Clinique, she just bought some Dior liquid foundation and it looks absolutely perfect! It's a little pricey ($45!), but she only wears it on special occasions and not every day so it's worth it. No cakeyness whatsoever.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Joyce says...

*Disclaimer: for girls, metro and tamed husband only, guys read at your own risk*

You all know how sometimes I put on too much makeup (i.e. foundation) right? It is so hard to get the right amount and maximize the coverage to even out the skin tone and still look like there's no make up. Now, I'm sharing the stuff I learned from a Tw women's variety show. I tried this today, and looked REALLY nice!! Seriously, no sick people can look this radiant w/o makeup.

First, you do the usual cleaning, toner and then moisturizer to give your skin a good base.
Put on your concealers if you use them for dark circle* or pimples.
For Liquid Foundation: take a little bit (1/2 of the amount or even less than the usual amount) onto the back of your hand, and, get a bit of the moisturizer you just used, mix them.
Now, you can start applying.
Use your finger, dab a little bit on top of ur cheek and below the eye and blend outwards to the back and chin.
How to blend: don't smudge or just smooth it over. use a little bit of ur mixed foundation at a time, gently dab/slap/pat w/ the motion towards the direction where you want it to blend to (like when u r trying to get dirts off your face, or when you put on serum or toner).
For nose, i like to dab a bit in the middle and dab outwards to the side as well.

We all have the age advantage with us and don't need heavy-duty coverage, I'd suggest liquid foundation for ya.

For pressed pouder foundation: same thing. use a bit of the moisturizer on ur sponge, and roll a corner of your sponge on the foundation (rolling will get the foundation more evenly distrubuted on the sponge), and use gentle dabbing motion described above. there, no more streaky and thick makeups.

*choice of concealer to get rid of dark circle: upon request

btw, Maybelline's XXL Volume+Length mascara works wonder. WONDER!!! If you don't wear them everyday, I recommend waterproof mascara (think about vancouver's weather).

anyone interested in colour correction and loose powder application?

Joanne says...

Prince William...sigh...Oh! A Post Doc in England seems very very attractive now 8P.

For all those interested in Jazzing it up with me - what price range show were you thinking?

vivienne says...

Prince William may not be that attractive compared to celebrities and such, but he's still way above most guys in terms of looks. 'Nuff said.

Joyce says...

smell ur milk be u drink it because it may go bad before the expiry date, OR it would still be good even AFTER the expiry date.

yar, i have to admit, prince william is not as good looking as he used to be, BUT, he's still not too bad, at least above average. (or maybe it's his title that makes him more attractive..)

for all you current and future German 433/434 students:
it is one awesome online dictionary

Stephen says...

Prince William? You've got to be kidding me! He looks really funny, kind of disproportionate in the facial area. He was attractive when he was 14 but then lost it as he grew up. You know it's always bad when people are attractive during their "awkward phase", it means they're only going to grow out of being good-looking. Harry's the only one in that family with looks now.

Oh yeah, some more German: "du werdest eine krankenschwester brauchen" - got that from Family Guy, have no idea what it means. Something along the lines of "you will need a nurse"...

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

re: steve's german blurb - way too artsy for my taste

re: prince william. YUMMY...he's good looking AND he's a cancer!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Karen says...

for those wondering what steve's german blurb said, i just it:
"Only that may pass, its cycles per second is purely like glass, its soul pure like Fuhrer, walks more highly by the portal." --- ??? so much for online translators.

for the girls: today is prince william, hrh's 23rd birthday. =)

Stephen says...

Nur der reinstedarf passieren, dessen Hertz ist rein wie Glas, dessen Seele rein wie Fuhrer, schreiten hoher durchs Portal.

That's about all the German I know, that and "ist eine football spielen?"

Monday, June 20, 2005

Karen says...

joyce: EXACTLY what i'm doing. hahaha. yay german.

