Friday, March 31, 2006

Unknown says...

all i have to say is GOOD JOB JOYCE!!!! I like the sidebar!

vivienne says...

I like Karen's choices...but all I can say is...

..WHERE IS COLIN FIRTH?!!!!???? Joyce, you're something about that! LOL

Black and white might be interesting...will drive people from having cardiac arrest to having suicide attempts. Be forewarned.

Karen says...

- eye candy -
girls, we need to stop letting ben choose our 'hot guys' for us. and thus, i have put up some of my favorites. =) and yes, i'm subjecting myself to attack from both guys and girls. (lord knows the P&C girls have different taste in guys...=P. which, is not necessarily a bad thing!!) yes, i'm prepared for impact. and that process of looking for and uploading pictures and making it look okay took soooo long for this non-techie that, to the relief of most i'm sure, i will not be uploading pictures for another long time!!! grrrr.

- colour divides us : a whole bunch of asians (i dare not say chinese...muahahaha =P)
hmmm, i'm with viv on this one, joyce. this green isn't all too aesthetically-pleasing. how about black/white? we've never had that and it's gender-neutral!!

my friday night of studying is going none too well...aiye.

Karen says...

mr. jensen ackles

mr. colin farrell

mr. dean cain (aka clark kent/superman...mmmm =P)

mr. ben mckenzie

Unknown says...

OH and i put forward a motion to change the quote of the week:

Leo on Gary... Gary's got bruises on his back, Leo has a sore ass...

- K.T.

Unknown says...

MUOAHAHAHAHA I think it's time for a webvote.... for the girls


DWYANE Johnson


Random Fat Guy

David Hasselhoff

Mr T

personally... I'd go for Mr T... I PITY DA FOO!


vivienne says...

BTW, you should change it to Phish & Chips -- Chlorophyll Style >.< or just...puke green. X.X

vivienne says...

No no no....NOT Schwarzeneggar! It has to be CHUCK NORRIS! HAHAHA...Walker...Texas Ranger!


1. Guns don't kill people. Chuck Norris kills People.
2. There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals Chuck Norris allows to live.
3. Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
4. The chief export of Chuck Norris is Pain.
5. There is no chin under Chuck Norris' Beard. There is only another fist.
6. Chuck Norris has two speeds. Walk, and Kill.
7. The leading causes of death in the United States are: 1. Heart Disease 2. Chuck Norris 3. Cancer
8. Chuck Norris drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls.
9. Chuck Norris is my Homeboy.
10. Chuck Norris doesn't go hunting.... CHUCK NORRIS GOES KILLING

Haha...I personally like 2, 3, and 5 the best. XD XD XD

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

i definitely prefer pictures of hot chic and hot guy a lot better. lol

sorry viv and karen

Karen says...

noooo... okay admittedly the pink is slightly gendered biased but what about the fruity skittles theme?? that was nice!!

PS: i never understand why hello kitty offends people!! pink, okay, sometimes the prettiness of the colour is a little in-your-face. but hello kitty??? it's just another cartoon!! and it's so cute!!! =P

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Joyce says...

can't stand it anymore. green it is

small modifications best view with firefox.

Unknown says...

Come to think of it, might as well start:


Unknown says...

I visited the blog and almost had a seizure... What's going on? Pink/orangy themes? hello Kitty pictures? How come none of the male admins complained yet........
I think we should make it dark blue and black, with pictures of expensive cars and gigantic medieval broadswords, roadkill animals, fighter jets dogfighting etc etc etc.... Hmmm... maybe we should spend an evening watching Conan (NOT the host of late night shows, the Barbarian played by Arnold when he was still like 600 lbs of muscle), eating big German sausages with our bare hands topless.

vivienne says...

Are Karen and I the only people who actually like this pink theme? :p

Tim says...

Great, I don't visit the blog for like a couple months and all I have to say is '....WTF?'

Joanne says...

Haha, this reminds me of that psychological experiment where they put a bunch of prisoners in a pink jail and they all went crazy.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

AHHHHHHHH....i think i just had an heart attack...

