hi guys! back from europe, but leaving for taiwan in slightly more than 12 hours!
europe's been fun (but also tiring). we got to catch some of the world cup games in the bars. in barcelona we went to a touristy place so no one was cheering, but in paris we were among a bunch of hardcore french soccer fans and that was awesome.
what else. people in europe smokes too much. or maybe it's just that they haven't outlawed smoking in restaurants/bars...and i love metros. so fast and convenient! why isn't vancouver's transit like that?
italian girls are fashionable. pirated goods are sold openly on the streets. oh and we witnessed a pickpocket in rome! she was only 8...
fav cities:
vienna. things were very expensive (comparable to london) but who doesn't love castles and random beautiful buildings?
barcelona. nice modern city with a very busy street vendors for all your needs. and
madrid. awesome tapas we had there, altho chris got me "drunk" so i didn't get to enjoy the nightlife (we were only there for one day. trained in one day and trained out the next).
least fav: sorry but
london's air grosses me out. we were washing our faces every chance we've got and ur snot is all black. we caught the changing of the guards at buckingham palace tho and that was impressive.
overrated: maybe it's just me, but i find "romantic cities" highly, highly overrated. (then again, as many of you know i'm the last person on earth who appreciates romanticism. lol)
venice. love the rustic feel and the random shops u can find at every corner at first, but the sense of appreciation and adventure quickly wears off when you are getting lost. the streets intertwine, come to a dead end, and signage is very, very confusing. even with a map
anyhow. back to the blog. awww...poor karen. it's okay. cooking IS overrated. just get a guy like chris who will arrange all your nutritional (actually, whether it is nutritional is quite questionable) needs for you by either cooking or has an entertainment book discounts.