Joyce says...

joanne: the pair of vianni's sandals i've been eyeing since the winter is 1/2 off at Sterlings on 4th.... and... uhm.. u know the story. I didn't get the pretty thong wedge with little daisies (it comes in green and white), well, because it is still very... wedgy. i think i'd totally snap if that is a pair or stiletto. mwahaha, of all the shoes, vianni fits the best, and doesn't matter how high the heel is, it's still comfy. hmm, now i can go find a nice pair of kid's capri to go with the shoes.

karen: HI!!! are you checking the blog during german class? hahaha. it's ok, we've ALL done the same thing.

stupid telephone registration system.. stupid.. stupid

Peter says...

hey joanne, i'd love to join you for some jazz... and maybe learn more about it as well (i know nothing)

Joanne says...

Does anybody want to attend a Jazz Festival concert this year??? Hmm???

Stephen says...

Batman movies are generally crappy in comparison to the comics. That being said, I think the new one was slightly worse than the original two, but far better than the third and fourth movies (the nipple-armour movies).

I'm not a fan of Katie Holmes either way, she still looks like she's 14 and Tom Cruise is really weird. They're both creepy scientologists. Personally, I blame him for converting her (I'm a big fan of the "Free Katie" t-shirts).

I was also a little weirded out seeing Liam Neeson in an action movie again. He looks sooooo old, and the whole time I just kept thinking "As if Kinsey is going to kick Batman's ass".

vivienne says...

Karen: You simply use patterns, cut out fabric from said pattern, and sew. O.o;; it's actually pretty basic. The hardest part is to sew the nose...embroidering the nose takes AGES.

Cindy: Aww...I didn't mean the site to be depressing. Some of them were kinda cute and funny, but yeah, some of them ARE a bit morose, aren't they? My brother was kinda scared by the whole site...

Joyce: Hmm...I don't know if it's a publicity stunt. They seem cute together (even though she could be his DAUGHTER), and if they're happy, I'm all for it. But then again, people would do anything nowadays to be in the spotlight.... -_-;;;;;;

Joanne says...

Here's a random survey question.

If you had to be a groupie, which music star would you "group" around? Name your top five.

Karen says...

viv: how do you MAKE teddy bears??? i know you're crafty, but making teddy bears?!?!...that's brings you to a whole new level of respect...=P

joanne: 4.5 hours is considered LITTLE sleep, the minimum amount required to pretend to function like a normal being.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

thanks viv for the site

for the longest time i was in tears...

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Joyce says...

Given how TC liked his very public personal life to stay private in the past, I'd say that this high-profile and high-exposure romance is definitely a publicity stunt. I think Britney and Kevin has more chemistry than they do.. hahahaha

oh, for bat man.. i wouldn't mind the training scens, as long as liam neeson's the bat man's kunfu master.. hahahaha.. hmmm.. yum..

vivienne says...

Found this interesting website when surfing. Apparently it's a place where you can post up any secrets you have anonymously through postcards. Some of them are funny, some are depressing, and all of them are very human. Check it out.

vivienne says...

All: How was the indiana jones marathon? good?

Making teddy bears has become my new hobby. The first one looked like a cross between a monkey and a mouse. I like it personally, but my bro has named it "ugly bear" :p The second one looks good though...and I made it into an aviator's actually DECENT LOOKING.

Aside from my mundane housewifey hobbies, I went to see BATMAN BEGINS today. The beginning of it was a bit long (I mean, do we really need to see THAT much of Bruce Wayne's training?) but the end was pretty good. Katie Holmes is actually a pretty cute girl. No wonder Tom Cruise is going for her.

Speaking of which, what do you guys think of the Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes pairing? XD

Friday, June 17, 2005

Peter says...

stephen: yeah i thought i remembered you mentioning them in our "women's shoes debate" i've heard that they use some sort of secret rubber formula or sumthing

joyce: sorry, can't make it tomorrow... i got a whole load of work to do for my dad and best friend's bday on sunday.

all: i bought a pink shirt. whether it "works" for me or not, you can decide when you see me in it.

Stephen says...

I have a pair of Havainana's - mens to clarify - and they're the most comfortable flip-flops ever!

Bravest thing I've ever seen: Star and I were on the bus home today and a girl turned to a guy and said "I'm going to say this because I'll probably never see you again - you're really hot!". They then proceeded to talk the entire ride back. Amazing! I can't believe that somebody had the guts to do that! Good for her! Now that's a line that people definitely want to hear.