Karen says...

hehehehe. sorry joyce. i couldn't help it. =) hello kitty is my 2nd favorite (after winnie the pooh of course! =P).

vivienne says...

Joyce, I love you.

Joyce says...

great. the blog is pink. i didn't know what i was thinking. but my hormone's weird recently with all the pimples and bitchy comments i made about girls in our class. it's the stress or maybe it is the weather. I came to the realization that the girls never had any girly theme, so, risking sending myself into cardiac arrest, the blog is now full of PINK.

Girls, enjoy it for a day ;) .... or until another male admin cannot take it anymore.

oh, and i realized i kinda broke my promis of not to turn the blog pink when i took on the admin job.

Karen says...

- oh happy day -

look at the sunshine!!! vancouver, sunshine, vancouver, sunshine. yay!!! =) *happy dance*

can we change the heading to: phish and chips - taste the rainbow? hehe. =)

PS: the birthdays in this group are too clumped together, there are like these big gaps of nothingness for my B.R.O. duties. yep, yep...viv... even those young @ heart have to age...muahahahahaha.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

ahhh...i'm so sorry i missed it by 2.5 + volunteer and then I just got home...

Happy Belated Birthdays to Leo and Li Kai!

Unknown says...

PS1 - Anyone up for Shabusen after finals? (obviously not the dinner/dance day)

PS2 - I know I should have been working on the yearbook. I PROMISE, after finals, I'll work hardcore on it (with Pat of course)... so yeah... I'll start collecting photos then i guess.... back to studying *sob

PS3 - Likai, I was thinking of something... donno if you would be up to it.... since it involves using ur house... again... I was thinking of compiling everyone's photos onto a DVD, make it into a slide show (there are short video clips too of course)... and basically showing it on ur big screen TV downstairs (hooked up to my laptop or something)... and it'd just be a chillaxing evening of booze/games/watching the oh-so-young faces of everyone back in the days on ur big-screen TV. Your house of course, so your call... If not, I'm sure we can find another venue (it's just ur name came to mind first... blame gary... use likai...)

Unknown says...

Big happy B Day to Likai (Leaky) Wang and Leo (... ... Leo... ... SOLDIER!) Leung. I shall celebrate your birthday by RUNNING A PURIFICATION COLUMN AND WRITING MY THESIS ALL DAY! YES!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Gordon says...

haha... you're NEXT viv!

vivienne says...

Nice new theme! Um...very...fruity...colours.....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEO AND LIKAI! (hahahaah...Likai already heard my "birthday greetings" today---YOU'RE OLD!!!)

Leaky Wang!!!! says...

Thanks guys! Man, do I ever feel the sands of time whipping by...just the other day I swear I heard 6 or 7 cracking sounds when I got out of bed...think it's to save up and put lots of money into my RSP and insurance.

Joanne says...

Happy birthday, boys! Just 2 more years away from the quarter century mark!

I wonder if men are actually that embarrassed to acknowledge that their spouse/significant other is their personal groomer, especially with the whole metrosexual phenomenon. I know a certain anesthesiologist who can carry an entire conversation on facials, have a boyfriend who recognizes what brand HEELS I have on without looking at the label on the insole, and found a former sous chef at Susur slash cardiologist who is formulating heart-healthy recipes for a Heart and Stroke cookbook.

So what I propose is, should us women be afraid that this role we've traditionally held will soon become defunct? Will we no longer have to look after those stray hairs and preach about healthy diets? Because I admit, it's strangely amusing to hear a guy scream when you hold tweezers to his eyes 8P.

Christopher says...

Happy Birthday to you two!!

Karen says...

all the best...=)

Monday, March 27, 2006

Karen says...

- ohhh calendar postings! -

friday, march 31st @ 10am - 2nd last breakfast club meeting @ 99 chairs - theme: business formal

friday, april 7th @ 10am - FINAL (*sob*) breakfast club meeting @ 99 chairs - theme: twins day (see pat for twin assignment.)

1st week of may - 3rd season of summer neutrinos begins!!!

friday, may 26th @ 11am - the 50th ubc biochem class graduates @ chan centre, reception to follow @ lsc!

