Thursday, February 22, 2007

Karen says...

advice of the week: eating known questionable foods a couple of days before important events is NOT a good idea!!! or at least don't eat all of lots of raw oysters, lots of raw beef, lots of sashimi of all sorts, ice cream and mango pudding all in one sitting.

cindy: take heart that maybe your friends are just having the off inconsiderate day and you're having your off cranky day. =) good to have something therapeutic like piano for release =).

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

in horrible, horrible mood...(no, not cuz of exam results; not out yet still)

i hate ppl who just start talking to others in the middle of my sentence when i have something to say

i know they were discussing peeing on each other and whatever (friend's episode) but when ive been researching and phoning and setting up appointments while they were having fun (and it's important as an apartment viewing appointment tomorrow), shut up and listen for a sec. oh, and a nice little "thank you" wouldn't have hurt.

i just gave up and walked away and played my piano for 2 hrs. WHATEVER. i'll just email the details out. maybe i should reconsider living w/ them next yr...cuz at this rate im gonna be playing the piano 24/7.

or maybe i've just been severely lacking my space and my sleep. maybe i shouldnt go out clubbing tonight. am i really becoming too cranky????

Monday, February 19, 2007

Joyce says...


Friday, February 16, 2007

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

final on monday...
and i am still more than halfway behind...

i shouldnt worry about grades cuz i'll pass and get my degree, i know
but i do
i do

and i hate myself for it!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Karen says...

(hehe not that becca checks this site, but since it's my duty to remind ppl, here's my reminder. =P)

*mutters* rookie administrator... *grumbles* stubborn personality...

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

the SUV parked outside my window is 2/3 buried under i am supposed to trek (or more like, swim) across that much snow to even get to the main road is a big question

school is cancelled for albany school of pharmacy, nursing, law...
but not for mine...

sooooo tempted to skip class....argh...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Peter says...

VANCOUVER (Reuters) - The stakes were raised yesterday in an escalating internal conflict within Phish and Chips (TSX: PC) when members overwhelmingly passed a motion to cease all activity on the blogspot site. With the attendance and quality of posts in freefall state, this development was the final blow to an already struggling enterprise. The trouble started when original founder Patrick Tam quietly launched a sister site on Facebook (NYSE: FCB), which slowly grew into the hub of current Phish and Chips activity. Unfortunately, some members within the inner circle resisted the migration, namely rookie administrator Karen To. Analysts suspect that To will lose her position of prominence within P&C indefinitely until members return to the site and put an end to her isolation. Some critics have said that the move was too harsh, at a time when members were needed the most. However, all critics were silenced when reminded of To's infamously stubborn personality. The future of the blogspot site hangs in limbo as its members negotiate this dire conflict.

Karen says...

*lol*. confront things you don't like by embracing them... i LIKE IT!! =P =P

PS: good luck w/ the snow. i'm SO glad it seems like vancouver is finally done with the white fluffy stuff. *knock on wood*

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

yup yup...happy valentine's day...

i wore red to celebrate even tho i hate the cause...then again, how best to deal w/ an issue other than to confront it eh??? hahaha...

p.s. lots of snow over here in albany. sidewalk no longer existent. neither do stairs. dont know how tall the snow is but some cars are stuck in the middle of the street. and all the schools and businesses were closed except for ours. damn med keeners...

Karen says...

yay you guys are back!! well sorta... =P

happy valentine's day everybody =) =) =).

Monday, February 12, 2007

Christopher says...

Cindy: Congrats on your score! See no matter how hard you think it is, you'll never do worse than you normally do. So go relax, smile and have some fun. Don't sweat about your missed lectures.

Joyce says...

Sunday, February 11, 2007

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

27 lectures behind and i've been at starbucks all week

even i am beginning to wonder if i am pretending to study a little bit too can i fall behind that much????

Saturday, February 10, 2007

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

p.s. i passed neuro
smack in the middle of the bunch

yay :D

will not become a neuro-surgeon i promise. looks like i am heading towards becoming a generalist afterall...or maybe orthopedics. i don't know. muscles and bones are cool.

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

i'm still here too...

-4 degree celcius today. how warm!!!!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Joyce says...

i'm still here.

oh, i had trouble posting when i switched to the new account, but then it worked again. maybe ppl experiencing problems will be able to post in a few days.

Karen says...

coommeeee baaaaaaacccckkkkkkkkk...