Lesson to be learned: Straightforward is always the best approach to take.

Joanne says...

Tim: See! I told ya that layering pink is the key.

Joyce: Sorry, racing on Saturday, enjoy oogling Harrison Ford without me :).

Karen: Something I've been confused about in all your posts. Is 4.5 hours supposed to be a lot of or little sleep?

Tim says...

Tomorrow for Indiana Jones eh? Sure sounds good. Pick a time, and let's do it. Anyone still wanna volunteer to bring the DVD player?

Karen says...

i've decided that if i were ever to abuse a drug of my own choice, it would be acetaminophen. that stuff does wonders, WONDERS, for me.

so this morning, woke up feeling like DEATH (as a certain very MIA admin in prince william would say). huge headache, stomachache, etc. two cups of horrible instant coffee and two extra strength tylenols (ie 1 gram of acetaminophen) and an hour later, i'm happy and pain-free. very very happy. despite having 4.5 hours of sleep and being in the lab by 6:45 am with no one around (which was just bordering on creepy), i'm currently on top of the world. =) =) =) =) =)

have an awesome day peoples!

Joyce says...

hmm, about shopping eh..

I tried on a size 14 shorts today at Gap Kids today and it fit but was a bit tight around the butt in the manner of those TNA sweat pants girls. will go downtown and get size 16 since oakridge doesn't have one anymore. oh... and.. I think I've gotten used to the look ppl give me when shopping at kids section. hey, it's cheaper and only 1 tax.

Indiana Jones Marathon this Saturday, guys, what do you say?

Tim says...

Yeah so a little update on Peter/Leo/my shopping excursion. Tried out a few pink clothes. Found out that apparently a pink overshirt looks good on me, but tried a pink undershirt (that for some reason was REALLY tight and uncomfortable) and yeah....if I ever do pink, pink overshirt is the limit.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Karen says...

*lol* oh peter...

and oh joanne!! haviana's are flip flops...never owned a pair but supposedly the brand to have if you want rubber flip flops. i never thought i'd see this day, me telling joanne something about footwear!! hmmm something's rotten in the state of denmark ... =P

Joanne says...

I can't believe I don't know this...but...

What are Haviana's?

Tim says...


Peter says...

FOR SALE: NEW Pair of Dark Brown Women's Haviana's (size large), bought for $20, selling for $10


Wednesday, June 15, 2005

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

oh...oops. Happy birthday Jason too!

"wifey"? aww...that is just too cute. but weird coming out of steve's mouth...

Joanne says...

Happy 23rd (that's right, right?) Birthday, Jason!

So I've attended 2/3 of the UBC Laboratory Biosafety course (yar, I got away with working in a Level 2 lab without certification for a year, go figure) and I already lost count of all the safety violations I've committed... Strangely, most of them occurred at 4am in the morning...hmm, whodathunkit.

Karen says...

happy birthday jason!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Stephen says...

You can't watch Indiana Jones out of sequence! That's blasphemy! Well, the first two are interchangeable, but the third one need to be watched last.

I think I'm up for it. I'll talk to wifey.

Gordon says...

haha...technically..JASON is next. I believe it's tomorrow. But since I will be sleeping all day tomorrow due to my weird flight time....Happy Birthday Jason!

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

speaking of old...YOU are next! hahaha...

Gordon says...

old age

Monday, June 13, 2005

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

i just sneezed like, 11 times just now...oh no, am i getting sick too?

i've been trying diagnose my dry eyes. i originally thought it was cuz i was dehydrated, cuz my lips are also chapped, but why would the dryness come and go during the day? anybody got a better idea?

Joyce says...

well, good thing w/ indiana jones is that you don't really need to watch it in sequence. each movie is a seperate adventure of the coolest nerd of all time.

Gordon says...

Wow, the blog's totally dead eh? Anyway,

1) I'm ALWAYS up for the grind. Just give me the time and I'm there (hmm...unless i have to drive =P)

2) Indiana Jones marathon...if it's gonna be as fun as it was at Star Wars Marathon....I'll see if I am having insomnia...