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

new dates for the calenders!
- April 28 BPP Grad Dinner Dance
- May - insert other post-graduation festivities
- early June Cindy quits job and travels Europe with Chris!!

Christopher says...

Excerpted from today's Vancouver Sun Editorial:

It’s often said that behind every great man there’s a great woman. What they don’t tell you is that she’s there because she’s either shaving her partner’s back, popping his hard-to-reach zits or exfoliating the dead skin off his sunburn.

Ask any guy and he’ll admit — perhaps a tad reluctantly — that at least one female in his life has prodded him with tweezers, tugged at a stray eyebrow hair or attacked a pimple on his back as if it were threatening the state of democracy.

Some might call it obsessive.
We prefer to call it good spousekeeping.

Because men don’t come with warranties, their significant others can’t return them to the manufacturer — namely, mommy dearest — when something malfunctions. So it’s imperative to perform regular maintenance, which entails everything from monitoring his cholesterol to overseeing his skincare habits and preventing the unholy union of socks with sandals.

Of course, straight men would sooner watch a Highway to Heaven marathon with Richard Simmons than submit to the whims of a wannabe spousekeeper. But upon realizing that a woman brandishing tweezers, antiseptic and a safety pin is likely the closest they’ll ever get to S & M, most surrender.

Not surprisingly, this type of gritty discourse is lacking around the water cooler, thus leading every man to believe he’s alone in being treated like a science project in the bathroom. Each feels that if anyone were to discover why his nose hairs no longer runneth over, Maxim would suspend his subscription and he’d be denied entry at Hooters.

Today, we break the code of silence and recognize those who have suffered physical indignities in the name of female neuroticism. Men, believe it when we say you are not alone. Just follow the trail of pink testosterone.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

vivienne says...

ah....Ben I think you just jinxed it by saying that I jinxed it! ...

vivienne says...

Ben: It's not my fault!! ..!!! *runs away*

HAHA..whenever you say "soldier" it cracks me up. Makes me think of the remix of Pussycat Doll's Dontcha...

Friday, March 24, 2006

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

Joyce: I read!~

Everyone else: can we please talk about something else other than disturbing quotes? *shudder*...

Unknown says...

Viv I think u just jinxed them.... If they start to lose it's your fault!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

vivienne says...

Wow...did anyone actually WATCH the 'Nucks game tonight? Stupid PPV, can't afford it. LOL...did listen to it on the radio, and it sounded like a great game. Wow..maybe they COULD win 3/3 games with the Oilers....they're on a roll.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Unknown says...

Gary : "My dad plays well, he rapes me every time"

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Stephen says...

Yes, the quote of the week is very disturbing. I'm going to use my super-admin powers to change it. Who put that up there in the first place? Is Li-Kai suddenly an admin? That quote has his name written all over it.

Unknown says...

So.... it's 7:50 PM here at the Beannery and I'm having a blast!!! writing my THESIS!!! NO JOKE!!! wanna know why??
Jason and his Jazz Trio is playing here!! haha. it's pretty awsome. I can't believe I haven't heard him play in like... well.. ever.....
Everyone who is not here is missing out!! haha man... if only all homework/studying can be this relaxing....

Friday, March 17, 2006

vivienne says...

Joanne: Hahah...we had a whole Breakfast Club discussion about the Quote of the Week. We ALL find it disturbing.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Karen says...

- delayed warning -

this past academic year, the popularity, and thus frequency (...and apparently, severity) of the 'your mom' jokes have been on the rise amongst biochem boys.

*shudders* reporting live from the ubc biochem grad class of '06 in vancouver.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Joanne says... I the only one who finds the Quote of the Week disturbing?

vivienne says...

I wuv Karen.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Karen says...

- FYI -

i did not have any part in that nomination. i don't know anything about websites beyond i can't help it if vivienne loves me. *lol*. keep admins are they are. admin activity should reflect blog activity. currently, it's about right. =P

Monday, March 13, 2006

vivienne says...

