Monday, December 06, 2010

Joyce says...

awww, he's so plump and cute! I want to bite his fingers and make him cry!!!
(I actually think babies under the age 3 are really cute when they cry..... hmm.. maybe this is why I eventually end up doing peds.)

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Stephen says...

Joyce: the new header made Star and I laugh for a long time!

It seems I've lost track of time completely. Sorry, Karen. I'm glad to hear that everything is going well for you. Star was so nauseated throughout the entire pregnancy. She says it was like having the flu for nine months.

I'll add a few pictures of the little Pikachu (I don't know how he got that nickname, Star called him that once when we were rhyming things, and it just sort of stuck). Karen, if you have any questions about how things went for us (cloth diapering, breastfeeding, keeping a baby warm when it's ridiculously cold outside) or need to vent, please call us.

Anyhow, without further ado:

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Karen says...

hi steve! joyce very kindly posted a link to p&c original blog on fb to remind us to come back here. hope you and star and rafael are all doing well! how time flies, the little guy is almost 6 months old! hopefully you guys are getting more sleep now?

our due date is december 28th! we're @ 36 weeks this week, and i'm feeling quite good. the pregnancy has fortunately been relatively easy on me. we've been slowly and randomly buying clothes and toys and books and blankets and etc etc. buying baby stuff is so fun! we're both getting nervous and excited, and not to worry, we will announce/post pictures when the time comes :).

take care and post more pics :).

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Joyce says...

Steve, Jungbug won't be born till late December. Stay tuned!