3) Mr. and Mrs Smith is overrated....but it's still really good. I guess even if it sucked, it's worth the 11 bucks for the eye candy =)

4) I BOUGHT A CONDO! (but I guess most of you guys know that...)

Karen says...

hehehe. cindy, i think you'd be okay, you just needed female moral support! =P last time i went, i was in the worst possible shape, at the end of summer, carrying a lot of summer eating-out weight. we'll go together next time. joyce when are you planning to go?? the sooner the better i think...before it gets too hot!

same as cindy, never watched a single episode of indiana jones. but i'll catch up quickly, a la star wars. hahaha. no date preference, i'm giving up getting enough sleep! =P

and mr. and mrs. smith was pretty good, even for someone like me who doesn't like overly-hyped-up-big-name-stars-action-movies. it's a feel-good, zero-thinking, 100% eye-candy type movie. and of course, brad can you go wrong? =P

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

oye, my memory is getting really bad. i forgot my password to the blog...

re: angelina IS hot. did u watch mr. & mrs. smith already?
re: grind. oye, give me a month's notice, please
re: indian jones marathon. will u be starting from the very first episode? cuz i have never watched a single episode...

Joyce says...

another late night post before bed.

immunization shots so far: 3
blood test: 1
potential immunization shot: 1
conclusion: immunization regulation differences b/w NY state and Taiwan suck.

Angelina Jolie is HOT.
Who wants to do the grind?

Indiana Jones Marathon!
when: between June 16th and 22nd
where: my house
needed: participants and 1 functional DVD player
please post ur prefereed time if you are interested

Sunday, June 12, 2005

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

viv, how was talk w/ valri? was she able to use ur help for bard?

random rant: long day. met some cranky ultie players who wanted me to sports tape but i cant cuz my insurance doesnt cover it. ppl need to learn to take "no" for an answer! oh and 8 year old ultie games makes me ashamed. wish i could throw and run and tumble like them! p.s. for those who follow these type of things, was at the flaverbowl ultie tourney today. canadian lost in the finals (to the americans). boo.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

vivienne says...

Gamers, or ppl who just like short cute games:

How much fat IS in a donut?
Check out the above link gross.

--------------------- edited by Joyce 12:35pm June 12th

Joyce says...

yay, liam neeson's in the new batman movie.
dorks rule!

lalalala... (post-immunization shot insanity comebined with coffee and donut high. wheeeee)

Friday, June 10, 2005

vivienne says...

Gordon: I don't HAVE a email account anymore! That email is just for MSN purposes. :p You gotta resend it again, whatever you sent me. It better not be a virus. :p Hehhe...

Karen: JONATHAN TANG? Mwahah..yes I know him. And yes, he is an extremely geeky chinese boy who plays basketball. I still remember him from Gr. 5 when he liked the Chicago Bulls...omg that made me feel so old. Anyhow, he is a really nice guy, and you can't go wrong with choosing him. He's also pretty..uh...easy to boss around. ^^;;;; another reason why you would want to hire him.

Karen says...

random information -- update on the terry fox CE lab coop student selection process:

my supervisor and i decided unanimously on "the cute blond" and "the suit guy". "cute blond" is a 90% plus very pretty and very cute uvic biochem girl and "suit guy" is a dorky, geeky but really nice 90% plus ubc biochem dude. ('cute blond' is so cute that another postdoc in my lab says she depresses him and makes him feel extremely old.) "suit guy" told me he knew ben lai and viv from you guys know a jonathan tang a year younger than you? my supervisor likes the cute blond likely for obvious reasons and he likes the suit guy because the guy plays basketball. and so i've concluded that hiring trainees are quite the random process. OR if anything, to give yourself an edge, the key is to look good or to have an interest of interest to your interviewer.

Gordon says...

Viv, check you email account =)

Thursday, June 09, 2005

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

karen: hmm, i think i'd be just as bitter if i was in ur shoes. so i say, go ahead and choose B persons :D :D :D

vivienne says...

Heheh...*points to Joanne*: God-hating heathen!

Joyce says...

hahahahaha... this blog is funny

steve: too bad for ur PS2, you should look into sue UBC Payroll. oh.. and.. man, i don't have anything to complain about. life is just too wonderful in the summer and leaves no room for complaint. bah, no complaining SUCKS!!!