It has come to my attention that our admins have not been doing their duties. The "quote of the week" is now "quote of the year" so may I suggest an election to re-elect our admins and at the same time I also nominate Karen To as a new admin.

Please do your duty as a P&C and vote! Karen for admin!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Joyce says...

hahaha, good one, karen

Karen says...

aiye, aiye captain! i mean, dr. captain! i will do my best *salutes* =P

good call choosing a place relatively close to campus. cuz there are SOME people who like to complain about places that are "guuuum" far. we know who we are *wink* =P.

Joyce says...

Memphis Blues... waahhh.. i want to be there!

spring break ends tomorrow.
histology exam and operative practical exam on thursday.
whee... school.. is fun..

kill me


Christopher says...

I'm back in Vancouver! Woohoo!
(It's really cold here....)

Outing on Friday!

Anyhow, I hope you guys are done all your exams/thesis/whatever hellish activities mean people are making you do. I propose an outing on Friday to catch up while having some good, albeit probably death inducing, eats.

Date: Friday, March 17th.
Time: 8 PM (Cindy doesn't get off until 7:30)
Location: Memphis Blues (Granville and Broadway)

Afterwards we can go for some dessert at the Cheesecake place or go for some Bubble Tea.

If you read this, do tell others who may not read the blog very often. And more importantly get confirmation if they are coming or not. I'm counting on you guys, especially Karen to get the news out! So post if you are coming or if you know someone else is coming.


Thursday, March 09, 2006

Joanne says...

A social observation in Toronto:

Nerdiness affords you POPULARITY at UofT.

My goodness, if I knew this, I would have came to this school long ago, hehe.

Stephen says...

I am alive.

Despite not haveing been on the blog since December (note the new corner comments no longer concerning eggnog), I do still exist. Sales are down, the owner is a fucking nutcase, and I'm actually looking forward to going back to school so that I don't have to tell fat women they look good in ridiculously overpriced clothing. Thank god I have $150/month clothing allowance so I can buy things that look nice on me. Oh yeah... my wife gets stuff too.

Apart from that, you'll have to excuse my not reading three months of back-posting to be up to date on the issues of your lives (and to correct your spelling and grammar). I'll try to be more of a presence here from now on.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Karen says...

- happy international women's day -

cindy, did you just cheer for injuries??? please do take a break from those appies! =P

viv, i get those too!! but i always just assume it's cuz i'm clumsy. i constantly get bruises from nowhere also! are there medical explanations for this oh future mds out there?? or it's just umm, lack of grace. hahahaha.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

- sometimes i remind myself of dracula -

*cindy perks up from her masters' application hole*
did i just hear blood?

i'm dying to see major bleeds. haven't touch those in a while...i'm gonna forget my skills!

*goooooooo injuries!*

vivienne says...

-strange thing that happened to me today-

As you all know, I take the bus home on the 99, right? so anyhow, I went home after my biol 205 lab, slept on the bus, took the skytrain, only to find out that apparently my finger had been bleeding and apparently it had been doing so for a while because there was this congealed bloody mass on it. O.o;;;

How is it possible to bleed and NOT know? :p I think I might've cut myself in the lab when I was dissecting the Schistocerca gregaria (fancy scientific taxon for the desert locust :p). . .

Karen says...

- yay we're done!!! -

yep chris, you were right, yay low grade pizza lunches!! yay mostly boring talks that i don't care about.

ben, i TOTALLY saw you sleeping through my talk!!! you missed out on ground-breaking research in the breast cancer field!!! and yes, i've always like dr. mauk and all the jokes he cracks in lectures that nobody ever laughs at.

and now, i have nothing to do for the rest of the term except for write the thesis. woohooooo. can this be...there is light at the end of the biochem tunnel...? yay! *happy dance* =)

have a great day/evening you guys!

PS: cindy, good luck!!

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...


i HATE applications!

Unknown says...

Remarks about the 449 Thesis Seminars

Well, that went relatively pleasant/sleepy. But congrats to everybody on a job well done. Just a few observations

- wow ERIC's presentation was like the only one I was 100% wide awake for... even though he's not on this blog... GJ SOLDIER!

