Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Unknown says...

Yo guys, if i set up a private ice hockey game who would be interested? it would be quite toned down since not everyone can skate well and not everyone has played hockey b4. I'm looking at ice rinks in downtown and new west right now... lookin at probably ~10-20$ /person...


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

Merry Christmas everyone~

Friday, December 14, 2007

Pat says...

oh yeah.... phish and chips.. i forgot about you....

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Karen says...

hehe wow, i got kudos from none other than peterli! that's... a surprise... fine... i'll consider calling you when i'm in edmonton next... =P

Karen says...

yup it's pat's b-day! though by the time ppl see this, we would've already been a day late...

Monday, December 10, 2007

NeverGonnaGrowUp says...

lol re: grammar and spell check police

it's ok joyce, on the floor no one will correct us for our mis-spellings cuz all the formularies will all be printed and automatically spell checked and charts are all written in short hand anyways :D:D:D that's my excuse for my bad spelling

speaking of which, the other day in class we received a chart comparing similarities between drug names w/ totally different mech of action...aka illustrating prescription errors as a source of drug toxicity to patients. pretty scary...even as a pharmacology grad i saw the list and had to look really carefully to distinguish them. tricky, tricky business...

Friday, December 07, 2007

Joyce says...

thnx steve. the spell check function on firefox was turned off that day for some reason. this is what you get from writing nothing but charts for a while.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Stephen says...

Oh man, spelling and grammar police to the rescue! (Sorry, it's been a while)
  • "DUCT tape" is used for ducts whereas "DUCK tape" is used for ducks (may not actually exist...)
  • "Shiny" as in "sparkling" versus "shinny" as in "like a shin"
  • "glue gun" is two words

I don't mean to pick on you, Joyce, it just kind of happened...

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Joyce says...

ben: the toilet brush wand was originally a shinny star wand with a piece of fake poop on it. I later added the toilet brush to the wand, first with duck tape and then gluegun.

Joyce says...

Here's a VERY politically incorrect conversation I had one day with my classmate who's a Jewish Persian.

classmate: I smell burnt rice. *looks at me* Oh, wait, it's you.
me: *point at his arm* wow, that's a lot of hair.
classmate: well, at least your uncle made good calculators
me: yet what did your uncle do?
classmate: ... made good rugs?

Monday, December 03, 2007

Stephen says...


So long kidney, repro, and endocrine!!!!!!

I'm officially forgetting everything I know about you.

Now my patients can die of diabetes, kidney failure, and pregnancy!