Karen: pick some hot girl or a hot guy as a gift for ur coworker, so they can have a beautiful human being to look at while ur boss is on the phone... hahaha

Stephen says...

Looks like I spoke too soon about that PS2 thing... UBC payroll has fucked up, and now we won't be paid until the 23rd. So, not only am I without Street Fighter and GTA3, but I have to live for two weeks on the remnants of my bank account. Seriously, I have NO money!

Joanne: it's "gypped" not "gipped"; it refers to Gypsy's stealing from people, and it's really rude. Don't use it. Jews are broken into categories too: Orthodox, or black-hatters, are the one's you think of with the suits and beards. They're REALLY religious and sheltered. "Conservative" is rich fuckers who are only Jewish traditionally, but don't necessarily keep Kosher or go to synagogoue every week. "Reform" jews are the alternative crowd, they're fine with gays, non-Juden, and the like. "Non-practising" are people who don't actually go to synagogue or observe the holidays but still believe in god; they stay within the community either because they are afraid to leave or have really well paying jobs.

There's 11 years of Jewish education right there.

Joanne says...

Haha, I'm laughing because those Biochem Honours people with 90% in everything COULD have been my classmates o.O.

During my long ass commute to work today, I realize that as an atheist, I've been seriously gipped of categorization. Like, Christians have their Baptists, Lutherans, Anglicans, Catholics, Orthodox, etc. Muslims can vary greatly depending on how fundamental they are. I'm not too sure about Jews, but I do know there are different kinds of Buddhism in Asia. But as an atheist, I'm just well, an atheist. Or as some Christians I personally know probably call us: God-hating heathens.

So I have decided to get creative with my belief system. Since an atheist doesn't believe in ANY kind of spiritual force, in my opinion, I'm more like a nihilist. However, I do believe that I have the power to change my own position in life, so I'm existentialist. But if any of you know me, you know I like my food, alcohol, and shiney things. So that leads me to conclude that I am an

Epicurean Existential Nihilist

Wow, that's mouthful, but it sure makes me sound deep, even though it's probably the most superficial anyone can get, muahaha.

Yah, that was just pointless blabbing.

Gordon says...

Why does it have to be a GUY with a B average and not a girl???

Karen says...

guess what i'm going this afternoon?? --> interviewing coop students.

my supervisor wants me to help pick out my replacement for september. just looking at the resumes and applications right now, it's been a surprisingly depressing task. *shakes head at ubc biochem honours people who have 90 percent in EVERYTHING* i know we have such people on this blog...but man, these transcripts and resumes are so bright my head hurts. premeds i'm assuming. perhaps this is my one chance to backlash at those supersmart people with superhigh GPAs...(no offense to those of you who fit in that category...but i'm bitter!) and i'll choose the one guy who has like a B average...*muahahahahah*

lack of good quality sleep...sanity questionable...

Stephen says...

Heh, sorry I've been gone so long. I work really long hours, and I get up every morning at 6:15 to swim 1.3 km. That means that I go to bed at 9:00, so no computer for me.

Ben: Take plants and people (Bio 343). It's the easiest fucking course ever. Haneen took it and got 87% with never having taken a plant course before.

I like candy too.

Don't complain for the sake of complaining. I'm Jewish, and even I don't exercise that right.... Hehe, Juden...

w00t! Finally getting a PS2 today!!!!! I've wanted one for years, and today my dreams come true!! Mmmmmm... Violence......

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

i'll need eye candy at my desk to make me study then. no wonder i'm so ineffective!

on second thought...actually, simple calorie-packed candy would do just fine...

Joanne says...

Yah, this weather bites ass. It's cold, but not so cold that you can bundle up in cute little scarves and such. It's raining, but not torrential enough for you to just stare out the window in awe and laugh at the people running past without umbrellas. But it's definitely cold enough for Dragonboat captain to not take his shirt off, meaning that it will simply be a chilly, wet, and tough practice without eye candy.