- Brayer's group looked a little sad <-- GUAM BORING NO WET LAB STUFF... man... if Brayer forced those projects on them, he's pretty evil (unless they like all that computer stuff I guess)

- Mauk pretty much grilled everyone. But at least you know he's awake and listening... and thinking... haha I cant believe Im saying this, but I am actually impressed with Mauk. He's a hardass and all, but at least he's thinking/coming up with new possibilities, and he's the type that's not afraid to speak up and out.

Jen, (the hot phD student from my lab if you guys saw her today) told me Mauk was on the panel for her comp exam. But he was not supposed to ask questions. He did anyway haha.

Phew, if you managed to read all that, GJ SOLDIER!

over and out

Christopher says...

Lol bah, thats simply her name. Fie on all of you for not using it.

Karen: I wish you the best of luck. But I'm sure you're more than ready. Its more of a fun day thats rather pointless, so relax and bask in the fact the department is providing cheap low grade pizza lunches. All in exchange for a short presentation, a years worth of work and a large tuition fee.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Karen says...

- inane details of my day -

ooh, can i share? even though i'm not viviENNE. hahaha i TOTALLY know what you mean viv, i can hear it too! =P also, viv, the rocks that was brilliant. hahahahahahaaha. i thought that was so funny. totally cracked me up. hahah ha ha ha. *sigh*.

1) today, i ate so much my stomach hurt. omg, who does that after the age of 10?! *lol* joyce, remember that taiwanese place downstairs village that we always went to in 3rd year? 3 dishes plus rice, i ate the entire thing. seriously. we used to save it for dinner remember?? omg. and i didn't even skip breakfast today.

2) tomorrow is 449 seminar day. joanne/chris - oh the good old days? my blood and tears for the past 6 months in 12 minutes?!?! you've gotta be kidding me. so long, thesis boyfriend! and yay, after 4 years, finally a perk for being in biochem honours -- free lunch tomorrow!

3) chris, yeah, we should get together when you're in town!

4) viv, congrats. perhaps we shall see a saner vivienne at breakfast club this week. =P

i'll be back...

vivienne says... a matter of fact, Chris, I HAD no life for the past month or so! (Trust me . . . everyone in Van knows about my 7-midterm-spree . . .I haven't slept, eaten, or functioned properly for the past 4 weeks. I am NOT kidding.)

Now that my last midterm is OVER! (as of today, yay!) I would LOVE to go out for dinner with you and the rest of P&C that I've ditched. -_-;; When are you coming to Van? I work on Mon & Wed from 4-6 pm, so that's the only time when I can't make it.

BTW, when I saw "VIVIENNE" in your post, I could hear instantaneously in my head the distinct way you say my name. -_-; is that freaky or what?

PS. Cindy: Your job rocks. Get it? (Ahahahah.... post midterm insanity)

Christopher says...

Lol, bah the blog shouldn't be dead. We just need to share more inane details about our lives. (Especially YOU Vivienne! I know nothing about your life)

As for me, I'm going to be returning to Vancouver this Friday for March Break. Are you guys up for dinner next Friday? Or any other day for that matter?

Sunday, March 05, 2006

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...


well i'd love to post my own life on here too but that's why i have my own i can write whatever i want to write :D

but i guess not everyone reads my blog so i'll just post something nice and short as a summary as a recent entry i made

i finally know why many ppl think working in the jewellry store is fun

i played with a round cut 1.61 carata E color VVS2 quality (ideal cut) yesterday, priced at 49k. and i may have sold a princess cut 4.01 carat F color VS1 quality (ideal cut) yesterday, priced at 119k, if not for the fact another customer has it on hold for him. and no, i have never handled merchandise greater than 25k lol so those were a treat. they really could sear your eyes...and that would have been pretty sweet commission

no wonder the new recruit in my store is so competitive...

Saturday, March 04, 2006

vivienne says...

This blog is so dead, it's not even funny. I knew that it was a bad omen to have that skeleton fish as the avatar for "Phish and Chips" . . .

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Joyce says...
I wonder how many servings of calamari can come out of that