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Karen says...

paaaatt!! update this blog onto the new google version so ppl can post on it again!! ben and tim can't anymore.

and like i always say to gordon, you guys are soooooo meeeaaaaaannnnnn!! cooommeeee baacckkkkkk... please??? =( =)

OH, and so today, i was walking outside, and it was nice and WARM. i could've walked out in a T-SHIRT and still be pretty good. and i would NOT FREEZE TO DEATH!! and what? tomorrow's temperature? is POSTIVE ten??? what? not NEGATIVE TWENTY?? feels like negative THIRTY? AND i will never have to contemplate LONG UNDERWEAR. *shrug* just thought i'd share.

i know there's money involved!! hmmph!!

Joyce says...

peter, no influence!

Peter says...

hey guys! check out these RIDICULOUS PICTURES OF KAREN ON FACEBOOK!!! my, they suuuuuure are ridiculous!!!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Peter says...

*avoids eye contact around the room* *awkward silence* wow............... this sure is a BORING place to chat... i think i'll go over to that other place where all those RUMOURS, DIRT, and other FUN stuff are being posted... i wonder if anyone else will join...... cuz i'm sure anyone who does would just LOVE it... yup... what a wonderful place of JOY and HAPPINESS and GREAT THINGS that someone is missing out on.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Karen says...

you guys couldn't even have the decency to say all that behind my back in the magical land of non-karen and non-ben... (i know where all you ppl have been on very very slow p&c blog days!! hmmph!!) and, AND, you both have clearly NOT hung out with me recently cuz i'm SOOOO much cooler now than before. yep! hah! =P hehehe.

Peter says...

well, what i meant was that she used to be less uncool... but i didn't wanna just say it straight up... she might have feelings you know...

Pat says...

"you know karen, you used to be cool..." (quote, end quote)

... really??
[man.. sometimes you guys make it way too easy..]

Joyce says...

How about the surrogate? Did you guys account for that?

Monday, February 05, 2007

Peter says...

you know karen, you used to be cool...

Tim says...

Man, that is so wrong in so many ways...

Karen says...

re: ambiguous quote of the week.

explanation: at dinner @ congee noodle house, gary was lamenting over how lonely he will be in winnipeg for the next couple years. (gary... like i keep saying, you'll be plenty UNLONELY if you stay in vanc with us =P.) so to cure such potential loneliness, we decided that... he could somehow put a girl of choice to sleep, extract eggs from her ovaries, take eggs back to winnipeg, where he can in vitro fertilize them, and have a child with such girl. 6 years later, with a phd and several nature papers in hand, gary will come back to vancouver to tell the mother of his child what he did. because well, i think it'd be immoral otherwise. better yet, we then decided that he could just take a strand of her hair and clone her in winnipeg. then he can have a gf, and all the eggs and children that he wants in winnipeg. *nods*. yup. this brilliant plan was brought to you by the APCBBG - vancouver chapter (the association of P&C biochem/biology graduates.)

*shakes head*. i feel retarded just for remembering that conversation so clearly. =P

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Joyce says...

speaking of the past...
chris's obssession of opera gloves still exists. hahahaha

Gordon says...

as we are all reminiscing the past, dunno if any of you ever watched Tiny Toons, but if you're in need of learning some neuroanatomy, no one beats the Brain in teaching the brain (hahahaha...yup bad joke... whatever).

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Tim says...

Haha, that was an awesome conversation...aah the good ol' days. All of a sudden I have a craving for gomae salad....

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

hi guys...long time no blog!!!

love the little convo viv has inserted

oh, and also...i'd like to know what is behind the quote of the week pls...who do i inquire to?????

Thursday, February 01, 2007

vivienne says...

Hahha...well, since no one has blogged anything for a while, I started browsing the old posts and found myself reminiscing, or rather, shocked at how immature and idiotic we sounded.

I propose we start up a "RETRO Quote of the Week."

Example: this was part of a post from the very first archive...


(this was from that 8 man MSN convo chat we had back in the early days)

Tim: I'll get my wife to eat lots of spinach
Tim: and I'll get green kids
Tim: that can photosynthesize
Viv: Nice,'vegetable' kids
Leo: They grow when you put them out in the yard
Leo: You can pick Tomatoes off them
Karen: No no! You can grow RICE on them!
Tim:you pick potatoes off of them and give them to your wife!
Viv: Potatoes grow in the ground though...
Viv: Your gonna stick them in the ground?
Tim:hey they're my kids, if I tell them to grow out of the ground they will!


Poor kids.