Yes, boredom is a luxury. But perhaps there are those of us who prefer the luxury of complaining 8D.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

ben: you need to check into the course itself to see if there are restrictions on how many credits maximum u can have before u take psyc 217. i took psyc 217 in my 4th year and i had been consistently taking summer

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

sucky, sucky weather...

on the other hand, i'm in a good mood. muhahahaha, its my bros' bday! and we'll have a huge ass CAKE for just the 3 of us! so of course im happy :D

Gordon says...

Hehe... I guess I should speak for tsawassen and say that it really IS a hole...but like Joanne pointed out. So is Toronto. Nevertheless, there IS more to do in T-town than you might think. Some things that come to mind are the all famous SPLASHDOWN park, Go-Karting, golfing, steps from the border, and... they have ONE subway and ONE McD =P .....oooooh...and a DairyQueen! hmm.... so's not entirely a hole... just more holish than...say...Burnaby =)

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

re: t-town. check out steve's quote of the ays it all :D

sorry tim!

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

im so sorry viv, I TOTALLY FORGOT (u did call me when i was standing in the pouring rain volunteering w/ a pen handy but hands too frozen to write in my organizer lol)

Volunteer Coordinator (Valri Wright) 604-737-0625 ext. 235 or email
Fax 604-737-0425

vivienne says...

Cindy: could I get the Bard on the Beach info from you? and do you REALLY not wanna go to T-town? *grin*

Unknown says...

Yo has anyone taken PSYC 304, 334, or 367... I'm considering those too... And I'm not sure if I can take a lower level course, so 217 might be out of the equation...

Karen says...

i must say that i agree...boredom implies leisure time and THAT is definitely a gift...oh how i wish i were bored...*dramatic sigh* (point taken about coop students who complain...although i find it's mostly me...can't really bring pat/gary/ben/christina down with me.)

oh and this morning, i experienced something i've never experienced before. after almost 14 years of living in canada, could it be that i've developed allergies?!?! for the first time, joyce...i felt your pain...hahaha. *sigh* the 'wanna sneeze but can't sneeze congested feeling'...blech!!

(surprisingly) highly over-rated item of the day: mango star jelly in bubble tea.
highly under-rated item of the day: sleeping in. enough said. (yeah, maybe i do like complaining...=P)

Gordon says... pleasing you guys eh? During school, all we see is whining about exams, midterms, assignments, essays, etc (and co-op people just complain period)....and during summer all you guys complain is that you guys are bored! GEEZ!! Enjoy it while it lasts! This is probably the LAST summer you guys will enjoy. Boredom is not's a GIFT..

Cherish it.

Joanne says...

I feel like this summer is becoming a waste. For me and a few others, it will be our last few months before we have to freeze our ass off somewhere east of here, and here we are complaining about how we're bored out of our minds 7 days a week. We should get activity planning committee going on or something here.

Haha, curbing frivolous spending. For me, I think nothing short of relinquishing my credit card, handcuffs, and a frontal lobotomy can stop me.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

a very early morning post

im tired...

Joyce says...

another late night post.

hi everyone! bah, i'm bored.

Monday, June 06, 2005

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

for the econ and money wise ppl, this is not for u

but for ppl who cannot hold a budget like me (:P):
7 ways to control your emotional spending
a simpler way to save: the 60% solution

Gordon says...

haha...fine..okay..I'll rephrase myself. GERM 433 is easy with respect to the number of hours you put into it and the number of hours of class you have to attend.

Oh, I heard ECON 310/311 was easy (but only with Ratna S. as the prof?). Peter would probably know this better than I do.

Karen says...

*ahem* GERM 433 is not THAT easy.......*cough*

ben, coming off coop, there's an apparent learning curve again...take it from me. *sigh*

Gordon says...

Hey Ben, if you want an easy elective, don't take PSYC 430 (the forensic one). My friend who did a psych minor took that last year and he LOVED the course, but just not the mark he got in it.

An easy one is definitely GERM 433. Take COMM 457/458 if you're good at math.


Sunday, June 05, 2005

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

hey ben, the psyc course i recommended was psyc 217 - "how to think straight in psychology". it's very easy because it basically teaches u what the difference between science and nonscience is....which u already know cuz u've been a science student all ur life!

Unknown says...

Hey guys I think I've bugged a lot of you on MSN about this question already. But here's for those I didn't bug... or if you have any other thoughts...
I was just wondering what are some good electives to take for fourth year.
I'm thinking not a language course cuz that's just not my cup of tea. And also, Cindy, you mention a couple of psych courses... Were you talking about the health and disorder one??
BTW, has anyone taken forensic psychology. That one looks pretty cool =D

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

thanks everyone for your input on digi-cams. if you remember anything more u'd like to share, please feel free to put it on the blog :D

viv: ur nocturnal? lol...i would love to be nocturnal as well. too bad im getting old...i cant stay up past 2am any longer (compared to my 4am sleeping regiments when summer break first started). thats ok :D i think im getting less breakouts! so sleeping early must be working! or it could be another confirmation that i am really getting old...hmm...

we definitely should do something some time :D chris is basically ignoring me for his online buddies, so meh. he'll say i'm expendable!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

vivienne says...



Btw..wth happened to the comic we were gonna do? I'm still waiting for your script, Pat. :p

vivienne says...

cindy: I haven't been doing much....sleeping all day and awake all night. I think I'm nocturnal.
Let's meet up and doing something sometime...providing you're not scheduling all your time with Chris.....X)

Stephen says...

I would have to say Nikon for cameras, granted I'm the kind of person who will spend more for a quality product, but the pictures you get from a Nikon are fucking great!

I like template 3, Google and Yahoo are boring, and the pink one is a little too distracting. Oh yeah, asses are nice too...

Speaking of getting up early, Star and I have been gettin up at 6:30 every morning to go swimming for 7:30. I feel really great, but can't really go out on weeknights because we go to bed at about 9.

So, when's the next movie marathon weekend?

Pat says...

few updates:

- just letting everyone know i havent died yet
- still disapproving of pastel colours
- b/w photo is a sure go for me
- apparently useless babble is still predominant in the blog

carry on.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Peter says...


Joanne says...

I must say, that is one nice smooth ass.

I remember the days when 4.5 hours of sleep was considered a lot...haha.

Karen: I'm so jealous! I still have at least 4 presentations before I leave Vancouver.

Joyce says...

guys, your favorite geek (me) is bored. here are some blog templates, tell me what you think
I'm just kidding
Guys will be very happy (and maybe joanne, too)

oh. cindy, check out this site for digi cam reviews

Karen says...

*so happy*

yay!!! my presentation's allll over. =) karen can now return to normal. wahhahahaahah. just finished it this morning. no more huge-assed presentation for rest of coop term. i'm so happy i'm up for doing favours. (yes, i do that sometimes; my sister tends to take full advantage.) REASONABLE favours.

gonna see miss saigon tonight. the thing's gotten really good reviews. people interested should student rush it some time...i think it's running til july?

slept 4.5 hours last night and i feel great!! have an awesome weekend everyone...i know i will. =P

hmmm...i still wanna see the interpretor...let's go see it next week sometime?? =P

PS: TOTALLY agree with the canon shakey hands bit. i have a canon, and sometimes shakey hands. yeah. *sigh*

Joyce says...

holy cow, for all the BT users out there, have you seen a download with 234 seeds and 196 peer? taiwanese talk shows rock!

Tim says...

Cindy: You really should be asking Leo these type of questions, but it's a shame he doesn't visit this blog. Since you probably just want a point and click camera I suggest one of the canon digital elphs, kinda like what Gordon has. Get a min/max of 3/5 megapixels respectively. I'm not too sure of shutter speed but most cameras should suffice. Don't spend more than $300 on a camera as I doubt you'll need the new features. How important is portability and size?

On a somewhat unrelated note, I bought a digital camcorder on ebay for $750 + $130 in accessories + $50 for cassette tapes :p...yay ebay! The same digital camcorder was on sale at a store on broad way for $989 so I saved $239 + tax (At least I hope I don't get charged tax as I'm shipping just across the border)

Joyce says...

cindy: the ones that you can adjust shutter speed is $$$$$. most of the camera out there aleady has shutter speed (and aperture) automatically adjusted. If you wan a simple one (u know, those "stupid melon camera"), it's everywhere.

2 things you should consider if u want to keep things simple: resolution and brand.
resolution: basically how many pixels/pic. the numer is higher the better. right now, mainstream ones are usually 5 megapixels or more. If you want cheaper ones, i'd say don't go for less than 3.2 Mpixels. It's decent enough to have nice photo printed from a photo printer.

brand: diff brand has diff quality. I'm all for Sony, while papa Ng may tell you how awesome his Canon is (bah, canon gives blurry pics 60% of the times - not shaky-hands friendly). My opinion is that you should go for brands that make optical instruments b4 the digi cam era (Nikon, Olympus, Sony, Sony, Sony) and avoid brand that makes electronics b4 and just jump on the band wagon (HP).

Joanne says...

Yes, the whole sleeping at 11 thing is totally awesome. I wasn't thinking of going out too late either...perhaps from 6ish onwards? However, do spend time with Chris if he's free 8).

Dang single-ness...

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

(cindy's blogging continues)

i just realized tho, if i wanna go clubbing some time in the summer, i'll for sure screw up my sleeping schedule.

meh. clubbing vs sleeping. clubbing wins!

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

tonight?! kinda tempted...what sorta hours are we talking about? cuz im trying to work towards waking up at 8 and sleeping before 11 kinda, that kinda restricts my socializing for during the day only

also i need to ask my papie first...he mgiht want to go out tonight, in which case i'll go with him (hey, i havent seen him in a i deserve this!) heehee...

on the other hand, i'm thinking of finally buying a digital camara - just a semi-decent one for recreational purposes, but main thing's gotta be CHEAP (dun want my daddy to go broke; afterall he's already putting money into my education). what sorta quality should i look for in a camara? like a shutter speed of...?

Joanne says...


Joanne is ABSOLUTELY (sorta...after work hours) free. Please call my cell! Heck, I'm so bored, I might even play basketball...or not...

Joyce says...

haha, cindy, i have no life either.
hurrah, i just found the name of the swatch I gladly accept from my brother, whom the gift was intended to. the name is Scottish Blue!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

heehee or that everyone has a life, unlike me

so whats up viv? wut haf u been doing these days?

vivienne says...

It's because...everyone's.....dead.........


NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

23 hours and 6 "renew page"'s later...
how come it's still my own post? whats up with everybody? lol

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

oh, and figure out what those exposure thing means. Ne neon? i hope the building isn't leaking natural elements...

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

bottom line:
room. big.
closet. big.
windows. view.
bathroom. big (personal pref. i "wiggle around" in my bathroom...)
neighhood. safe & convenient.

so joanne, me like all equally well; well, actually, i personally prefer open balconies altho it probly is more dangerous (in tw my aunt's place got broken into cuz someone entered thru the open balcony) and 3 rooms is probly plenty already imo (1 room for bedroom, 1 for closet, and 1 for study,...)

needless to say, u should probly eliminate a few of these and choose a couple to visit in person tho cuz they all sound good on paper...

Stephen says...

Hey everyone, sorry I've been gone. I started a new job yesterday and it's really time consuming. There are no natural disasters in Toronto. The worst thing they have is snow, power outages, and occasional (minimal) flooding... things that affect you no matter where in the city you live. So I don't think you really need to worry about natural disasters when looking at a place. I can't really say which one you should choose. I'm a big fan of cheap, but I'm also a big fan of good neighbourhoods (not necessarily rich neighbourhoods), so that's about the extent of my input.

Hehe Red vs. Blue.

Joanne says...

Hmm, one concern about being on the lower floor when a disaster strikes is that if for some reason the foundation of the apartment is compromised, and over 30 stories of concrete and steel comes crashing down.

Plus, when you're higher up, you're a bit more removed from the particulate air pollution generated by the traffic. Darn Brownian motion...

Wow! I'm actually getting feedback from yu guys! This is super-cool. These real estate agents in Toronto are real keen - they keep sending me stuff. What do you think of these ones?

But Bachelor's apartment, hmm....because I'll need an actual closet to store all my clothes.

As for pimping up a place in the Shangri-La, I think I'll have to accept my offer from Toronto before I can make ANYWHERE enough money to purchase something there.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

i never said i was good at this geography thing

ib history baby!